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Previous thread: >ATTENTION! DON'T post Soundcloud, YouTube, or any other links where you are not anonymous (unless somebody asks you for it). That's considered self promotion and will result in bad feedback.
Sound Design: >SeamlessR (in-depth music production and sound design tutorials, based on FL Studio)
>Syntorial (widely considered the best place to go to learn synthesis)
>Mr. Bill (Ableton based, some of the best sound design tutorials on the planet. Aimed more towards IDM-type stuff. He also posts his music here)
Yo yo yo. I'm just getting the hand of recording vocals. It's almost ready for release, but I think there's a few kinks to work out and I was wondering if you guys had anything you wanted to point out.
I'm looking for some advice on studio outboard gear, for mastering or for beefing up my Live set's, Any recommendations?
Aaron Young
Kayden Wilson
Asher Reed
I should know this, but there are 2 specific compressor/limiters that i've often seen used for live electronic sets.
One is that alesis compressor that is famous for starting that distorted sidechain/french house trick. I can't remember the name of the other, but i think its on the cheaper side and has a cheese-ball name like "your everyday compressor..." i think its white or cream in color and not even a full rack space. Might even be a multiband.
Asher Thomas
is this the one you mean
Evan Watson
I need a virtual drum kit, if that makes sense like a drum machine that doesn't go bleep and boop