Huh...a little bit of perspective really makes you think

Huh...a little bit of perspective really makes you think...

Other urls found in this thread:

But niggers are the reason why gun crime stats are so high

Ban niggers and you'll see that the US has:
> low gun crimes
> high iq and standardize testings

(Her sugoi face)

I love when these NRA shills say we need lots of guns everywhere to keep us safe from crazy gunmen. I'd love to see 9 out of 10 congressmen in a real firefight.

Dollars to doughnuts they'll be crouching behind cover, pissing themselves in fear. At Orlando there was even an armed guard and he ran for his life instead of standing his ground.

If an Omar Mateen comes to the floor, does anyone actually think Paul Ryan has the balls to stand up and shoot back (let alone have the skills to actually land a shot in a live fire situation)?


Strong gun laws, or even stronger border control and immigration alongside a mono-ehtnic monoculture?


Shall not be infringed

>Occupy Democrats think gun control matters: The repost


Japanese are racist and believe in racial purity.
Makes you think.

Ya you'll never get them to admit its anything more than the first 3 words.

>occupy democrats

shall not be infringed

come and take them

Yes and how much you wanna bet none of the killers from today were japanese hmmmm it's almost like the japanese are generally nonviolent due to their high IQs

Japan doesnt have any blacks or muds

No need to take them. Rahid will gun you down at the bar with them.

Japan has no blacks

It does. 6 people out of 321 million is nothing.

1.875e-6%. In statistics, that would be an event that is is so improbable that it is worth completely discounting.

i don't drink alcohol or go to bars that's for degenerates

30,000 deaths by fire arms every year.
19.000 of them are suicides.
Why aren't the democrats trying to fix the mental health system instead? More lives saved and all that.
6,000+ murders are committed by hand guns.
Why aren't they targeting hand guns instead?
300+ people being murdered by rifles
1500+ people murdered under guns,not stated and guns unknown.
Being overly generous and giving the gun grabbers 3 categories of guns that COULD be ARs or AK and it's still only about 2100 murders a year Out of a nation of over 300,000,000
Really makes you think. huh?

>NK threatens US forces in the Pacific
>China tells the US to fuck off
>ISIS taking over EU one refugee at a time
>The Dollar keeps getting worth less and less
>Free flow of Mexicans across the border

Congressional Democrats throwing a tantrum like 9 year olds.

>No vote on the floor
>Close all the doors
>Everyone sit on down and do the dinosaur

Why don't we just raid inner city ghettos and confiscate all their weapons? Do this once a month, and gun violence probably goes down.

.000001875% of the population for those not so good at maths

Japan has blacks, and they're fucking awful

Maybe he'll just find you and your kids at the park instead. It's ok just bring your guns and bet on yourself in a firefight.

But Japan is white.

what an idiotic idea, one from the liberal vein

go raid your parents fridge fatfuck

Yeah but how many white people were shot today?

As a member of Clinton's inner circle, you have a higher chance of getting murdered than being shot in downtown Chicago or Detroit.

Meanwhile they want to put a Clinton in the WH.

Really makes you think...

America has 40 million blacks. Japan has maybe 10 blacks, total, generous estimate.

>Today, Democrats are throwing a massive temper tantrum on the floor of Congress, demanding that republicans allow them to abolish the second amendment and due process because feelings.

>No one wants to take your guns
>we could learn from Japan's strong gun laws
Are these people even self aware?

Really makes ya think.......

you're free to move to europe at any time if you don't like our gun culture. the American people will always have guns whether you like it or not.

How is this idiotic? Niggers have illegal weapons. We know they have them. Send in SWAT teams to confiscate illegal weapons. Dead niggers, gun violence goes down.

Hand guns owners aren't a rapidly growing demographic of eligible voters. AR owners are.

This is pretty adorable. The Democrats would get on their knees and beg for mercy as Omar walked down the isles shooting them all. He wouldn't kill any Republicans.

Why? Well of course, he's only there to get revenge on faggots he used to date.

Live stream

Get in here

Huh, it's almost like we're different countries.

>six americans have been shot to death
Most likely by police.

Starting to understand now why the Republicans were always viewed as the stronger of the two political parties.

How about we learn from Japan's immigration laws first.

how many americans was shot with legal guns?
was it self defense maybe?

fuck off liberal filth

Rahid loves your gun culture.

Wow what a great argument. Really changed my perspective there. Thanks for the insight.

If random emo retards have the balls to shoot firearms why wouldn't normal human beings?

Was Omar a trained Navy Seal?

If he was, isn't that really strange that all of these shootings are being carried out by highly trained ninja teenagers? If he wasn't, why shouldn't other normal citizens be able to deal with them?

I understand that for some liberals, firing even a ar15 (basically a .22 longrifle) causes PTSD and such, so in their mind any "active shooter" must be on par with a SWAT team member to even be able to pull the trigger without fainting, but still.

>Implying the Republicans wouldn't do the same

fuck you OP

blacks anywhere are fucking awful

The day of the rope cannot come for immoral apathetic fucks like you soon enough. We will get our way. We always do

Perspective wise, we also don't have niggers.
Makes you think.

just remember you are PRO gun confiscation faggot

Yes, we could cure the Dembot infestation as they whine.

