Calling all Christians!
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I decided to become a Christian again this morning. Am I allowed?
Also, for discussion, what church do you attend?
Apostates can always return to the faith.
I'm Orthodox
post yfw those people believe in fairy tales are making the life of the people around them worse
this applies to all religions
Do you think the spread of atheism improves our culture and lives?
>posts Descartes
>a dude literally defending the existence of God
that or he would have his head chopped
In this day and age, we atheists should be more pro Christianity .
The only way To fight the religion of piss
is over there
>I decided to become a Christian
>for discussion, what church do you attend?
I've always gone the Army cause that's where my family attends.
Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch here.
with a non-pope like the one we have right now?
I prefer to use reason against the shitskins
Im questioning being a diest and decided to go to church last sunday to a local church. Not a single degenerate. Happy families dresses well all in community. Im going back for sure
In this day and age, we atheists should be more pro islam hate**
I agree abour the RCC< but I'm Orthodox
It didn't work until now and will never work.
You are right about the pope tho.
I guess what I'm trying to say is by giving up on our religion we let the muslims force theirs on us .
Praise Kek
>I guess what I'm trying to say is by giving up on our religion we let the muslims force theirs on us .
this is why I hate religions
If a religion is used a particular lifestyle I'm ok with this. You can live as you like. But it is when it mixes with politics that the problems start, like claiming you can't do something because God told so when in reality another man just told that.
Muslims will slowly refuse their religion and will finally accept how powerful unique reason is
We laugh at the men who prayed stones and dead animal, we will laugh at men who pray on warlords and merchants
its like how religions treat everyone else that doesn't agree with them.
That's blasphemous
Enjoy your amoral society
morality isn't tied to religions
do you realize Religions have dogmas? try to argue with that
>morality isn't tied to religions
No, but feminism or communism or something like that takes over as the basis for morality without religion.
I do. That's kind of the whole point. Lol.
christians are communists and racemixers
you can't argue with dogmas
True, but you're making a shit comparison. Are you implying atheists have to believe in those choices?
Sure you can. Morality is a great example. If you think the christian god is moral, then we can discuss it further.
Who is this christian god you mentioned? Did he write some books or made a documentary?
No. I'm an atheist, i'm thinking there's confusion somewhere here.
probably :)
Roman Catholic checking in
I'm sure he's on youtube turning water into wine or something similar.
I'm currently an atheist but want to get into Christianity, what do ?
Are we living in the end times brothers ?
Of what?
>christians are communists and racemixers
Christianity is philosophically socialist, but that has never been a part of Christian politics.
Racemixing is not commanded by Christianity anywhere. Not segregating worship based on race, yes, but no where does it say you have to date and marry outside your race. In fact, the book on "Contemporary Moral Issues' at my Orthodox parish says you shouldn't marry outside your race, since it makes the marriage less likely to endure (don't know how true that is though).
Here's a place you can start, contains an FAQ for atheists:
nice hymn but fuck me english does it no justice
This is a pick of an Orthodox Church in Iran
Yeah, I'm familiar with it, it's very beautiful.
Remember ladies and gens, Pol is a christian forum.
Due to a big demographic shift, your religion is on the way out in Europe and you've done it to yourself. How do your propose to fix this? How do you propose to deal with radical leftist protestant churches in Scandinavia, Germany and the UK and the ever increasing leftist drift of the Catholic Church?
These are the issues I want to see solved, not because I care about your religion but because it used to be a wall against Islamization and is now facilitating it.
Of the world,or is it soon the second comming of Christ,i know that in the story of Revalations 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars,this reminds me of the Angela Merkel and the EU
do you really think he cares about your problems? if you are poor and oppressed?
No, every religious leader just wants more proselytes.
Would you negate your daughter's vulva to an handsome man from Africa when GOD™ told you to be charitable to the needy?
>want to get into Christianity,
Yeah, Jesus is gonna come back soon. Won't be long before it finally happens.
He's late
I'm Orthodox, not Roman Catholic, the Pope is just an heretic to us, he has no authority.
Keep God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost in you.
Here is what will happen;
The "breath of life" into the "image of the beast" to allow it to speak and move and command the death of those who don't worship it; well, that breath of life will be sentient AI. The image of the beast will be a machine, a non-living body, a robot.
Now, the mark of the beast, that will come to us as the opportunity to "upload our brains." The ruse of eternal life through machines will convince many, and they will "upload" themselves only to guarantee their death right then or, as we know, after the second coming.
Those who refuse, will be persecuted, as the world will no longer be physical. It will be virtual - Brains in machines. You will not be able to buy or sell as there will be nobody to buy or sell to. And with everyone in machines, the genocide of those who refused this 'mark' will be easy.
Look at this, Christbros.
Catholicism=Orthodoxy>Protestantism>Everything Else>islam is my scale of the world's religions desu.
and the Patriarchs?
didn't Jesus said give water to the thirsty, give food to the hungry, so give pussy to the horny
Oh, please.
