Trump raped a 13 years old girl

Sup Forums BTFO!!!

Other urls found in this thread:

Did they mix up Donald Trump with Bill Clinton



>Case was tried in California and dismissed based on lack of evidence

And yet Hillary Clintons not in jail for worse crimes? Libcu.cks, you're trying way too hard

>that occurred more than 2 decades ago

That's most likely beyond the expiration date of what most courts will try, not to mention the very probably lack of evidence to begin with


Trump is playing 4-D chess again.

>Implying i still wouldn't vote for him
He may have had sex with a little girl but i bet he'd run this country better than Hillary. Just prosecute him after he makes america great again


>wall builder flag

>pol will defend this

Please make Putin's mouthpiece shut up. These bullshiit accusations hurt my talking about them.

Kikes, their supporters and rape parties, literally modern America.

Turks are lower than jews.

>Sup Forums will ask for proves
Fixed it for you

>schu schu

Wow really makes u think...

and no major new network jumped on it. despite how much they want hillary to win. bet the story doesnt even stay up for 2 more weeks

>implying jews are not master race using the white cucks as a puppet

OK guys, that is FUCKING it.

I've had it up to HERE with getting constantly getting BTFO.
If this doesn't fucking make you think, I don't know what fucking will.
I'm now #WithHer

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.


I'm on #cruzmissile now

Difference is that Bill Clinton started raping after he gone mad from white house bullshit.

amazing. This is the EXACT OPPOSITe of the actual story. Bill clinton flew on the Jew pedo's plane 30+ times.

They re trying to fuck Trump before he can go after Epstein/clinton. At this point, his kike daughter and son-in-law are destroying it anyway.

The Jews destroy everything good.

This. For once I agree with the Roach. I didn't think whites could be cucked this easily but damn.

Wow that is what I call desperation

>they're rapist

Trump supports Jews, he visits AIPAC, talks pro-Israel in his posts, has 2 children who Jew married. I don't know where you get the idea that Trump isn't even more Jew connected.

kek Donnie is a old fartish violent pedophile

the closer we get to the habbenig the more desperate they get

Hilary and Trump should be removed from the presidential run.

Why do Americans have to vote for criminals as their Commander and Chief?

I am accusing you of raping your dad and your 3 year old little sister.

Inb4 this is just some russian psyop to get everyone thinking about Epstein and then to release the proof of bill and hillary numerous Epstein flights

Who do i vote for now?

What a surprise. A pedo racist rapist is supported by pedo racist rapists on the internet.

TFW you'll never get to party with Epstein
Feels bad

was it behind an Arby's?

I bet the story is actually Bill fucking 13yr old, they just paid them to tell it was Trump.

Pedophile reunion?

Why should anyone care about that?


Came to post this. Obviously we live in the Twilight Zone so because Bill was caught on many of Epstein's rape flights of course Donald Trump goes to court for it.

>Obviously we live in the Twilight Zone so because Bill was caught on many of Epstein's rape flights of course Donald Trump goes to court for it.

So were members of the British royal family, pretty much anyone who's anyone gets to go to the rape island.

Sounds like a fun place

Shit, you Mexicans are banging 13 yer olds all the time....

why are you whining Pedro?.....worried about the wall?

You can't rape a 13 year old girl. Girls can't biologically have sex, they're not old enough!

Children BTFO.



>Shills keep on shilling
mind you, he's run 500 hundred or so businesses, and only 4 of them have gone bankrupt.

Considering his place as a entrepreneur, wouldn't you say that he's had a lot of success?

Getting desperate now. Funny how its only just come to light
Dismiss it and jail the accuser.

>Trying to reason with racists/conspiracy theorists


They're rapist

>you live in a world in which 20 years after something allegedly happens you can go and make claims and potentially ruin someone.

Holy fuck I want off this wild ride.

>Jane Doe
Are you fucking kidding me? The fucking liberals have gone really low this time.

Read the article you retarded shill.

>A suit with similar allegations filed by the same plaintiff was dismissed in California.

they are really grasping at straws at this point. like seriously, the day trump blows hillary the fuck out with his speech rape accusations from 20 years ago appear? try harder

Racism is bad, but shooting foreigners at border is a good thing. I am not right or left, that's a pointless game.

