I'm willing to listen, Sup Forums

I'm willing to listen, Sup Forums.

Explain to me why the Holocaust never happened.

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it did to a certain extent. But 6 million Jews didn't die by being shoved into gas chambers. Almost 90 million people died in WW2 it's about relative proportions.

google gemar rudolf

Elaborate, descriptivefag.

Start with this


me on the right

Beecus theres dis place called the Institute of Historical Review based around based Robert Faurisson, Carlo Mattogno, Germar Rudolf, David Cole, Erndt Zundel and friends and they basically say so :)

Also I watched this omfg eye opening video on j00toob called TGSNT

check and mate


>It's not nice to call people fags, faggot. Are you fucking retarded? Lots of people's and cultures were destroyed in WW2, the Jew whine the loudest and prosecute people that claim it didn't go down as horrifically as they pontificate. Also go fuck yourself

who gives a crap about what a bronze age fairy tale book has to say.

fun fact: christians copied half of it (OT)

Thought it would mention that the Talmud has references to the holocaust and the number 6 million. Oops.

All bodies shown were starved. Why spend money on gas and gas chambers when all you have to do is not feed them.
Now why were they starved? Look at the pics of the guards. They were skinny as fuck too. That's because Germany couldn't feed it's own people let alone people in forced labor camps.
Allies policy of bombing all roads, railroads, bridges, trucks, and warehouses starved and killed more in the Camps than anything else. Not only did Germany have a shortage of manpower on the farms, they had no way of moving the meager amount of food they had. Why do you think so many German woman were marrying or prostituting themselves to foreign soldiers? For food.

Of course allies can't be the bad guys, so it wasn't our fault. The Nazi's totally used resources to gas those poor people at the end of the war.

The Nazis simply didn't posses enough gas of any kind to have been able to kill mass numbers of people. It's more or less accepted on Sup Forums that the Zyklon B which camps kept stocked was for killing ticks, fleas, and other disease carrying insects that could be found on the prisoners' clothes. Disease and starvation were the primary causes of death in concentration camps. As a result, they needed a way to get rid of dead bodies so that the diseases wouldn't spread further. This is where the crematoriums come in. It's ludicrous to believe that the Nazis would spend so many resources to transport millions of Jews to remote locations and then kill them in such unusual ways, especially later into the war when they couldn't even feed their own troops. As a matter of fact, the concentration camps were often better than what Nazi soldiers had to live in (ie: the presence or lack of toilets).

Then why does Himmler mention the Extermination of Jews in his 1943 Posen speech, an audio recording you can even find on youtube?

Let Stephen tell you all about why the holocaust didn't happen. youtube.com/watch?v=QlBA2zp992c

>Implying any sane Christians still use the Old Testament

I'd bet you've never read the Bible

Because it is an absolutely impossible event.
On top of that it makes no sense at all... When you begin to ask questions like, Why would Germans round up Jews from their far flung empire to begin with? Why round them up, feed them, clothe them, & treat them medically all so they could gas them and cremate them? Wouldn't a bullet on the spot have appealed to the legendary efficiency of Germans?

Seriously take an hour out of your life and watch vid related and you begin to seriously question the official narrative.

No one denies that Jews were rounded up, had their property seized and that they were mistreated as an ethnic group, revisionists simply wish to tell what truly happened to these people & find out how many actually died.

I personally believe between 600k-1mil Jews died as a result of starvation (after allies bombed Axis supply lines) and typhus. There were no gas chambers for killing Jews. They used zyklon b in these rooms to delouse clothes and other apparel.


Forgot pic

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 5:17-20

It's 66 questions by now, goy. If you want answers:


You ever feel that "Death Camps" and "Concentration Camps" aren't great places for cities?

>implying the nazis didn't play football with jewish babies
>implying the nazis didn't build holocoasters that ran into a wall and threw the jews into ovens
>implying the nazis didn't turn the jews into soap and lamps
>implying the ubermensch nazi guards at treblinka didn't gas and burn 12000 jews a day, pulverize their bones with hammers, mix the ashes with sand and spread it evenly over a gigantic area, every single day for over a year

>Sweden, Argentina pt. 2

You are right. The soil would be very fertile with organic matter. They should be made into plantations where rapefugees are forced to work.

>2 post OP