The biggest soyboy amp

The biggest soyboy amp.
Prove me wrong.

>hehhe bing I donet liek is soyboy


The soy meme is unironically killing this board.

tfw the alt-right end up becoming their own undoing. Twas inevitable, I suppose.


Wata is antisoy

and the brainlet meme is saving it


It's a cheap imitation of something quality. Worthless attempt at cashing in on a product that is good and successful. Making it everything a soy boy loves. An association with something good/ but at a cheap enough cost to buy. Hoping to fool the common man into thinking their amplifier is of any merit.

Buy a Crate Idiot.

t. seething soyboy

So Capitalism 101 is soyboy shit?



>Doesnt approve of cheap knockoffs
>Recs Crate

>just spend more of your dads money

How the fuck is an amp soy
It literally just makes things louder
You soyposters are getting desperate

>people actually think soy is bad

Idk but this thread honestly confused me. Its probably just a viral marketer

Only a soyboy would think that

its true, its not killing the board, its only mildly annoying sometimes.