Racism is good. If it weren't for Racism, we wouldn't exist!

American was founded on Racism.

Racism is our strength.

Only a Communist would object to Racism.

>believes literally anything about ANYONE who challenges trump
>assmad about an accusation just as baseless as that one about bill
no one like you trumpshills and your redditry

Racism is a desperate cry. Key thing is to manage races so they don't get into their hair and know their limits. Freedom is a retarded concept, since for starters it never existed if we wage wars for rich people. There are many problems of this world in managing conflicts, but one of biggest problem is not killing every mixed woman, child & man. Mixed mestizo and international people have no respect for any race, culture or even nature, they only goal is selfish and destructive.

Explain, please.

>Sup Forums on Bill Clinton
>hurrr he raped all those adult women 20 years ago. the truth is finally coming out

>Sup Forums on pedo Drumf
>hurrrr you can't report a crime now, 20 years later. durrrr Drumpf a good boi, dindu nuffin

Racism is literally life.



You don't like your Race, hang yourself!


Bill Clinton rode on the Pedo Rape Express 26 times. This one random politically convenient accusation is nothing.


Bring up cases and issues from his own past that won't damage himself, only to get people to start asking questions about the other side.
Also, if it is every brought up during debate against Hillary, that's his own setup for a knockout comeback

Where are the proofs?
Full hd or bust.

The Loli Express, always arrives early!

Fucking Baby Groomers.

The Bill Clinton Generation.

I see, thank you anons.

Humans should reach a point where they don't need to think about races or Muslims or shit like that. We had that in Yugoslavia. I knew Christians, Muslims, but they knew if they gone out playing Christians & Muslims in public they would be punished. This freedom is what creates problems. Things should be regulated, everything shouldn't be allowed. One fine example of shitcapitalism is pills with side effects, people being test rats for pharmacy because muh freedom. If people are happy, don't race mix and police does their job there's literally no reason for hate. Education starts young, people need to be told who they are, where they belong, else they will never get it and might think they are part of furry or gay culture, since they mudblood of mixed origin and totally confused.

>1 post by this ID

Really just makes you stop and think...

RT is fucking trash, they report honestly on international stuff esp when it involves Russia but they follow the same social justice narratives.

Clinton is known to be a cheating fuck, look at the monica lowinski scandal or whatever her name is.
He is alot more sketchy in his former sex life than Trump Who has never had auch accusations before.

So this is what she looks like naked.

It's basically "make Trump look bad" that's all this is. Luckily people can see through bullshit but people who already hate Trump will just add it to the list of lies they endlessly repeat.

>one post meme
get a life nerd

>rape allegations
>Being this desperate

No u

>Implying Trump won't be able to find evidence that they're lying in an attempt to hurt his character and then out them, sue them, and ruin their life.

Yeah, when the other races go poof.

> Humans

Blacks BTFO!

>nobody worried about the raghead in the back

truly a simpler time

Damn how low can you get

And yet, his 5 children and 7 grandchildren are all happy and successful.


Look at those comments, nobody is buying this shit.

Race is part of who you are, if you don't even fully can come to terms with yourself, you surely not going to come to terms with somebody else. Jews will never find peace, since they mixed, there will always be a threat for them in their heads. Mestizo will never find peace in head, yes they will look for comfort in religion, but that's just smoke and mirrors and eventually backfires in conflict. More mixed a nation, more cheating through marriages, more rape lust, since what is is cheating and raping if not practicing force upon other humans. Origin of dissatisfaction starts in self. It's not like those rich kikes don't have enough money and attention, so what are they missing? They are incomplete mudbloods, children of Roman-Arab rape babies.

sure thing, the background looks so painfully russian, i can smell the vodka from here in my cuckshed. FAAAAAKE

OP is Mexican. KEK

the Madame who recruited the kids to Epstein was invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding

just saying, these people all know each other

With those sacred 9/11 digits it's guaranteed

you retarded niggers have to stop this one post meme right now

The absolute mad man.

Wow, nice slide thread you shill.

Made me think...



Can't believe no one posted this yet.

>1 post by this ID

I rest my case, your honor

Let's talk about everything the president has raped.

Remember when 2004 when both candidates were S&B, apparently 2016 is about Jeffrey Epstein the way 2004 was about S&B

