You wake up and You are Japanese PM.
How do you change Japan?
1.accept immigrants and refugee
2.encourage multiculturalism and racial diversity
3.make woman rights stronger
4.legalize gay marriage
You wake up and You are Japanese PM.
How do you change Japan?
1.accept immigrants and refugee
2.encourage multiculturalism and racial diversity
3.make woman rights stronger
4.legalize gay marriage
Other urls found in this thread:
Watch anime
send you to africa.
Legalize gay marriage
At least the chinks will be fucking other chinks and not sandniggers.
Pose a limit on degeneracy like manga and other distractions
Promote a more relaxed work ethic
Encourage people to embrace family values
Make Japanese people feel proud again of their history, morals and spirit
Slap some sense to people like you trying to troll society into the cuck ending that all west is going through
1. Declare war on North Korea
2. Free anime for everyone
3. Legalize gay marriage
American army fag rapists have really wild desires to ruin Japan.
>Gas all kikes
>keel all niggers
>remove all kebab
>go back to bed
Apologize for bombing pearl harbor.
Other than that no change.
Accept immigrants but only if they're weebs.
Look at west. It's better than here
Just one thing. Wipe akihabara off the map
Your house is not your zoo, your house is not yours to break apart and paint over as you wish. There are plenty of citizens who want to just live in peace and not be retarded crazies like you are.
If you want such a society, fuck off to one of the many kike controlled ones abroad.
1. Kick out American soldiers so they can't shitpost on Sup Forums
2. Make using your holiday mandatory
3. Try to tackle the nation's autism regarding work life and MUH HONOUR so children don't grow up without fathers and life isn't hellish for the average salaryman
4. Increase military spending
I am a patriot so I will improve Japan.
Why do I have to escape from enemy?
4, but only for cute girls.
None of the above.
Those are all horrible fucking ideas.
>1-4 have been tried all over the first world, and we're turning into shit.
Pick option 5:
>reinvest money into improving energy recovery efficiency of current energy production.
>spearhead clean cold fusion reactor tech
>develop ways to increase energy output of current tech, and new ways of acquiring more.
Eventually oil will be useless in the energy production game.
1. We build
2. We continue building
3. We finish building
4. We attack the Chinese and reclaim Korea. With or without comfort women.
Last one desu, all other 3 will invariably lead to it anyway.
1. Declare war on the Anglo menace.
Free movement of people between us and them.
do you ever get tired of posting the same shit for days on end?
literally multiple times a week
you could improve yourself by squatting instead of posting this over and over
remilitarize and conquer China again
Send OP to Africa to get enriched.
No more blurry pussy. It seriously fucks all their porn up. Also, OP you just completely fucked Japan up. You shouldn't be allowed control of anything.
Uncensor the porn
Oh, god. I almost forgot about that. Imagine a world without mosaic over Asian pussy.
you just don't understand that feel when being nip
Ur fucked
This sounds pretty solid.
And OP, you should fuck off to Africa if you think it's so great (spoiler: it isn't). The vast majority of middle easterners and africans hate gay people and don't care for women's rights. Educate yourself about the abhorrent ideology that is Islam you cuck.
Checked. Also, what a fucking QT! Things I would do to fuck this jizz djinn.
>>what is futabachannel
Subsidize large families. Seriously, pay people to do it.
Encourage promiscuity of the sort found in so many works of hentai. Just for shits and giggles.
Start a high-priority research initiative for creating real-life catgirls.
Subsidize abortions if the child is not pure Japanese.
Kick out all blacks.
Basically, turn Japan into the degenerate, racially-homogenous paradise we all dream of
>drastically lower taxes overall to unburden the middle class and reinvigorate the economy
>offer additional tax breaks to married couples with ethnically Japanese children, a flat rate per child
>half pensions and all program for the elderly and appeal to their sense of duty to kamikaze themselves for the benefit of the next generation
>round up and deport all dysfunctional immigrants including weebs, regardless of origin, and steer Grorious Nippon towards a nominal ethno-state model
>continue rearming and pursue a highly covert biological weapons program along with advanced missile technology that can reliably deliver biological payloads to civilian targets, and once the project is up and running reveal it publicly and use it as a deterrent that's both cheaper than a nuclear program and just about as effective
>if the (((Burgers))) or (((Eurocrats))) bitch about the above openly remind them that the turbo-groid-ebola-chan missiles can reach them too
>keep everything else more or less as it is and offer free helicopter rides to anyone who shills for >le infinite growth meme as reason to fundamentally change what already works on a cultural level
>also legalize weed and subsidize the anime industry because of reasons and stuff
>wake up for real this time
>realize i'll never live in Grorious Nippon
>carry on smoking weed and watching western civilization burn
>have enough after a while and kill myself
>people seriously STILL fucking replying to this proxy faggot without sageing
>still not banned
Legalize gay marriage
Team up with modern Italy and Germany
Make Sushi Pizza with Beer great again.
all those suck but I think 2 is the least shitty
None of the above. The only right answer is:
5. Make Japan great again.
remove proxies
How to I change Japan
1. build a sea wall
2. build a coastal wall
3. build a mountain wall because isolationism knows no limitations
4. build a space wall because fuck you
Shilling for the highscore
Approve 4, reduce 1 and ignore 2+3.