Godspeed at the polls tomorrow, my fellow Sup Forumsacks across the pond

Godspeed at the polls tomorrow, my fellow Sup Forumsacks across the pond.

Tomorrow's victory will confirm the world revolution,
And by the night I may sleep convinced that the tides of change are indeed upon us.

I'm not a man of faith, but I am compelled to pray for you all, tonight.

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Fools, exit will never happen.

Britain is just another state out of many now. Like Arkansas or Florida.

As another American, what could you possibly gain out of the United Kingdom remaining?

Brexit is the only hope for or brothers, and us in turn, user.

Thanks lad, if Brexit can happen, Trump getting elected can happen too.

Funny that you say that,
And yet as a native Floridian, I can confirm that Florida will be helping Donald Trump get into the white house.

In the same regard, Scottland will make or break this election. But it's so tooth and nail it'd be idiotic to say there's a clear lead, aside from Brexiter's recent bump.

My sentiments, exactly. It will happen because it must happen.


When will the results be announced? I'm rooting for you fuckers. I'm having a cup of Yorkshire tea for you guys, and I'll be having plenty tomorrow morning! VOTE LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!

You do realize the limey faggots are going to vote to remain don't you. Piece of shit cowards all of em.

pls gib based recent gerald link

does "hiding" posts actually do anything. of course I meant Farage. dear god what have I gotten myself into

what will happen if it PASSES?

Laurie Penny will shit herself.

crashing the eu with no surviviors

What do you see there in terms of Trump support?

Also, is the panhandle all rednecks like I hear?

Some horrible plan B most likely.

It's not like the idea of this actually happening didn't cross anyone's mind at the Bilderberg meeting.

Shut up, leaf. Have some fucking hope for once in your life.

They better have a massive parade with royal guards marching down the street when brexit. All brits please hang a brit flag out your window.

Britain will have a new independence day, as Boris Johnson said. Other than that not really anything. It will be a normal day. Only the air will smell fresher, and the colors will be brighter.

Oh, and Britain will have control over their borders, trade, and therefore sovereignty again. So that's nice.

This. Me and the wife are rooting for you, Bongs.

Panhandle is confirmed for all rednecks, until Tallahassee. You have a brief patch of old people clustered there, who are neighbored by more rednecks in centrap Florida.

Trump will have Florida. I was at his rally in Tampa the other week, and it was a massive turnout with little protest. Florida is almost always Republican because of our old people problem.

Exactly. I want the British to feel the pride of patriotism again.


Now, back to freedom intensifying across the pond....


Godspeed bongs

I have faith you'll make the right decision

i'm getting very very nervous with all of these political changes... i'm about to get an anxiety attack with all this shit...

Cameron will kill himself
Boris will kick sadiq khan and all the pakis out of london.

It's the year of the fire monkey, embrace it

after this chaos will come a bright new Don

God id kill myself if I was that hairy.

Hope?!? I used to have hope, do you see my country, take a long hard look at it, that's what hope gets you. Hope changes nothing, all it does is prevents you from taking the steps to insure yourself from the inevitable. Nothing good ever happens.

Bitches love the BHC.

I am so sorry for what's happened to Canada

It's just awful
You hate to see it

I'd kill yourself if you were that hairy too

Hope is all many men have left, God help them once even that is gone.


You may be able to mount a legal defense on the grounds that you confused him for a wolf man

So if the norm is disappointment, then why try to do anything about it?

That's detrimental thinking, man. Hope is what fuels change.

>Hope is what fuels change.
>tfw this is true but Obama ruined ever using those two words together again



He sold the country on being a "fresh face" and people bought into it hook, line, and sinker. Without even considering that this fresh face was fresh as fuck, he was barely a congressman.

Agreed, he has brought shame to the words.


There is no bloody revolution.

Enjoy the bitter taste of the One World Government being forced down your throat, as this circus was designed to diffuse your anger so any such movement would fizzle out short of it's goal.

Once you join the EU? You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.