Was last night's Broncos/Chargers game the worst game production in sports history? There were so many fucking memes.
>Sergio Dipp
>Rex Ryan being drunk
>female caster
>pic of random black guy labeled as Vance Joseph
Was last night's Broncos/Chargers game the worst game production in sports history? There were so many fucking memes.
>Sergio Dipp
>Rex Ryan being drunk
>female caster
>pic of random black guy labeled as Vance Joseph
shocking lack of diversity ITT
>the time of his life
were rex and the lady really that bad? i was watching the game, but i wasnt really paying attention to the commentating. he made me chuckle a couple times though.
>implying turbodykes are that bad
when the broncos missed the feild goal the lady literally said
"they possibly just missed a chance for 3 points"
>female caster
we didn't even get to see her, just her annoying voice
i fell asleep around half time though
What happened with sergio dipp?
>woman play by play caller
>two diversity hires at head coach
It was a sjws wet dream.
Rex was awful, the lady wasn't that bad.
Rex Ryan was basically like "'Trevor Siemian, now there's a guy that can throw the ball downfield to an open receiver. Those are the qualities you look for in a franchise quarterback."
He's a non-native English speaker who was, for some reason, asked to do English sideline reporting.
he has to go back
Beth was arguably the only good thing about the call last night. She at least has some experience. Rex was awful and boring, Dipp was just cringeworthy (at least he was HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE), the camera work was shoddy at times, it definitely felt like ESPN's B-squad. Or maybe D-squad.
Rex was practically mumbling the whole game, Sergio sounded like a turboautist and the chick was the most competent of the group but still cringy
she was making obvious statements that weren't necessary, i miss boomer and Groudon
NFL confirmed dead.
So this is the power of ESPN monday night football millennial management...
I don't mind a female broadcaster doing the game, but that particular one was awful, her voice placement made every sound she uttered sound like nails on a chalk board, and they miked her poorly (which I think the fixed midway through the first quarter), then she tops it off by shouting unnecessarily.
Hopefully THAT experiment is out of the ay...
>pic of random black guy labeled as Vance Joseph
That "random black guy" was Rod Smith.
wew that's rough
>she was making obvious statements that weren't necessary
so she's like every other football announcer?
>ESPN confirmed dead
I know I'm in the minority here, but as a progressive, I actually enjoyed the commentary by Mowins. A lot of people don't like her voice but they'll get used to her. In a few years having women as sportcasters across all leagues won't be a big deal.
Reminds me of Anakin, even looks similar
>tick tick tick tick tick tick
When I heard about Dipp, I originally thought he was some kid who managed to sneak his way to the sideline and trick them into putting him on TV. I thought it was pretty funny, the whole broadcast was off though, having two games on Monday is weird, it really shows how difficult it is to do it well even though we shit on them all the time
Ohhhh I see it now. Coolio
Holy shit this is worse then that track and field guy nbc brings to Nascar races
>Sup Forums gets to be a sideline reporter for a day
Rex just kept talking about feet
rex and that woman had NO chemistry... and rex took 100% of the blame somehow
(((wonder why)))
didn't realize English is his second language though. Would be tough.
he's in the US since elementary school though
Don't really care if it's a woman announcer. But her voice sounded like a 12 year old boy. It was just weird.
weird in a confused boner way, am I right?
ESPN fired all of its competent staff over the summer
lmfao I saw that last night and just thought I was drunkenly not recognizing his face.
>sincerely outsourcing your grunt work to ESPN Deportes
sports really are a microcosm of society
projecting this hard
Two John Maddens in the booth?!
I thought the female broadcaster was a dude with an annoying voice at first. Like a thick Baltimore or Boston accent
My issue with Beth, was she kept using incorrect terms for plays, equipment and players.
A scramble is not a roll out.
A punt is not a boot.
Running out the clock does in fact negate the need for a first down.
Why don't they just use Wilborn and Kornheiser?
To be fair, for your first complaint
>A scramble is not a roll out
Most announcers tend to say "qb is rolling out to his left/right" in place of scramble. Scrambling tends to only be used when the qb is in dire trouble instead of the correct terminology which is when he's running outside of the pocket.
The woman wasn't even calling the game, no play by play, she'd just say 'so-and-so was tackled' then go back to some boring story while Rex spilled his spaghetti the entire time probably thinking about her feet. Truly the worst MNF I've ever seen.
>forgot to mention the GOAT YOUNGHOE
I was cooking dinner and had the game on in the background and I started hearing this and I was like what in the fuck is going on at ESPN, this is like boom goes the dynamite 2.0.
> Rex Ryan being drunk
You should've seen sir Charles at game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals
He did everything short of call Gary a kike
She sounded like a boring Doris Burke.
The woman was kind of like a bad smell. At first it's putrid and distracting, but eventually you get used to it.
Rex was just shit. It was like he was on prozac. Zero energy and nothing interesting to say. Exactly the opposite in what you want in a color guy.
she sounds a lot like the woman golf analyst on cbs
I was working so I listened to the game on the radio and the announcing was great. I don't know who the people doing it were but they did a good job.
god that was awful.
Woman calling an all male sport just doesn't feel right. With all the testosterone on the field, a feminine play-by-play will never feel right. There's a reason a ton of woman sports are called by men, woman prefer male voices too.
lol they fucked that guy
>long day at work in LA
>come home
>wife who you thought was attractive before she shit out kids is acting like a cunt, completely ungrateful for the work you do to provide for your family
>kids got in trouble at school again, you begin suspecting that Jr. is getting into marijuana and other soft drug use
>turn on the game to escape from this for a few hours
>some dyke is trying to tell you about football
>throws it to a sideline reporter who struggles with english but assures you that the two black coaches are having the time of their lives.
>your new charger team you never asked for get your hopes up in the last few minutes with a little comeback but still finds an embarrassing way to lose
>look lovingly at your framed raiders memorabilia in your study before tying the noose
>that opening of the broadcast where Rex didn't say anything for a solid like 4 minutes
Was probably trying to snap some creep pics of Beth's feet
Good news guys!
>CBS Sports announced its NFL lineup pairings for the 2017 season, and it includes play-by-play announcer Beth Mowins teamed with new game analyst Jay Feely.
>Mowins and Feely are slated to call the Browns-Colts game Sept. 24.
At least its on a shit tier game nobody will watch
It's sad how female announcers becoming a thing is not NFL fans asking it, it's just to appease SJW's who aren't even a big part of the fan base.
How many male black/hispanic fans are happy to see a white woman do play by play?
You're all wrong. "She rocked it." according to cnn. And she got a lot of positive tweets from from other reporters. So in your face racists.
he didn't take the bantz well:
holy fuck his english is awful. I speak better spanish than he does english. Even then, I would never try to go on Spanish TV and try to pass as a reporter. also
>muh diversity
And I speak better English than he does. Which is kinda sad because apparently he's lived in the US since he was a small child.
Also, I like the latent racism in his sideline reporting. Vance Joseph is "having the time of his life" just sounds like he won a lottery to coach the Broncos for one night or something. Liberals/leftists/snowflakes tend to treat black people like children. And if they behave like an adult should, they immediately praise them like you'd praise your dog when he goes outside. This is the same: Wow, it thinks it's human. So cute!
>the majority of NFL viewers is old angry white dudes
>a woman is now NFL commentator
step by step, this league walks towards its grave.