Sup Forums 5 years ago

>Sup Forums 5 years ago

>Sup Forums today

what happened?

an autistic turk keeps making almost all of these threads

he's one of many

reaction to cringy mongrel Sup Forums autists

I guess it's also a result of all the normal people leaving over the years as the r9k menace grew

wh*Te on vacation here. When i return i will hire many BLACK bulls to satisfy my wife.

it's irony

yeah, pol was a catalist
but we always hated whitey

After this board broke that autistic mexican it wasnt funny anymore, also instead of >white we got some guys from /r9kpol/ playing victim.

By the way, i'm 100% White if you don't count my chinese mom.

but slavs are white...


What race am I then? My whole life has been a lie...

In America, even our blacks are white.

please don't associate us with wh*tes
thanks in advance

Asian obviously

white race doesn't exist anyway, is a meme

but i am a slav... All this time I thought i was white, and so did everyone else i've ever met in real life.

Sup Forums has shown me the error of my ways.

That makes a bit more sense. Grouping by similar skintone doesn't make much sense.

we were in the obama ages 5 years ago
now we in the trump era

Sup Forums is white
t. whitelogist

depends on your breed
I, for example, am of scythian/sarmatian descent, therefore asian and not white

>TFW don't autistically care about specific ethnic origins and just try to live a normal life without worrying about haplo-groups or my exact DNA makeup

Am I a brainlet?

Sup Forumstards are autistic and don't understand satire, so it's fun seeing the occasional sperg out.

We went extinct


That's 5 years worth of being bombarded by "ironic" images of interracial porn.

Meh, at least we are not producing trannies at the same rate as /pol

But at what point does saving and then dumping dozens of images of BLACKED Porn turn from 'satire' to "this person needs medical attention"?


Being ironically racist was cool 5+ years ago, but with the recent events of reddit migration from /r/The_Donald to Sup Forums everyone unironically took race baiting seriously so you must counter attack the cancerous neckbeard mentality.


Will it go back to being unironically racist in a few years then?

Make sure your white girls get implanted with black seeds. That makes your dick diamond right?

>larping white supremacists perpetually bragging about their phenotype, claiming responsibility for their rich history, although most of them are pathetic loners sitting 24/7 at home, insulting other non whites and making arbitrary assumptions about someones race based on theur flag etc for years
>turk and other non whites trolling, and some poltards and burgers losing their shit about that, because they feel personally assaulted on an anime forum

Yea whites cant take banter
And no I am not a turk or muslim

>Sup Forums 5 years ago
>Italians are white

>Sup Forums today
>Italians are not white


I'm unironically anti-white.

wh*Te subhumans non-wh*Tes are being redpilled they realized that wh*Tes are subhumans


Genocide wh*tes

Plebbit invasion. They are the ones who constantly cry about Sup Forums if anyone makes an un-pc comment on Sup Forums of all places.

We grew up

Whites are old and busted

fuck off wh*Te dog
go back to breitbart/t_d/9gag

But Reddit is the white supremacist website...

also lmao at the captcha

There is a significant difference between acting like a retard and saying something un-pc.

You realize most of Sup Forums would tell people to go back go Sup Forums id they posted low quality edgy retarded stuff before /new/ was a thing, right?

like it or not argies and turks contributed a big part of Sup Forums culture

People post low quality edgy stuff all the time on Sup Forums though, that's pretty much the essence of the board.

the stormfags made took everything seriously and made making fun of nonwhites unoriginal and boring
making fun of whitey is funnier now. With all these recent headlines we can easily screencap them and name them "whitey BTFO"

We woke now

int on the right
wh*Te race on the left

>turkish woman with kurdish man

He looks like my old friend Ryan Shilling. Kinda hope it isn't him.

Okay reaaaaaally low quality stuff

I'm talking spouting nigger randomly

turks btfo

Isn't the vast vast majority of "flag based banter" "reaaaaally low quality" though?
Just seems really strange that people are so upset by "nigger" being used once in a bluemoon when the dumbest shit is posted here and it's a-ok.

Mostly because it's by the association that 14 year old Sup Forumstards are ones saying it

Think of the words gross or problematic. They're just words, but it's now associated with tumblr sjws so its mocked.

When a turk starts chimping out just remind them that they are being outbreed by kurds

what personally triggers me is that someone cherrypicks a wh*Te looking turk and posts it

14 year old Sup Forums tards say everything, that doesn't make any sense.

There is literally an ugly person with acne, or a 12 year old kid or some other undesirable person who supports any worldview, ideology, or party.

Turks confirmed for white
stop the bully, my white brother

Kurds are old news. They always made up 10-15% of our population since 1000 years. And their birth rate returning to normal rates slowly.

After 5 years we all realized that nobody is white; except for maybe Anglos, Germs and Nords. But who wants to be white when they are that fucking cucked lmao.

those are not wh*Te
wh*Tenes=/=skin color

Kek keeping believing that

Theres nothing to celebrate in turkey


if there's a far left president

i'm asian and shitpost anti-white sometimes because literally the most sensitive and butthurt people here are always Sup Forums refugees who get triggered by literally everything.

alot of euro flags tend to be in on the joke though.


>pretend to be SJW on Sup Forumstard boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums etc.
>pretend to be racist/sexist on cuck boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /lit/
>i'm actually a radical centrist

I blame newfags.

Is Sup Forums actually a cuck board?

you are witnessing the evolution of a meme my brother

>Sup Forums is a poltard board


There's a lot of unintelligent anglos and g*rmans here who unironically treat this board as Sup Forums 2.0.
They get really butthurt when you tell them to go back to r/the_donald

Sup Forums is a pedo nazi board now.

Triggered non whites

Being white is the new black.

I missed when Sup Forums was more """"""accepting""""" i mean as in there was a lot of hard banter and everything but you can at least had a small conversations with them. Like with brazil and mexico. Now today everything is BUILD WALL and BRAZIL NIGGERS unironically.

Northern Italians are white


I blame the greeks. They couldnt take varg banter and now pretend they are araps

Also this board is swarmed with centrists that dont really grasp the concept of Sup Forums complaining about " le bad nazis " in every other post. They try to be counter edgy but they sound exactly like neo cons

It literally is

nah it was already like this, don't you remember bilel ? everyday making threads that he hates white people
the turk has been here for a long time too
same for those canadian chinks

Delet this

it's just the latest ebin meme

kek you have been on Sup Forums spewing your hate for years
haven't been on this board in 3 weeks i come back and you are still here
it makes me feel good because i can always come here and see you are still in your room shitposting about white people 24/7 like a fucking loser

Reminder that Sup Forums is our retarded little brother

DELETE this you normie

this is a typical wh*te meal in my country. Traditionally eaten with a single grain of salt and no pepper.

They're both stupid memes.

>What happened
Realization that Whites are the source of every SJW bullshit, and that real conservatives are in nonwhite countries (India, Saudi Arabia, China, etc...).

Only the Russians stand out, and even them don't consider themselves White.

Russians definitely are considered white. What the fuck?

Unfortunately that is Sup Forums now

this but unironically
I'm actually amerindian too but no one believes it

what happens if you put 2 grains?

this board has gone to shit

5 years ago you'd see a lot more banter, especially in between neigbouring countries, or even inbetween the US and Europe

now it's filled with shitty generals fuck this

>a radical centrist

a pseud retard