Have you seen new aids awareness campaign?
Have you seen new aids awareness campaign?
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You are shitting me. I refuse to believe
if you saw them then its old here
sweden so cucked
this is so sick....
late ;)
If they used england in this i swear to god that'll be what gets us to leave europe
Sweden depicted as a woman, on her knees infront of a big negro.
>Why am i not surprised?
delete this
They did. Male with the Russian flag and a female with the English flag.
im sorry m8 but this will forever be used to respond to butthurt (kek) belgium anons
ah fuck...
>Dat implied smudged lipstick on her face and nigger groin
Is this a shoop or real?
aren't they both white though?
>inb4 >russians >anglos >white
Why did Belgum poop on finland?
The Russian looks white, but the English woman looks like an immigrant.
Bullshit, too good to be true xDDD
cant really tell
at least its just on the mouth for both tho its not that bad
Alright. I'm waiting for the inevitable transsexual american getting fucked in the ass by Pakistani Muslim.
doesn't look like an anglo nose desu
eyes arent very beady either
oh fuck its not
Oh look, ein Ewiggestriger.
holy shit, is this for real?!?! if so, what the fuck's going on?!?!
Nah, there's honestly nothing wrong with it if you compare it to the others. Just be happy you're not Belgium, Sweden, or Germany in this case.
Wow the Jews are getting so bold so quickly!!
Why are you pooping on other countries?
Europe yes!
Belgium got the worst one.
hahahahahahahahahahaha what the fuck Europe? Why do you guys run on memes magic?
I don't understand what they're trying to say.
beyond the obvious racemixing meme, what does this have to do with Aids?
Not that cool to be Iceland either..
Its a nice concept I don't get why Sup Forums has to discuss it that much tho. I feel autistic because of this, why is this so special? explain to me.
And just like that it becomes okay that we got knocked out.
Swedes deserve to see their country get flushed but I can't watch they need to stop it somehow.
I dont know but according to belgiums smeared neon green shit I'd say they need an iron awareness poster
They're just telling people to practice safe sex and be cautious. Nothing wrong with this
Im confused. Is this redpilled or is it another cuckoldry?
I mean theres a dirty nigger on the poster that is supposed to spread AIDS but on the other hand its a nigger covered in german colors that just got a BJ from swede.
Either them or Sweden.
True, but at least Iceland is the top.
Holy fuck Europe. Have some respect for yourself.
Also poor Belgium, getting fucked up the arse by Iceland.
So when do we see a Syrian chick on her knees in front of an Egyptian? Or a Saudi guy with a Paki dudd? Or an Afghan guy with a goat?
What's with the paint around the genitals? Is that really needed?
Poland, you're europe's last hope. Please for the sake of humanity, don't get cucked. Boże błogosław
Yellow + Red = Orange.
It's also on his mouth. Use your imagination.
she has kike hair though
we won't because that's racist.
purple = red + blue
green = blue + yellow
>tfw they only painted 2 colors on him
Lazy desu
This is wrong on so many layers.
It looks like some edgy poster which is suppossed to piss off every one.
Afghan men prefer young boys
>current year
God bless the USA.
War caused aids huh? That's news to me and everyone else on the planet. I swear niggers cannot take responsibility for anything
>that purple around the crotch area
Ah, so she was giving him head before this photo was taken, I get it.
I hate you Swedes for being the pussiest people on Earth.
Very true. The whole countries male population practices child faggotry. All troops come back from there hating Afghan men with a passion, they have reason too.
Ok fuck this, I am getting aids now.
It's cool how they left the top half of the German one unpainted.
Yea its some lefty artist trying to be edgy and provocative.
How do Europeans not just go on killing sprees?
iceland m8
>Implying we made these..
>Organization dedicated to fighting AIDS
>Tells people to fuck without restraint
Its like these people are too retarded to add 2+2
Straight up propaganda
we don't want to do that
we're completely peaceful
its not at all like we're being watched or anything
it's not like the government would know
we're free...
Kek, skin whitening cream was probably used to achieve that skin tone
"Let me tell you who is white"
shatap Americunt
I'm actually confused
what is this ad even saying?
black people have aids?
aids spreads through oral?
we should spread aids?
Germany is become increasingly african?
Sweden would happily get aids to increase its diversity?
>telling anyone on Sup Forums to make love and not war
Yeah, fucking your hand doesn't count.
> why aren't Europeans going on killing sprees
Well the new Europeans certainly are; 7/7, Bataclan, Brussels
Yup, all of these. And sadly it's true except for the fact that AIDS doesn't spread orally.
it can I'm afraid hans
less chance but it can
it implies something
okay I sorta got that.
But surely this is some sort of blue pilled arts student making these and not Sup Forums
It doesn't make sense.
It's real you cuck. Now the question is what are you going to do about it?
You degenerative cucks.
Euros keep slowly letting themselves get cucked and feminized and each time they say "this one isn't THAT bad!"
Havent you watched EM? Icelands chant is the best, they just g "WOH" every 30 sec, true vikings and super cool.
I actually got tested 3 months ago
Up till today i laughed to all EU countries with those retarded propagandas ( racemixing, welcome refugees etc.), never expected i would see anything like it in our "primitive" society. Unfortunately today i was proven wrong, Croatian ad rolling on TV, Muslims are people.
>wake me pls
It could always be worse
When? What channel?
Make Dalmacia Great Again
How do people not think it's the end times?
Cant remember what channel ( think it was RTL, probably germans pushing it ), i rarely watch our TV cause its pure bullshit just saw it while passing by. Think we'll start seeing more and more of it tho.
Just another anti-Swedish add. I've stopped counting. Be happy you're not Swedish and have to deal with this racist shit 24/7.
Unreal lel.
Europe is literal cuckoldry
I still don't get what these are supposed to mean.
What's it even an advertisement for?
Its a snapshot of European culture. Sucking nigger cock.
But why is Germany black?
a commercial of the Euro passed where the scandinavian women was taking a selfie with some black dude
>blend together
just wouldn't be right if they didn't condone race mixing, would it?
Because it is. Merkel did this to native Germans.
FYI the cure to AIDS exists within Scandinavian blood. Many people of Scandinavian descent are immune to AIDS.
It's racemixing propaganda, but the guy they hired to make it was probably from Sup Forums which is why he made the German a nigger and the coalburner a swede
Advertising Agency: TBWA\PARIS
Executive Creative Directors: Benjamin Marchal, Faustin Claverie
Art Director : Olivier Mularski
Art Buyer: Isabelle Jaubert
Print Producer: Laurence Collavini
Photographer: Eric Troaré
Body painter : Guido DANIELE
Retouching studio : CHIC Paris «Make love, not war » The new AIDES campaign signed by TBWA\Paris takes advantage of the 2016 Euro to remind everyone of this simple and universal message.And what if we loved eachother a little ? Until July 10th, the whole world will be flocking to France to be thrilled by football. Each day, hundrerds of thousands of people from dozens of different countries will celebrate the event, giving way to thousands of potential encounters. For AIDES, the message was immediate and obvious « blend together, safe together. » With this print campaign that is as explicit as it is artistic, and photographed by Eric Traoré, AIDES celebrates the universal value of love and reminds us of the importance to protect oneself from HIV. AIDES would like to remind people that the HIV epidemic is still very active in Europe and central Asia. 30% of HIV-positive people are still unaware that they carry the virus, and 142 000 new cases were diagnosed in 2014. The epidimec is even progressing in a disturbing way in Eastern Europe and in Russia, at an unprecedented rythm since the beginning of the 80s.