Shitty bait. To "give pussy to the horny" is to do something very immoral. Sex is between a man and a woman in marriage. It is not something meant for anything else.
Better bait would be "give wives to the lonely" but then it still stomps on the fundamental concept that marriage if a bond of love, and you can't truly love who you are pushed to marry.
Thank you my brotherin
so let me reword it
give water to the thirsty, give food to the hungry, give wives to the refugees
God told us to love each other, why don't you love and accept the precious seed of a cultured and classy man from the desert?
And that's how that verse is interpreted? I suppose everyone who believes the word of the bible can do what you're doing now and think its true.
I just explained to you why even revising your bait makes it shitty.
To specifically offer up our women is sinful, as it denies the truth of love, it denies the fact marriage is built on love.
And most women can't truly love sandniggers. Catholic/Orthodox/Truly Christian women at least.
>To specifically offer up our women is sinful
are you saying all the priests, patriarchs and the Pope himself are sinful and guided by the Devil?
So who I do believe if the only people that have the priviledge to talk with GOD are not doing what HE believes is right to do?
Well it in intepreted as the first family of Isreal
so let's be clear Is God Racist or not?
It's fine to push Atheism on non-Christians, it's better than whatever else they were believing, I tend to do that and just leave the Christians alone.
I think Dugin says it best
>I consider the “White nationalists” allies when they refuse modernity, the global oligarchy and liberal-capitalism, in other words everything that is killing all ethnic cultures and traditions. The modern political order is essentially globalist and based entirely on the primacy of individual identity in opposition to community. It is the worst order that has ever existed and it should be totally destroyed. When “White nationalists” reaffirm Tradition and the ancient culture of the European peoples, they are right. But when they attack immigrants, Muslims or the nationalists of other countries based on historical conflicts; or when they defend the United States, Atlanticism, liberalism or modernity; or when they consider the White race (the one which produced modernity in its essential features) as being the highest and other races as inferior, I disagree with them completely.
>More than this, I can’t defend Whites when they are in opposition to non-Whites because, being White and Indo-European myself, I recognize the differences of other ethnic groups as being a natural thing, and do not believe in any hierarchy among peoples, because there is not and cannot be any common, universal measure by which to measure and compare the various forms of ethnic societies or their value systems. I am proud to be Russian exactly as Americans, Africans, Arabs or Chinese are proud to be what they are. It is our right and our dignity to affirm our identity, not in opposition to each other but such as it is: without resentment against others or feelings of self-pity.
>I can’t defend the concept of the nation, because the idea of the “nation” is a bourgeois concept concocted as a part of modernity in order to destroy traditional societies (empires) and religions, and to replace them with artificial pseudo-communities based on the notion of individualism. All of that is wrong. The concept of the nation is now being destroyed by the same forces that created it, back during the first stage of modernity. The nations have already fulfilled their mission of destroying any organic and spiritual identity, and now the capitalists are liquidating the instrument they used to achieve this in favor of direct globalization. We need to attack capitalism as the absolute enemy which was responsible for the creation of the nation as a simulacrum of traditional society, and which was also responsible for its destruction. The reasons behind the present catastrophe lie deep in the ideological and philosophical basis of the modern world. In the beginning, modernity was White and national; in the end, it has become global. So White nationalists need to choose which camp they want to be in: that of Tradition, which includes their own Indo-European tradition, or that of modernity. Atlanticism, liberalism, and individualism are all forms of absolute evil for the Indo-European identity, since they are incompatible with it.
and that makes it right?
Why you guys feeding this troll? He clearly trying to bait us.
I'm not a suprematist (obviously) and I think that globalism as every other political matter shouldn't be justified by religious dogmas
I think the roots of Nations are in the people and in what they make.
Priests, imams and what not are nothing more that despots thirsty of power.
Now I'm sorry anons
keep discussing
I dont know,i am uncurtain
You weren't a curtain in the first place.
Your conception of nation divorced from religion didn't exist until the Enlightenment.
Was that a bad thing?
I need help.
I was baptised as a member of the Church of England but never attended Church as a child or as an adult. My parents cared enough to baptise me 'just in case' but not enough to go to Church.
I have only ever attended Church to go to relatives Weddings and Funerals.
I wish to become a real Christian but I don't know what to do. How do you start attending Church if you never did so before. Do you just turn up and sit down? How does it work?
And this how i know you are germanic
Only a germanic would be this stupid
This is now an Islam thread
That is correct,could you now pleas make me curtain
You will have to ask your god
Guys where do i find a good christian girl that's waifu material? All the ones at my church are taken.
Fuck off you degenerate western disguised jew
I belive in Jesus Christ,and is it not duty to every Christian if a fellow brother in Christ shifts his path from Christ to get him back on the path of Christ ?
>le 8 years old wife with le flaming angel muh made up jewish cult with a bit of killing, rape and forced salvation of all mankind religion
just maniacs believe in this shit
>but user le 40 virgins
for each demon 40 muslims buttholes and a blowjob from Mohamed
lol this guy
The church I am at, we do an hour of reading of our bible study books that we get each season, then we sing some church songs and the pastor preach the word of the day at the end. It's all good desu.
