>The Pope said: “Please they are our brothers. A Christian excludes no one. I ask all of you: Let everyone come.”
lel cuktholicks
>The Pope said: “Please they are our brothers. A Christian excludes no one. I ask all of you: Let everyone come.”
lel cuktholicks
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>catholics will defend this
like anyone would agree with him
Thank fuck i don't live in a catholic country
inb4 i live in a muslim country
I am now #LutheranArtillery
All polish people I know are catholic. All of them hate refugees.
What does it mean?
Please European brothers. Treat these poor refugees like whites are treated in South Africa. God bless.
>implying Poland and Hungary arent based
A schism is coming.
>pope asking people to do retarded shit
Is this the worst pope of all time?
I will not.
And I told my priest the other day that I despised this pope and he got very uncomfortable.
We could use more African children of Christ in Europe
This is bullshit and the current pope is a fucking joke. This post Vatican II era needs to die.
t. Catholic
At least the Lutherans actually follow the teachings of Jesus. Roman Catholics have completely lost their way.
francisco stop
Technically, yes.
You are living in a Muslim nation britbong.
good time to shoot that cuck in the head
That's not very Christian of you
Malachy has foreseen this day.
Fucking pope I won't step foot back into the church for as long as he's the pope. God damn traitor!!
You're damn fucking right it is
I don't care as long as they only end up in catholic areas.
Hopefully we can cut our benefits so the Pope can get our refugees.
Did you forget we're a religious of love, peace, tolerance, and mercy
We might even become martyrs once the Muslims rule
Guaranteed sainthood
Mafia your POPE needs you.
>they are our brothers
Are they actually Christians or just ooga-booga people?
Next, he'll call a new children's crusade.
That is, send young catholic children to refugee centres to "ease the suffering".
>Not cucks
What a piece of shit religion but what can one expect when it was created by Jewish cuckoldry
>jesuit pope
There was no chance this was going to end well.
Peter the Roman strikes again!
Why would I?
When visiting my parents I accidentally slipped that I strongly dislike the pope. They didn't really know how to reply, looked pretty uncomfortable desu.
Joseph was blessed to raise the son of God
>not complete and utter shit
They're the ones literally importing Somalian into the country.
Pope needs to be killed by a refugee.
>being catholic
Might as well commit suicide, thank G-d I'm not one.
>Not a apostle of the anti-christ
I can't believe some fags cannot see this. Truly the end time.
i wont defend this, fuck this man hes an absolute disgrace id rather have a Medici than this fucking muppet
>pic related its what should be done to his papacy
pathetic cuck pope.
CofE is the way to be.
>don't ever talk to me or my wife's son again
He's worse than the pope that put the corpse of a previous pope on trial.
I told my priest I hated him and asked if I was obligated to like the pope a couple months ago. He told me I don't have to like him and that Jesuits ruin everything. Your priest sucks, I'm sorry
>Let everyone come
either Francis is a severely retarded grandpa or Benedict really was the last pope
either way the end is nigh
reminder lightning struck the vatican when Benedict resigned.
God tried to warn us. He knew we were going to need the Hitler Youth pope during these trying times.
Even Jesus flipped some tables.
I thought John Paul II was pretty well liked, or was that just because he actually stayed pope for more than a month?
>I ask all of you: let everyone come
So how many can we expect the Pope to take in?
Why is any white person still Catholic?
The Archbishop of Canterbury is not any better.
Remember that time we almost had a nigger pope?
The Pope is bringing in reinforcements and converts them to Christianity because whiteys are too busy playing WoW, being SJWs and eating muslim jizz.
>That's not very Christian of you
remember that time when Jesus went around assaulting jews and destroying their property?
becouse I do
Pope Francis is the perfect (((Christian))) and doing exactly what Rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosuf would have done.
Sup Forums fake Christians don't agree with the Pope because they role play as deus vault faggots.
Lutherans are a joke, they are just as bad as Catholics with the immigrants, only they don't have so visible leader as Pope so nobody cares.
No we will not we have a terrible cuck pope right now
Daily reminder
> Benedict
> not based Wojtyła
wtf? Benedict was a shitty and senile pope. Maybe a great scholar during his lifetime, but they hired him after that.
He isn't my pope.
Fuck him and his sick foot fetish
I'm gonna officially convert to Orthodoxy. I can't take this fucking pope anymore
Mehmet pls, don't you have bulls to prep?
So glad we got rid of this faggot.
He is still trying to influence internal politics here in Argentina but more and more people in the media are starting to lash out against him when he does.
I want francis back
After a travel to Turkey, he took 9 of them in his personal plane on his way back to the Vatican.
He left them at the airport in Rome.
He's obliged to the foot thing by virtue of being a pope, his fetish is niggers not feet.
Feels good to be from a Protestant denomination.
They really need to lock this prick away in some small cell under the Vatican.
It is.
Didn't he reject some actual Christian refugees?
So, apparently there are some supposed Christians posting here who oppose bringing in refugees. How do you reconcile these two positions? Christ to give everything to the poor.
This is francis you mong
Like any major change it is brought on by a slow death. JP2 did some good, but it was also a different time. You can't change ideas over night.
I fixed your gif m8
You need to change the draw settings.
First frame undraw = leave
Other frames undraw = restore previous
To the catholics here who despise the Pope: this hate has religious or political base?
Bring Ratzinger back!
Sweden's cuckening meter is fucking off the charts lmao
Look at those poor Syrians.
I just wanted to prove that both of the great western christian denominations have betrayed us.
>tfw evangelicals least likely to be cucks
In polls, Evangelicals are consistently the least likely group to support groups like BLM
>Projecting so hard you forget it's not the muslims that are being submissive in your country
Fuck that cuck Argie nigger. I'm ok if an accident was to happen to him.
Fuck the pope.
I miss ratzinger
It's literally the Antichrist.
>accept the very people murdering Christians
Shut the fuck up memeth, you bend your knees five times a day towards a cube.
Please Mr. Pope, no more!
>Christ told us to
Anyway, how can you say "ohno, we can't help these scum, that would hurt us" when Christ explicitly encouraged charity to the point of self-destruction?
I am forever stuck in a Protestant nightmare because they have a few Churches that aren't completely ruined by false doctrines but Catholicism appeals in the historical sense. However Francis saps all hope away from me.
We are truly living in the end times. No Church is safe from heresy.
>first black pope
Ok, but can we have Christianity without the guilt thing ? This is embarrassing.
Fuck the pope.
If he want's to grant them asylum he should house them in the Vatican.
Try Orthodox, they basically have as much claim to being the oldest as the Catholics do and don't seem nearly as cucked as any Western denomination.
He constantly criticism capitalism as an economic system which leads to poverty, however its proven that capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty the anything else,, if the Pope got his way economically, millions would suffer.
>implying Jesuits aren't the best Catholics
The force behind the reconquista, the inquisition, and the destruction of the red man.
Next time before you run your mouth Greece you should consider what your fucking priests wear you damn fortune tellers