Sup Forums - Facebook Normies

Sup Forums - Facebook Normies

My son is a better author than the crayon pusher that wrote this scream for attention article. He is articulate and his thoughts are easy to understand. His writing does NOT include inventing theory or re-imagining foolish "what if's" in an effort for people to notice him. He has been a Star Wars his whole life and I have been since I was his age. He is five. The author missed a good movie when he slept through this.

>He has been a Star Wars his whole life
I wish I was a Star Wars.

>he thinks Star Wars is anything more than a kids flick


But user thats a WAAAAARR movie.


when did you realize RLM was right?

You can be whatever you want user

>censoring names
Why do people do this? They're public on facebook

how could you read those and not think about the rlm haters on this board lmao


Idk I was worried about a janny deleting the thread because of it or something but I just remembered were on Sup Forums

No shit? Wow I never would have known. It's not like I have functioning eyes

i'm loving this. Sup Forums completely btfo

What are you talking about?

Star Wars is at a place where if it's not as bad as the prequels, it gets a pass.

I'm fine with that. I don't take these films that seriously anyway.

>This is still the best Star Wars movie yet!

I saw it last night.

I liked it. I also liked The Force Awakens. I liked them more than the prequels.

But is anyone who over the age of, I don't know, 25, pretending they're as good as the original films?

I liked them in the same way I liked the Ewok movies (which they are of course better than).

It was fun seeing Vader kill people, or see X-Wings zipping about.

But if you're actually being honest, Rogue One was at best a 6/10 movie. It was really damn flat, not very imaginative, didn't really have much of a story and or characters. It was just Nostalgia Porn. Which is fine, and as I said, I enjoyed it to that end.

But I'd find it weird if a person who was old enough to have seen the originals prior to the release of the prequels would genuinely believe this was really good, let alone comparable.

Let alone better.

you're just nitpicking reasons to dislike it, it's the best movie in the franchise so far.

Honestly, it probably is clickbait.
Though I have to admit Looper tends to be somewhat fair.

When modern audiences see the original movies they can't really concentrate because they're too distracted that there hasn't been a jump cut for more then five nanoseconds and cameraman tries to keep the camera relatively still.

About my reaction as well (age 25). It's fine. Beginning was weak, rest was totally fine.

Jyn's dad had a cliched death, black man's purpose was bad (should have recreated his character), and that's about it I guess for my major complaints (other than the slow beginning).

TFA had better dogfighting interestingly

Luckily I am only 18.

Kill yourself faggot