Serious question: Why do you still cling to the idea of nations? Wouldn't everyone be happier if we just mixed up and dissolved borders? A world governments? Sounds like paradise. Humans have always been migratory anyway.
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What if you dont like the laws of where you are? Where would you go to get away from them?
didnt nationalism make everyone happier? Brought people together from an area and not against eachother
I don't know. Good point.
In a post racial society, would you really feel that way?
This is just a point that's been brought to my attention by my lefty friend. I've found it interesting.
Do you seriously think we live in a post racial society? It's a nice idea but we do not live in one. And despite the best efforts of certain powers to create anti-White consensus among everyone who who isn't white, I genuinely believe that we are one of the least 'racist' groups as a whole, nowadays.
no alien attacks yet bro
We need a balance of powers to maintain independence of the people. That doesn't just mean different branches of government, but different engines of authority and coercion grinding against one another. The power of the State needs to be at odds with the Academy, Corporations, Churches, Media, and the People. At the same time, each of these is at odds with other little tribes of it's own kind. The power of competing States degrades the power of each individual State. This situation keeps anything from rising too high.
>In a post racial society,
>implying this will EVER happen
>a world government
So a government basically accountable to nobody due to voter dilution by numbers run essentially by the richest people in the world with total impunity?
You mean like the exact thing literally all the greatest minds artists philosophers inventors and others have warned people not to fucking do the ONE THING they all agreed would be the downfall of humanity, but we should do it?
Sounds fucking fantastic I can't imagine what could go wrong goy... I mean good citizen of Oceania.
The fact that this was a serious post by you Op and that you are too ignorant to understand just how close to the edge of the cliff into hades you are proves you are a fucking lemming.
Maybe instead of blindly doing things just because you are told you should learn shit first.
>What if you dont like the laws of where you are? Where would you go to get away from them?
You can always commit suicide.One less degenerate on the planet.
No, but we could if we were to blanda upp a bit, and let the years take their course.
Looking at how shittily most of the world runs their affairs, I don't want my society to be pulled down by their regressed tribal and corrupt bullshit
Yeah living amongst Muslims and dirt poor Dominicans is the recipe for a fucking successful society.
By that logic, abandoning nations in favor of a single, world-wide society would make everyone happier still.
>Wouldn't everyone be happier if we just mixed up and dissolved borders?
I know this might be the wrong place to mention this but that picture slightly arouses me.
Just something about the colors and ho the polished tiles come together but not perfectly shows that it is proper but can be loose if needed to be. The pattern is classy but extravagant and easy to appreciate. Thank you OP and do you have any more?
Name a country where this has happened? Multiculturalism is only a new phenomenon to Europe.
Not true. By your logic everybody living in a house would be happier if it was just one big room.
Err... Brazil... Nope... I don't have any.
Sadly not I'm afraid, glad you liked it though.
So THATS why you chaps run the show.
Exactly; Brazil. Do you want your country to end up like that?
Look at every single region of the world with lots of diversity. You cannot keep a lid on the seemingly endless bloodshed. Now imagine that everywhere. People group up to those who share similar values. The world doesn't share the same values. Hence why nations exist as ideally a natural zone of cultural homogeneity and where that ends you draw the border.
A good recent example is Yugoslavia. A current example is Africa.
>Muslims hate Jews
>Muslims known for suicide bombing
>Dissolve national borders, allowing Muslims to freely enter Jewish neighborhoods
Yeah, that should go over smoothly. Can''t see any potential problems there.
Tile fetish guy?
>Why do you still cling to the idea of nations?
Because niggers and kikes.
You are too young to know but there existed a time when humans had dignity, agency, pride and were rooted in traditions and a moral framework. With a world government all that is gone. the argument for it is basically everybody will have air condition so what if life is vacuous
bringing people together rather than pitting them against each other makes them happier, you were the one who said as much. So by that logic dissolving national borders is a good thing. Nationalism isn't the end, but the step prior to globalization in the process of making people happier.
I would rather not say but this has been going on for a few years now and I can not find a way to be attracted to anyone else. It 's just the patterns and they way they shine when the light hits just right that causes them to get me tense inside.
Only if the entire world decides to go for globalization at the same time. If you unilaterally throw away all your values, traditions, and sense of kinship your land will be taken by those who didn't.
You got me confused with another poster. Bringing like minded people together does make them happier. Forcing people with different ideas to be together does not.
What will we have left of the world when everything is just a gray blend? No countries, no tradition, the whole world would become gypsies. Can't say "Hey, I want to visit Germany for their beer and meat!", because there will be no Germany, and the area where Germany was will be taken over and their identity erased.
Every culture would take over white countries, but no white people will move to their areas.
>post racial society
kek m8
Why not decentralize everything.
In the history of the world, large empires have always crumbled to bits because a central governing body could not govern the many smaller territories equally.
Equality is not real and it cannot be legislated or governed.
-Greek Empire
-Persian Empire
They all tried to govern different lands with the same central government and all were ended in rebellion.
The US will be the next to crumble. Due to the shifting demographics forced by legislated equality programs, uncontrolled immigration, bad trade deals, the nation is on the brink of civil conflict. The only logical conclusion in the near future is a breakup of the nation into regions... Either that or a white armed rebellion which will end in the government sending troops in against its own citizenry...
What we really need to be doing is decentralizing EVERYTHING. Why connect governments and economies together into a fragile and complex ecosystem when we should be creating independent microeconomics and smaller modular business units that work for the specialized regions they are in??
This forced conformity... Forced adherence to standard ways of living... Working... Governing... Fucking... Is not what true diversity is about.
Throwing all of our eggs into one basket and getting rid of individuality and uniqueness is not the way to make the world harmonious...
So what you're saying is get rid of any diversity whatsoever and make everyone look, think, act and feel the same??
How the ever living fuck do you intend to do that ?
Fuck off you repressed britbong