You need to Repent and put your trust in Christ alone for your salvation, this is what you must do to be saved
Read Romans 1
John 3
Romans 10
Latin Roman Catholic here.
Can any of the Orthodoxbros in this thread explain the essences/energies thing? Because it's very confusing.
I thought that was the answer you guys wanted.
Convert one to Christianity!
An analogy:
If you spent some time with me IRL, you would get to know me based on the things I say and do, how I react to different situations, etc. We may even become best friends over time, and spend lots of time together.
But you would never know my internal dialogue, my thoughts, my gut feelings, etc. I could describe them, but you would never know them the way I know myself.
That is my "essence." It is the part of me that is unknowable to anyone but myself. My "energies" are all the observable things: what I say and do.
The same is with God. His "energies" are his divine revelation, his love, his grace, his justice, and every way he makes himself known. His "essence" is a complete mystery.
In Orthodox theology, God's energies are God Himself. God's grace is God himself.
The West teaches that grace is a created thing, a spiritual "thing" that God gives to people. But for Orthodoxy, grace (and all of God's energies) are God Himself, and He "gives" us these things by our participation in the life of God. In fact, Orthodoxy has defined the idea of "created grace" as heresy.
This is important because of our understanding of salvation as theosis, rather than a judgement.
Ehhh dont sweat it fag, it was kinda funny. Im just looking for a good girl to start a family with since i have money and want to settle down and i rather start looking now since it takes a few years. Best relationships i had were with Christian / Catholic girls.
Iv kinda converted maybe 2 or 3 girls. It takes so much of my own time molding them tho. I mean that might be all women but it applies more.
I've never had sex or any relations with a man, and have been with the same girl for over five years after a handful of others. No.
In all seriousness, catholic girls are fucking crazy. Just don't.
Huh, gotcha. Thanks!
I feel like this is the biggest issue standing between our churches, then. Way bigger than the filioque, which as I see it is a non-issue, just some people not realizing that "proceed" has subtleties in different languages.
Anyone else planning on having 10 kids when they get married?
What is the Halo, exactly? Why does it have such intricate designs too?
Sometimes whenever I get extremely inspired I feel something rising in my head....could that be some sort of halo?
a few reasons.
I feel empty, and i've always been hungry for spiritual understanding, although i tend to be skeptical. its not fun.
When I was young, my parents taught me some Christian things, but they weren't really the religious types. As an edgy teen, I was an atheist and became involved in LaVeyan satanism. But that lost its novelty quick.
I met this Paki girl I wanted to fuck in high school and decided to give Islam a try (didn't work). I saw how shitty that was quickly as well. I decided to shop around for Christian churches, and became LDS. It was fun and the people were great, albeit odd. I stopped attending because as a convert I felt really isolated. Everything in that culture is family-orientated, and the loneliness got to me. Not to mention I couldn't stop the porn, swearing, coffee, etc. Now that I am using more substances than before (weed, alcohol) I don't think it would be easy to go back.
I still love reading the Bible though. So I decided maybe now, years later I could give religion another try. The Holy war between Muslims and everyone else is coming, too. I want to be on the non-savage side and be protected by God.
Forgive us Lord. Thank God for Jesus
You can always go back, it's never too late to repent. You don't want to be in a situation where you need to repent, but it's too late. Some of the most strongest christians I meet are the ones that almost lost their life to sin and was able to get their life back together by giving it to Jesus.
>catholic girls are fucking crazy. Just don't.
Kinda agree with this, kinda. From my experience catholic girls are a hit or miss on the crazy. But im one of few guys that can handle crazy girls, but only if they're really attractive. Like i made this beautiful pale skinned, blue eyed brunette wear an outfit like a toga dress and veil around the house and give me massages at a moments notice. She'd also act like a social buffer and even put up with a little abuse if i was having a bad day or if she was annoying me. She'd get really jealous tho but then again i like it when a crazy bitch obsesses over me and treats me like im her world and i can defuse bitch outlashes with humor.
Probably a shitpost but if your serious you realize unless you're a richfag you cant financially handle 10 children right? You might be able to if you'ref a fucking farmer or you feel like being a tax drain. The most children you can raise at a responsibility while maintaining a quality is 3 or 4, maybe 5 or 6 if you're upper middle class and even then you're going to be strain as you have to give personal attention to each one of them.
I wanna have 4 kids myself btw, hopefully no more then 2 girls or else i'd kill myself.
I don't need luxuries. You just have to be frugal, how do you think people did it in the past with even less income? I might not have 10 kids but I still want lots.
Eastern Orthodox here
Serious question, what proof is there that Christianity is the one true religion? What convinces you guys that Christ's way is the right way?
I'm seriously considering Eastern Orthodoxy, but I have trouble convincing myself of the one true church deal. The liturgy and art is just so beautiful.