

Other urls found in this thread:

>Your favorite artist


>he doesn't use chill lo-fi hip hop beats for studying 24/7

i listen to lo-fi chill hip hop beats for gaming studying league 24/7

>he uses chill lo-fi hip hop beats for studying 24/7


havent studied in years my friend
i forget what the fucks even going on and use the test to remind myself what we learned in class as i go




>banging rock and howling

>le edgy soyboy barb thrown at a dead man who isn't bothering anybody

nice op, you have one year to change your life before i conclude that you deserve to be in the ground as well

ITT incels
this is a really nice song

Based Grugposter.


triggered pleb detected

>heh eheeh heeh hehe he

Lmao everything is soyboy-core now?

no, just the music you listen to

But thats the music you listen to


>Black Panther soundtrack

It's a meme in good fun you entertainment communist

>Death in June

jesus christ

>He uses chill lo-fi hip hop beats for studying 24/7
>He doesn't use chill lo-fi hip hop anime beats for studying 24/7

wow great thread guys

good work on this one

>implying the majority of Sup Forumstants are not autistic soyboys obsessing over shit music

