1. Your cunt
2. How fucked are you?
1. Your cunt
Kinda depends on if the dikes will hold. Hold me, Franz.
1. you are gay
2. 10/10
Sweden actually rises 1 Centimeter per year.
>be canada
>receive all the refugees
is this what a perfect world would look like?
actually I'm seriously thinking about moving to Québec.
this all could have been prevented if DRUMPF (not my president, btw!) would be IMPEACHED,,,...
remember, guys, LOVE TRUMPS HATE!! #LQBTGPS #UNITE #teamhillary #hillary2020 #notmypresident
>providing shelter to anyone
You are on your own, shitheads
I already live in tall commieblock in msk so i'm safe
Don't worry nobody would go in your shithole
b-but you will help your fellow europeans, right?
Good, no need to shoot you at the border
Pretty fucked seeing there's one billion climate refugees knocking on our door.
>As the final decades of the 21st century unfold, humanity faces a crisis unparalleled in its history. Much of the world in the 2060s has moved into a rapidly degrading geopolitical situation. Driving this crisis is the seemingly unending stream of climate refugees attempting to cross national borders.
I am completely fucked
>fellow europeans
You ain't no fellow of mine, e*roshit. Enjoy your desert.
I'm saving you bullets
We need a massive wall with turrets asap
According to studies of respected german scientists from 20th century we are mongols,so no
>sweden will become a cyberpunk dystopia
you need people on your east
give asylum now
kom susser tod :¬)
The brown regaeton shithole poster will die of thirst. I'm ok with this
he'll become your new neighbour
>russian border circa 2060
No one wants to move to your dystopian shit hole country
I don't know.
There is no infrastructure at all up here.
And if the rising temperature causes a shift in the Gulf stream then Scandinavia won't be taking any refugees anyways, we'll be covered in ice.
How's regular life there?Mountains are gud right?
>How's regular life there?
Pretty good, life is quiet and calm.
>mountains are gud right?
Oh yes.
I'm ok i guess
No problem, the country would improve
b-but you will help your fellow mongol, right?
I don't get this map, the Sonora desert is habitable but high altitude forest lands are not? If our full country gets geothermal energy why aren't we using that to desalinate water?
Pretty sure Finland would be fine.
wouldn't higher temps stop/slow the gulfstream thereby making europe a frozen hellhole ?
Yes Pekka you are Okey
Кypицa нe птицa Финляндия нe зaгpaницa
>Vanished beneath the sea
Feelsbad, maybe worth a visit before everything sinks below the ocean?
Yes, especially northern Europe aka Scandinavia.
I think it is 3.8 degrees needed for a possible shift in the Gulf stream. No more summers, welcome new ice age.
I rather die of dehydration then move to Russia where I will die of AIDS
Seems like where I live is going to be flooded.
Other than that, bretty good.
>literally mad max
It will be fun
Dance for me, your barbaric desert dance and I pee in a jar that you could have a drink.
>be Canada
>have all the fertile soil and water
>jealously guard it and shoot all yanks/shitskins on sight as they try to get in
Brit and frog refugees welcome
I have no idea why the East Coast of the US would be uninhabitable. The Northeast actually stands to gain from global warming assuming NYC starts acting like the Dutch with dikes
>random jungle where the sahara used to be
>all jungles are now deserts
lol is this what leftists actually believe
>1 world government established in canada, enemies with the northern eurasians
>antarctica becomes world power as well
>new zealand/australia becomes neutral zone
literally eurasia vs. oceania vs. antarctica
Im tunning a chevy just for when this future comes.
the seas will rise anyday now
says incresingly nervous man since the 70s
The global sea level has risen almost 4 inches since 1992, up to 10 inches in some places.
Big parts of the world (especially coastal towns) are suffering from massive floods already..
sahara located above.
I live in Rio and were fine, sea wise i mean
ye when you're fine it means other places are too.
>were fine
Others are not...
thats a flood because of rain not the sea
for fucks sake..
Rising sea levels goes hand in hand with higher temperatures. Higher temperatures means more rain. More rain= flooding.
Ok so how hard is it to immigrate to New Zealand?
>hurricane sandy
yawwnn any time now the seas will rise and kill us all with their big tsunamis
i can make girl's cunts much warmer
>too retarded to understand rising sea levels = hotter weather= more storms= more rain = more flooding= more huge waves
>that part of antartica's coast now with a temperature of -35 is now a food growing zone
explain how I missed something obvious and I'm retarded because this doesn't make sense to me
I wanna move to Antarctica
>INT in 2100
>world divide into fucking leafs, aussie/nzl shitposters, nordicucks, russian bydlo scum, and antarctican master-race
best possible timeline
they are saying the amazon will turn into a desert in 40 years they are retarded
>oh no something that happens naturally once every 10 years will happen once every 8 better get all the refugees in sweden FAST
lmao at eurocucks
Perú will survive!
But somehow most of the planet becomes an uninhabitable dessert according to OP's meme map.