King of Sup Forums

Bow to your king.

Also, where the fuck has Sam been? He's uploaded like five things this year. He done? Is the Adult Swim stuff for real? I don't have cable anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sam is really ugly and kind of dumb. He's literally just a meme you fucking dipshit.


>He's literally just a meme you fucking dipshit.
Get out heretic.


Hes a genious. Mde reply to facebook messages but it seems like theyrr pre occupied with life

>wife's boyfriend
>wife's son


He's just really busy lately with the new Adult Swim show user, no need to worry. You can find a sneak peek on jewtube. New show airs this summer btw.

>Also, where the fuck has Sam been? He's uploaded like five things this year.

MDE is in the progress of making a show for Adult Swim, thats why there hasn't been any uploads in a while.

Also, /MDE/ general?


He's the most important comedian on this planet. He is doing stuff a retard like me is 10 years behind.

The MDE show airs after the Reddit and Morty premiere, so it's about to get huge fucking ratings. Sam's going to be a star. He's going to become what Tim and Eric wanted to be.


sam's alright but he's also an alt-right fag...

Wow I thought the Adult Swim thing was just a joke being spread about MDE. I guess it's real.

People talked and talked about it, but it never seemed to yield anything. I just figured it was a meme.

I hope this is real:

That's fucking hilarious.

>implying that's bad

Ok cool, yeah I wasn't sure (lol) if that was a bit or if it was really happening. Fucking sweet. Good for him.

>Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace is a super pure tragicomedy rosary of pious prayers bringing unity, joy, and excellent living to the people of all sizes, sexualities, and colors starring misandrous comedioterrorists Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort, Charles Carroll, and directed by Andy Ruse. World Peace will unlock your closeted bigoted imagination, toss your inherent racism into the burning trash, and cleanse your intolerant spirit with pure unapologetic American funny_com. Open your eyes or you’ll get thumb goggles. For what naive slob expects hemlock medicine to taste of milkshake? For the record, none of us plan on killing ourselves and if we do it’s CIA_Mossad.

I really hope this show just blows the fuck out of liberals and SJWs. Sam has explicitly stated before that he will not sacrifice his comedic vision because of jewish influences.

Heres a sneak peak. Try to ignore the three fags in the corner.