You bring home a turkish girl

how does your parents react?

would just be happy that I got a GF

pls no allah akbar :DDD

stop posting wh*Te subhumans as Turks
if you're wh*Te you cannot be a TURK.

now now

no need to be upset, my white friend

>bring home a girl
Hah good one OP

How Muslim is she?


look at that cleavage and ask again

mother won't care

father will rage if she is muslim

>wh*Te subhuman tries to associate me with his subhuman kind
subhuman wh*Te dog

why are all the random super cuties posted here all turkish?

its absolutely not fair. give harem please.

Why do Turks hate wh*Tes?
Turks are wh*Te!

Im sure they will like her

fuck off wh*Te ape
we are taking over your shithole of a country

wh*tes are disgusting savages. OP too.

Bosniaks and Turks are about southern European level of religious. Meaning it matters to older people or to people in rural areas but younger people and urban people don't give a shit about religion and are fully modernized.

My dad's side of the family looks Turkish anyway and they're Muslim so they'd be happy. But like said, really they'd just be happy that I'm not gay and have a gf.


will be happy if she's as buty as on your pic

Mom: Just get married son, think about your receeding hairline.
Dad: hngggg.. ok (but i thought he was gay...)

you need a doctor boi

your father looks brown i guess
why fdid your father marry a wh*Te animal though? Did his family force him? If my family forced me to marry a wh*Te dog i'd slain my entire family and escape to Nigeria

i need your mother

mom:is she teaching you her language?
are you going to move to her country?
Why is she so light skin?

Stop shitposting

so why do i keep hearing that turks are becoming radicalized under erdogan? why is he even being elected if turks are modernized?

>you bring home a turkish girl
pic not related

that's not wh*Te
she looks like an uyghur girl that i know

white pigs stay away from türk girls

turks are brown and proud, now delete this

What's her name?

savior of the roach race

>Erdogan wants to put a hijab on this

shoo wh*Te leaf

It's been my family's tradition to take high status ottoman qts since the ottoman empire anyway

fuck off sandnigger

Something like 85% of the population of modern day Turkey traces its origins to pre Turkish conquest, meaning traces its ancestry to the Greek population of the Byzantine Empire.

Because of the sheer numbers the arriving Turks assimilated to the Greeks while imposing their language, culture and religion on the native Greek population. It's very similar to what happened with Bulgarians (Bulgars were originally a Turkic tribe that got assimilated by the Slavs) and in million other places in medieval Europe.

Erdogan doesn't look happy to be standing next to n*ggers.

If I bought home a girl like that my mom would start crying and screaming

>REEEEE girls don't have dicks you stupid faggot hurr durr
>you're not my son anymore GTFO

"We thought you were gay"

>Balkanrapebabies in charge of genetics

>see some cherrypicked white looking girls

This is why i hate those kind of threads.

>Le Elite Domination hypothesis meme
my favorite meme
For some reasons there were millions of Greeks in Turkey till 1914 and most of them didn't even speak Greek although they never called themselves Turk or Muslim.
And for some reasons Turks don't cluster with Greeks.
But according to Ahmét Rapebabyovic, 85% of Turkey is actually Greek

>skin color is literally white
Turks literally went in, integrated with the culture and are white after assimilating into the region.

Not anyone's fault that Turks decided to make white Anatolia their rape baby and become white instead of making Arabia their rape baby and becoming shitskin.

"Bosnian" BTFO

here's the Uyghur girl that i was talking about

Looks pretty white m8

very beautiful

kek. that aint a turk, looks more like a slav.

Nah just a cherrypicked turk. A small minority tends to look white

>live in Ankara
>dead district
>1/10 people look decent

Why is this boy so good looking? Is she a balkan?

she actually looks very turk

but she is a turk

>when your country's sultan is a georgian ethnic wh*Te
>when based Kemal Ataturk was a white skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed turk that made T*rkey into the civilized, advanced, industrialized, militarized, developed, progressive country that it is today
>shitskin turks will kill themselves that a white man made their country great and noteworthy
Haha, wait till no more european tourists come to your shithole.

both my parents don't like muslims, my mother especially would give me a huge talk about how to not get involved in her religion I guess.

Why the fuck should I ask for their permission of whom should I fuck?

I brought a japanese girl and they didn't leave her alone.


Ask what happened to all those Armenians in Iraq

like that
