Why is this so overrated?

Why is this so overrated?

it's a decent record OP. pic related however is their best

>not Exile
Sticky Fingers has one of their worst songs from their golden era

i like exile too but it feels kinda bloated at times. sticky fingers has variety, and sway is one of richard's finest moments

>sway is one of richard's finest moments
Keith doesn't even play on Sway


No. Jagger and Taylor on guitars. Keith only does the backing vocals. That's why their live attempts were so awful, Ronnie's a terrible soloist and Keith never bothered to learn the song.

fuck i had no idea

Don't worry, Keith has Can't You Hear Me Knocking

>Sticky Fingers has one of their worst songs from their golden era

If you say moonlight mile I'm going to shatter your knees