muh dick
Muh dick
Other urls found in this thread:
i want to lick her teeth
>wanting to have sex, ever
her videos aren't skanky enough for me to fap to them
She has great lips. I see why she likes to eroticize them a lot.
>standard insta-whore with meme eyebrows and meme strangler
>muh dick
poor taste and effort
what's the issue here, she's not from albania, she's from kosovo, she's a kosovar
ass too. but later.
an albanian shqip from kosovo, not a serb
>not a serb
obviously, she has white skin
she's darker than most serbs desu
t. serb-roach
ok fuck off now, I want to talk about dua lipa not your personal issues with albanians or kosovars
I wish serbs had finished the alban*gger removing process from existence
t. turk/bulgar/croat/shqip
nice job on existing
soon, russian bombs will be upon them
>yfw the serb-roach is actively destroying every dua lipa fap thread with his Sup Forumstard posting
NATO bombing again soon pls
She's such an adorable slut
lucky bunny
these DSL's, I'm weak bros
lads im gonna make it in the music industry just to face fuck this bitch mark my words
that face looks like prolapse
I want to blow my load on her midriff if you know what I mean
midriff is such a naughty word lad
I just want to fuck her raw in the missionary position while maintaining eye contact then pull out and cum all over her tummy
is that too much to ask for honestly
>dark hair
>pretty face
>this body of work
Foxes is hotter
i would absolutely love to fuck the shit out of her
now if only her music was good...
She looks like she fucks black guys
shut up user I'm at work I could get caught jacking off
>dua /ss/ing a random asian loli
wew lad, sexiest dua lipa video by far
let me guess, a fat chick or a literal faggot? which is it cunt?
because you're a fat cow? not really family, just keep your shit tumblr images out of the thread so all pics are of the hot whore
wow seething roastie, how suprising
wtf my man I'm a dude
the image you posted literally says tumblr tho
and i literally pulled it from google you seething retard
umm could we get less of these instagram whores who all look the same (daddy issues anyone?) and can't even sing, post more actual women with great music like Adele, k?
nothing makes me happier more than a girl with a large belly sitting down and it's on her thighs
I have no fucking idea why
and? the issue here is the tumblr mentality you daft cunt, you obviously think the pic has merit and agree with it
maybe tumblr is more suited for you instead of Sup Forums
>thot gets called out with a picture calling out thots
>calls me a faggot or fat cow
>continues to get angry despite the image coming from google because muh tumblr mentality
based midriff queen
tfwywnh a threesome with charli and dua
charli a skank
holy fuck, it's like latinas have to look like quintessential thots
Are there female singers who don't rely on blatant sexuality?
based brit slags
B-but I thought whites all had IQs around 120
the ugly ones
>that British Accent
maybe that's why they have such short musical careers?
Katy Perry flopped as she aged & everyone wanted her to stay young.
that's life
her accent is terrible you retard
'tis true.
dupa zhopa
>tfw she could probably beat the shit out of me
Implying that Sup Forums is any different from tumblr
i like that New Rules song
what did he mean by this
>charli "Delhi belly" XCX
looks like my ex, probably just as braindead
Hope Sandoval
Yes. Idiot.
just grimes
any tributes?
Taylor Swift should take notes...
Make one.
jack off to her.
Might solve some of this issues. You will realize she's just a thot, and not even one that gets naked.
>pump up the jam
kek, just noticed this
role reversal.
good call.
Don't know her, are you related?
Can't name one
oi guvna look at me fat cow tits
enough chit chat lads let's talk about the one true kween.
>i listen to adele for the music
yeah no, look at those tits
Integrating this mindset to the collective unconscious is the only thing that will save us from thots
I unironically would.
based charli
don't have an opinion on dua either way desu, she's just there like
Is it true English girls are ez?
Chali's half Indian and half English, Dua's white.
>Dura's white.
albanians are not white, fuck off
Why not, she looks pretty white to me? Unless you think tanning easily means you aren't white.
Who the fuck cares whether she's white or not?
jealous Amerifats
it is literally better to live among n*ggers from subsahara than among albanians, whomst this vapid whore represents.