These people are terrified of the idea that someone else can actually operate a firearm outside of the military.
It makes them feel insecure, however they don't seem to realise that without it police brutality and other forms of excessive state intervention would probably be a much more common occurence in America.

>Democrats send billions to Israel to arm their citizens
>Never mention Israel when discussing civilian ownership of semi auto firearms

They really think they're right

Lol stupid fucks, shove those bills up your ass

>If an Omar Mateen comes to the floor, does anyone actually think Paul Ryan has the balls to stand up and shoot back (let alone have the skills to actually land a shot in a live fire situation)?

that says more about the state of Men today, and is not a general rule about politicians.

I can guarantee you if Omar Mateen comes to the floor when this nigga was around, Omar would have wished he chose a different place.

Over 98% of Japan's population is of people of color. And their crime rates are small. So, this beats Sup Forums's racist theories.

I want everyone behind the zuckercuck facekike occupy meme spam to die in a fire.


So you believe that drug gangs who steal weapons off law-abiding owners and use them to kill each other, innocent neighbors, and police officers shouldn't have their weapons confiscated?

If John Smith down the street wants to own an AK-47, that's his God given right. But if Tyrone wants to break into my house and rob me with a revolver, he should be arrested and have his gun confiscated.

>crime rates are small

You have only ever seen this thread on it, haven't you?

Yeah, one's not filled with niggers and the other is. One's also a very small country, the other isn't.

Literally not an argument.

>just today, 6 Americans have been shot to death

I'm not saying that either cartridge produces a lot of recoil, but despite being the same diameter, the .223/5.56 has ten times greater muzzle energy than the .22 LR.

How many Americans were stabbed or beaten to death today? How many died from organ failure, or car crashes?

Maybe the niggers aren't the problem? What if it's because we don't have enough Japanese?

Change the world "Americans" to niggers in South Chicago.

japanese also dont breed makes you think

who cheers for more government power? Fucking fascists that's who.

As is typical, kids only think as far as "pulling the trigger" or "operating a firearm" and don't consider what they're actually going to do when bullets are flying in their direction.

And how many feral niggers does Japan have roaming it's streets?

This is fucking commie type shit

When's the GOP showing up

Still a small ass calibre, plus .22LR is nothing, 10 times the muzzle velocity of a .22LR is nothing compared to some other readily available calibres, namely any battle rifle calibre, even an AK, which is still technically considered a medium sized calibre

As an ex-military fag, if I had access to anything even semi-auto, I would follow my training and blast back, as I have done before.
What triggers you so much about some men being braver/better trained than you?

How many blacks and hispanics live in Japan? What are the demographics of gun related HOMICIDES in the US?

So you're saying we should import the Nips as breeding stock?

The Japanese don't have time to shoot each other, they're too busy killing themselves.

>average of 6 shootings a year
>culprits probably all got away because Japan's police are corrupt as fuck

Also did they wait for a day where 6 guys were killed to send that out what the fuck lol

correlation != causation

Personally my theory is it's because they have a homogenous, conservative culture

People of color under what definition? Not Apartheid.

>braver/better trained than me
I'm also ex military. I don't know about Australia, but in America, military is a small minority. The overwhelming majority of gun owners are essentially untrained. Even if they are gun trained they are not combat trained. The idea of arming a bunch of idiots to protect them from the snackbars we also armed is just foolishness.

>remove spics and niggers from gun violence statistics
>suddenly below Germany
Hmm, really makes you think...

Also in the case of Japan shootings are mentioned, in the case of the US gun deaths are mentioned. I wonder how the statistic would look of you removed the accident and suicide count from the US statistic, or added the Japanese suicide statistic. :^)

>one guy doesn't have military training

A little perspective... Legal gun owners rarely kill people. Yet you want to take ALL their guns away

>totally unaware of how easy it is to train someone to relative competence with a handgun

Oh I am laffin now, troll elsewhere nigro, it's obvious you have neither held a gun, nor interacted with a civilian while guns were being fired nearby.
Jumpy people will shoot back, guaranteed.

>Waaaaaaah we're not gonna leave until we get what we want

>The idea of arming a bunch of idiots to protect them from the snackbars we also armed is just foolishness.

So the American individual should defer all things self defense related to their fully trained armed services, and just hand in their weapons.

Fuck off...

Japan's suicide rate eclipses the US suicide rate and murder rates COMBINED

lets not become like Japan

On second though; Asians in general don't really do it for me.

The FUCK was going on in Switzerland? Any old fag here who was conscious at that time?

Yakuza/Gang shootings are not counted into Japanese crime statistics btw.

Are Occupy Democrat image macros made by Sup Forums to straw man the left's arguments ?
>Gun deaths vs other deaths
>UK and Australia homicide not down any further than the pre gun control measures predicted

>Homgenous educated low crime high income population with tight family structures

I could go on

> Comparing a hyperpower with porous borders to a geographically isolated country

I'm all for some more sense in the US when it comes to guns, but bad comparisons should always be avoided


>At Orlando there was even an armed guard and he ran for his life instead of standing his ground.

Pretty sure there was a shoot out

Japan has close to zero niggers.



How many of the shooters were black?


Japan also doesn't have a nigger problem.