Controversial opinions

Do as the title says and post controversial opinions that are bound to disagree with either the mainstream opinion of the general Sup Forums opinion. Also this thread should try to be a judge free zone.

Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist
>This album is one of my top five favorite Smashing Pumpkins albums. I was first exposed to the greatest hits and then I was exposed to this album. I enjoyed the rock tone but desired more so I went through their catalog prior to Zeigeist. Some of those albums were truly inspiring but something about Zeitgeist kept me coming back to it. THe vocals are mixed way to high but the drums and rythm section are drool worthy. Not to mention that there are some straight up solid tracks, you have yourself a great regular album and an average pumpkins album. In spite of this, I have sentimental attachment to this album and will continue to rock with it. Playing United States as I type.

I've still never heard this album



On the subject of Smashing Pumpkins, I've only heard Siamese Dream and didn't like it.

Neocrust is better than d-beat

WitTR is only good live

Oasis > Blur

Eddie Vedder's folk songs are the best part of Pearl Jam

Ian MacKaye's voice works well for Fugazi, Minor Threat, and The Evens, but it made Embrace pretty awful

99% of NSBM is fucking terrible

Scream Bloody Gore is way more enjoyable than Leprosy. I won't say better, because the reason I don't enjoy Leprosy is that it literally feels diseased and gross, which I guess is the point. Despite this, I actually love goregrind-era Carcass, as well as the band Regurgitate

Carcass was a GOAT grindcore band, but I don't actually like their melodeath stuff. Despite that, I'm a huge fan of the melodeath band Hypocrisy.

Gojira is one of the GOAT metal bands, but they're still basically the Coldplay of extreme metal.

God Hates Us All is a good album.

Sodom is the best classic thrash band.

Blank Generation is one of the best punk albums ever.

Ray Cappo of Youth of Today is one of the greatest frontmen in the history of rock music.

Patrick Flynn of Have Heart is one of the most underrated lyricists ever.

Marina Diamandis and MIA are still attractive... even if MIA is a bit of a moron

Amebix had a huge, underrecognized influence on the sound that became second wave black metal

Interpol is terrible live

Sage Francis - Personal Journals is a fantastic album, and the only reason people don't like to admit it is because he's kind of an annoying guy.

"This Love" by Maroon 5 is a great song.

Miley Cyrus is way more tolerable when slutty than when wholesome

Tom Morello is an interesting guy whose opinions are worth hearing

Dee Snyder is a cool guy.

Avenged Sevenfold is a terrible fucking band.

GISM is overrated.

The Black Dahlia Murder is scenecore.

That is a perfectly reasonable opinion. The beauty of the Smashing Pumpkins is that every album has it's own distinct feel.

>Definitely a psychedilic record.

Siamese Dream
>An album that has gone through fifty different effects pedals and three different runs on pro tools.

Mellon Collie
>One of the most varied albums. Equal parts quiet, soft, introspective, and explosive.

>The Smashing Pumpkins tries their hardest to be a Cure album

Machina 1/2
>His second shot at a double album. Huge guitary effect pedals to give everything a metallic and eletronic edge. Very fascinating set of records that get better with every listen.

>Straight up rock record. One of the more accessible records of the discography.

Teargarden 1/2
>Very very divisive. Still give it a listen

>A true return to form. One of the more progressive albums they've made. Loud guitars and a true soundscape in the background. Very good.

Monuments to an Elegy
>A solid firing of Smashing Pumpkins to the audience. Very new Pumpkins sound, but polished to a mirror sheen. Interesting record.

The Beatles actually are fucking great by the metrics of consistency, listenability and danceability, things that should be valued highly.

Ian Gillian was the best vocalist Black Sabbath had.

>99% of NSBM is fucking terrible

This probably isn't controversial.

>Eddie Vedder's folk songs are the best part of Pearl Jam
My man

>Gojira is one of the GOAT metal bands, but they're still basically the Coldplay of extreme metal. Saw them live. I felt it in my chest. It was them and Lamb of God opening for Metallica. Fucking stellar experience.