It's time

It's time
get in here
be part of history

Other urls found in this thread:

really sad we're seeing a bunch of bigots hold back progress. shame.

really makes you think

really makes you stink

You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it?

Why is Mike Tyson wearing drag at the start of the video?

really makes ya 'fink, eh John?

She's gay now, don't you know?

>comments disabled


>Comments are disabled for this video.
Last night they were just trying to heavily moderate it.

We fucking did it. They're retreating.

Now, what's our plan for when they inevitably close the like/dislike bar as well?

The progress of the pedo lobby.

never did I feel the urge to own an automatic rifle until watching this video. These people need to be taken out of their own misery, for their own good. Those are not human beings


Dislike the video with all the accounts you can make and troll the shit out of individuals videos.

It's not too late.

Do it for Europe

Saw that pic, rekt. Saw your digits, checked.

Faggots hold back progress

>over 200k dislikes
Holy shit the fags are getting nuked

seriously dude. I have a lesbian friend and she's really a good girl, it's one of those hypersensitive hyperfeminine characters with no shadow of evil in her heart. Plus she's cute, you would never tell she was anything different.
These """"people"""" in this video are mentally ill at best

>comments disabled

>Comments disabled

How is youtube such a dweeb, can't even take criticism. Maybe it hurts for them, that people have different opinions other than theirs.

>Comments Disabled
One could only wonder why that would be...

Becuth he'll fuck you till you love him fagget

Go away evil fagger

Comments gone post screenshots

>Comments disabled

Your friend is a sodomite and an abomination worthy only of destruction.


I'm pretty sure that she is not a sodomite, but either way, my point is that things aren't black and white. There are normal gay people, and this. Those freaks will only antagonize the normies even more

Suggestion: Get reddit to help us by telling them the video is just taking advantage of pridemonth and is actually sexist. Then after the raid is done pin it all on reddit and link the threads, then let youtube and tumblr raid reddit

They snitched us out.

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

amnation starts with little steps, by arrogantly thinking that you are wiser than our great forbears, by tinkering with truth, by compromising, by departing from the straight and narrow path of the Emperor’s light.

We have this

Here's another video for you guys.

>Wow I'm in that early stage of comments on a LGBT+ video where the comments aren't terrible.

We should fix that.

progress = normalizing mental illness/delusion

yeah, that does sound like liberal "progress"

Disliked, thanks for sharing. I don't usually interact at all with YouTube videos, but yesterday I disliked every video in that fucking #proudtobe playlist. Sick of all this crap.

i love it when daddy fucks me.

okay Ahmed.

It's great that you're doing this but why would you use "Sup Forums" instead of just "Sup Forums"?

that one tranny in the video looks hot and like an actual woman. I'd let it suck my dick

i dont know whats happening but heres a bump

That's an upvote from me for my wife's transgender son assholes


Really sad seeing a bunch of degenerates force their beliefs on us.