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#respect #pray4Nerman
>be one of the best players in the world
>winning game easily
>leltic kid laughs at you for being a divegrass joke anyway
poor neymar
come tu brazil anhtony wel fack you up i kill you stupid bitch of a son
Why Neymar acting like a 8 years old boy
someone is gonna snap one day and break his leg, if he doesn't change his antics on the pitch.
of all the absolute top players, i cant think of anyone whos a bigger moron than him
>Estou desde garoto no futebol e poucas vezes vi alguém tão mal-educado desportivamente. Sempre trabalhei com jovens e nunca vi nada assim. Está na hora de alguém educar esse rapaz, ou vamos criar um monstro. Estamos criando um monstro no futebol brasileiro
Neymar .. Do you think he is arrogant? Ok, watch this video!
#الله أكبر
wow #respect our brazilian brothers they not recognise kosovo!!!11 neymar good pereson come to serbia for some pljeskavica!!11jedan
Chora mais
Scott Brown is going to send him back to the favelas with a two foot career ending tackle next time they play. can't wait.
>losing 3-0
>be no-name random
>try to laugh at one of the best players in the world
Embarrassing really.
What happened here, fill me in
I for one can't wait until Neymar's career ending injury
Some scrub Celtic youngster was getting roasted by Neymar all game. Neymar gets a yellow for diving and the young guy embarrasses himself like in OP pic. Neymar then refused to shake his hand at the end and the Celtic youngster almost cried.
Neymar dived like the little faggot he is, then got laughed at for it
>how many fingers did you stick in that shemale, m8?
You'll prove it or I will kill you!
t. seething hun
ralston and neymar were at it during the game
ralston allegedly still wanted to trade shirts with neymar after it was over
neymar didnt, responded like this
i think he just wanted to shake hands, like men do. and neymar acted like a 5 year old
Cavani and Veratti clearly sympathising with that body language of 'with have to spend every day with the cunt'
Both players showed absolutely no class.
yeah that's what i thought too, just that several outlets said it was about the shirt. i assume the scot wanted to bury the hatchet, but neymar wasn't interested.
What height is Nerman? He is being dwarfed by an 18 year old.
The only reason he does that, is because he knows that the rest of the team and bench have to defend due to his price tag.
While Ralston is a run of the mill Scottish youngster with alcoholic parents.
webm of the dive? did he get booked?
He got a yellow card for complaining. Search on youtube ffs.
im sure there are many 7 foot 18 year olds playing basketball. whats your point
PSG seem to be very enthusiastic about becoming the least likable club out there. That locker room must be toxic with not only Nerman but also Dani Alves who was cancerous at Juve. Veratti must be getting bullied everyday.
based neymar putting non skilled low iq tards in their place
>search neymar diving on youtube
gonna take a while to find the right one m8
>loses 5-0 at Celtic "we can beat anyone here" Park
If it was 20 years ago he would've been injured back when he was in santos.
>has never won a game in his life
True Chad
how can little hue bois even compete?
Fabelinhos have no education.
footballers that exhibited this kind of behaviour existed 20 years ago (especially in Brasil) and they survived alright
Great analysis, m8.
thanks lad. Neymar is a bit of a child tbqh
Celtics victim mentality has now made this slight altercation the main talking point instead of the 5-0 drubbing or the celtic fan running on the pitch and swinging a kick at Mbappe. Sweep sweep
>bigging up Al-Oil Money FC for beating a team who get prize money of £4m for winning their league
t. seething hun
Completely missed the joke there, pal
>bigging up
I don't listen to black music
what a chad!
celtic guy was in the wrong though, laughing of a legend, when he is losing by 5x0
>losing by 5x0
>Losing by 0
he did nothing wrong
Neymar has white guy face, but is black
He was laughing at a superstar diving about against a shit team that's levels below PSG.
no, neymar did nothing wrong. celtic guy disrespected him and neyar doesn't forgive because real people have feeling.
we have a saying in portugal for this "quem não sente não é filho de boa gente", meaning, those wo don't feel aren't sons of good people
what the fuck is that bullshit? how did he disrespect him, by not backing off and letting him run around him? why did neymar dive?
>implying that laughing at a diving piece of shit is ever wrong
dumbest post this week.
he laughed when Neymar got a yellow, that is childish and hurtfull behaviour
So's falling over and pretending to be hurt
because he was being a fucking baby about the dive - so he got booked for dissent. that deserves to be laughed at.
be a fucking man nerman.
>having to dive when you're up by 5
This is brazil.
no mate, it's childish to dive about trying to get another player punished when you and your team are leagues ahead of him and his team
acting like that earns you zero respect and is genuinely laughable behaviour
As a french speaker is easy for you comprehend portuguese?
diving is to be expected and part of the gae, celtic guy is childish and wanted to appear important next to a big boy like Neymar
tbf Neymar was embarrassing Ralston all game.
Fully got raped.
why did he say that?
jus because neymar is mixed and brazilian? he has to face this prejudice :(
>diving is to be expected and part of the gae
Cancerous opinion, diving is cheating and needs to be eradicated. Why would anyone defend diving?
Please let somebody else have some (you)s
>amerisharts bringing nationality as if its is any relevant
CR7, Busquets, Alba, Robben, Suarez are all divers as well, try to find a pattern in this, amerifart.
This is such shit bait m8.
>all learnt the trade in Iberian countries or their former colonies
mystery solved
When was the last time one of those players got a yellow for dissent after diving while being up by 5 goals against a bunch of farmers.
I'll wait.
all dirty foreigners.
only British, Irish, American and Australian players can be trusted not to act like literal cavemen on the football pitch
I don't get it.
Why should Neymar shake his hand?
It's not childish. I wouldn't wanna shake hands with some ugly spotty scot who laughed in my face either.
>be celtic
>ahh wee la' puh us in PL wee la'
>ahh wee nawt lawst for seesonss
>gets fucked 5-0 at home by a mercenary team
how fucking shit is the SPL for fuck sake lol ahahaha
fuck sake loooooooool
If you already know spanish like I do and study the basics then yes. Otherwise I imagine it would be really hard.
some of us actually appreciate the subtle nuances of a good dive, and how the players are smooth and smart enough to decieve the ref, and 6-0 is always better than 5-0
See this is the thing...
Diving is seen as 'smart' play in Latin countries.
rude, I defend neymar, but it's not necessary to be rude to scotland
^^^dont reply to the Portugese bait directly above this post^^^^
Why are americans so fucking bad at impersonating people from the british isles ?
>some of us actually appreciate the subtle nuances of a good dive
don't joke like this, honestly one day you and your people will be removed from the planet for being such despicable scum
>my people
wtf is this kind of speech????
that's racist and uncalled for
no club gives a fuck about being "likeable". they just want success, and once you get that fags will hate you regardless
I was half-expecting Neymar to pat his penis with the back of his hand.
you're a pro diving nation, you will be destroyed in the coming diving war
neymar you little cunt
süle would knock this manlet fucker into oblivion
>British, Irish, American and Australian players
>all these blind cunts ITT who say that Neymar dived
Says the eternal backstabbing anglo
what have us Brits ever done to you?
He didnt dive. Clear foul il post webm later. Btw great public you had tryin toi kick mbappe face. Absolutely pathetic. 20 years ago Paris went to celtic, won the game ans received an ovation, scottish IQ should have dropped drastically.