Is Occupy Democrats a false flag made by republicans to make dems look bad? Or do they seriously believe the shit they spew?
Occupy Democrats
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My grandparents believe that Donald Trump actually plans to abolish the constitution and that the protesters are all paid for by him to generate publicity
Occupy Democrats isn't that unbelievable
This is a military grade shovel available at any Lowes or Home Hardware and has been used to bury hundreds of dead bodies. And anyone can easily buy one legally
They're real.
You know they're real by the market share of normies that will share their shit.
It's not just tumblristas, it's all the latte liberal white collar guys.
Probably like 1/4th of America believes it.
"What is it like to fire an AR-15? Itβs horrifying, menacing and very very loud.
It felt to me like a bazooka β and sounded like a cannon.
But mostly, I was just terrified.
Squeeze lightly on the trigger and the resulting explosion of firepower is humbling and deafening (even with ear protection).
The recoil bruised my shoulder, which can happen if you don't know what you're doing. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions β loud like a bomb β gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable."
Gersh Kuntzman
Globalist Propagandist
New York Daily News
>military-grade assault rifle
>3 rounds per second not counting reloads
fuck i hate occupy democrats so much. i don't mind debate or disagreement, but they just straight up lie, and blue-pilled normies eat it up.
>PTSD from shooting a gun
Maximum kek.
Jews can be hilarious while they are trying to take away your rights
>civilian grade ar15
>180 rpm
It's not the Republicans making them do it because that is fucking hilarious and you are not aloud to be funny on the House floor.
>It's democrats being autistic
Bury? You sharpen the edges and it probably killed more people in ww1 than the bayonette
(((Gersh Kuntzman)))
Finkelsteined that for you
When the founding fathers had shovels they intended it for digging in the farm not for trench warfare
Killed more people in WWI then our """""rifles""""" did for sure
They believe what they spew.
>whats wrong with this picture?
That baby-cuck magazine for one.
This one got me thinkin'
Thought Orlando shooter didn't use the ar15 and everyone went mad saying it's not about what weapon he used.
Famous part of "all quiet" where earnest borhnine talks about how the enlisted men on both sides came to an agreement to fight with sharpened spades and not use their payonets.
The spades would kill you outright, or give you a simple wound they could amputate.
The bayonets would more often than not wound people with stand that wouldn't close leading to long agonizing deaths list in no man's land or in the hospital getting septic.
So somehow the non-come had an unspoken agreement that the axe like sharpened trnech took was better.
But they have the right to get pregnant already
The creators of this could be people just messing around. Some people might believe it, but it's probably just a vocal minority
Even during war men can be civil with each other
Liberal cumshitters are retarded? Wow, shocker.
>The guy used an AR-15
Liberals literally believe whatever they're told these days.
I think it's time we purged the weak element for the good of the gene pool
Women have the right to get pregnant AND murder the child in the womb if they don't want to be responsible for it.
What "reproductive" rights are women lacking?
>make it black
>can't see it in space
I can do a 1-5 drill in about 5 seconds, and I've seen it done in less than half that time on YouTube. They probably just extrapolated those 15 shots out for a whole minute and disregarded reloading. If you had a theoretical 180 round magazine it's not unfeasible to shoot it off in a minute but accuracy is going to be shit and your barrel will get hot as fuck and lesser ar-15 builds may jam.
>liberals have yet to attack the mini 14
It's weird, because any gentleman's agreement in ww1 somehow came about under the officers nose.
Like, the men in the trenches would develop a few weird code rules like that, as the men in the sky did for eachother.
I don't think any other war had such a strange relationship between the opposing enlisted men.
Between things like the bayonet ban and the Christmas truce.
Quads of truth.
I just recently read All Quiet on the Western Front.
You've got that partly mixed up. They used spades mainly because bayonets tend to get stuck in torsos and make your already long rifle even longer and unwieldy in the trenches.
I wonder what a war with women vs women would look like
They don't care about Norwegian children obviously.
kek approves!
BAN AR-15s!!!!
>what's wrong with this picture
too small of a magazine. 0/10
>yfw all the articles changed to "he used a SIG-Sauer, which is just like an AR-15"
For the curious, this gentlemen does an excellent job breaking down the sig sauer mcx (gun used in Orlando) vs. the ar15.
>meanwhile we're banning opinions which kill nobody
I live and DC and can walk down to the capital. Should I?
How much damage can you do with passive agressiveness?
A lot of back stabbing.
Yeah but they would have access to nuclear launch codes
>oh my god they copied our flag!
>that slut you totally were the original
I have a Sig Sauer 516 and it is indeed an AR 15, just with a gas piston upper.
An mcx? Wow, he spared no expense for his murder spree.
I have the 516 as well but your average leftist retard won't know the difference between an AK and an AR, let alone the MCX from the 516.
I'm just amused by the continued hard-on they have against the AR-15, where it has to be shoehorned into any discussion of a shooting, even where it isn't that gun that's used.
You get the carbon package? Was totally worth it (difference was 350 bucks from northern firearms off gunbroker) to me, all it needs then is an optic and perhaps an ambidextrous safety switch.
I think they're just pissed about 30 round magazines. What pisses me off is them calling it a 'military grade assault rifle'. We should all be so lucky to have M4 lowers.
You know about the Christmas Truce during WW1?
Wait, sorry to turn this into /k/, but I though the two systems (gas and piston) were two different means of accomplishing the same task of making semi-auto fire possible.
But then again I might just be retarded seeing as I'm poor and can't afford one yet.
No, I bought a lightly used one for $1100.
The standard patrol model.
>It shoots 180 rounds per minute
If you pull the trigger 180 times in that minute, right? As automatic weapons were banned in the 80s, no? Seems like a disingenuous statement, you could probably should 180 times a minute with a pistol as well if you were really good.
This one has to be psyop.
Mu grandfather's e tool has killed more japs
>thanks to the NRA
You see that's where the leftists fuck up on the whole gun thing
They think they're fighting against the NRA when in reality they are fighting against TENS OF MILLIONS of upright American citizens
>What's wrong with this picture?
Yes they are two of many tyoes of semi auto systems.
But they are very different from each other as far as gun enthusiasts are concerned.
Beta mag, would not operate with.
Drum magazines are prone to jamming
Also that thing is heavy when fully loaded
No one would carry that into combat
It's missing the tacticool attachments.
I only understand how it works in a very general way. Combining gas and piston threw me off.
Troy rear sight.
what if you got a magazine that was so big it covered you entire body
that way it was like a shield and a gun at the same time
>what's wrong with this picture?
Pretty much every single "fact" portrayed?
HAS to be a troll effort, because if democrats really are that retarded, this world truly is doomed. Please let it all be an elaborate hoax, fingers crossed.
>could probably should
but I'll let the grammar slide. Boi, pulling the trigger 180 times means nothing when the standard, and above all convenient magazine size holds 30 rounds. You can't just switch magazines in a second (specifically on rifles.) Also, 3 trigger pulls a second would get real tough after the first 10 seconds.
SHHHH quiet with the logic!! It triggers!
>What's wrong with this picture?
I don't own one yet.
>What's wrong with this picture?
The magazine is too small, the handle is functional but could use a Trijicon, possibly some new grips and a better stock would suffice as well.
Also, occupy democrats is the snopes of facebook memes. Tries to act like an authority on truth and establish a false faith in them allowing people to be misled by shitty infographics that sidestep the truth.
>It shoots 180 rounds per minute
No, a cyborg named Jerry Miculek uses his bionic finger to depress the trigger 180 times in sixty seconds, while wearing and loading six 30-round magazines along with carrying and aiming the rifle.