ITT: dishonest filmmaking

ITT: dishonest filmmaking

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What is dishonest filmmaking to you?


if it's popular, it's bad.

La La Land

I take it you think Boyhood was good too?

not an argument.

Haven't seen it. Don't watch movies.
Is the twist at the end that Ryan's character isn't real or something?

>boyfriend works his ass off to motivate, inspire, and literally drag his gf to achieve her dreams
>she becomes famous, leaves him, marries chad, and has chad's baby


appeal to popularity is an argument you fucking loser

any movie that takes 12 years to make must by definition be amazing

The Master
Rogue One
The Revenant
The Descendants
Up In The Air
La La Land
Kung Fury
Bridge of Spies

the list goes on

They both left each other to follow their dreams retard.

>Hollywood awarding another masturbatory, self-congratulating tribute to their industry

What a surprise.

Next thing you'll tell me that The Artist wasn't actually the best film of 2011

No one will remember this flick 5 years from now.

no, it isn't.

So basically anything that's popular.

American Hustle (and anything made by David O. Russell)
The Help


this discussion is over. you lose.


just films that get blind showers of praise that seem to mask their actual quality

The fact that this faggot has to post the RT score in ever thread should prove it to you. Look at all the shit flicks that have gotten in the 90%


That doesn't make sense.

Very accurate list tbqh

The Master is decent though

hollywood is so cringe. can we all just realize that hollywood movies are straight up commodities and the reason why they all suck is because they meet supply and demand of what people want rather than actually pushing the ball forward?

like it's so evil and shitty. hollywood is like hmm how do we get these counter cultural hipsters to give us their money!? I got it!!! we handpick a diverse cast and watch them cum themselves and even advertise for us on social media!!!

Boomer homosexuals and like a handful of gay high schoolers who think the Oscars actually means something will

I think thats it

Face it user, you're a contrarian elitist

No it isn't.

Glad you know who dropped out of this shitfest

It's PTA's best flick

this is what happens to actual film criticism, gets dismissed as contrarianism. This is why Boyhood got a 99% approval score, because nobody wanted to be "that guy" who pointed out flaws. Stop letting hacks ruin film


Not him kys for liking bland trash.

No, that list is terrible.

PTA is good.

no it's not

shallow, overlong, self-indulgent mess of a film

Not an argument.

You're not criticising anything though. All you did was call it 'dishonest' whatever the fuck that means. If you put forward an actual argument, maybe I'd listen to you.

Yeah it is.

Worst reply ever

But user, it's popular so IT MUST be bad!

I agree with everything but La La Land but that's because I love musicals and it suits me with my interests. However, I also love Star Wars but didn't enjoy Rogue One. So idk.

Surprisingly accurate

You forgot lost in translation

nothing personal kid

replying to your own post is poor form.


t. shill

eh you just hastily put together a list of movies that are popular to be edgy.

you have no point or argument. hence why this board is trash.

pretty accurate, well done op.


Yeah, user. Isn't OP the smartest guy?

Yeah, user. I really dig the OP's film opinion. Better than everyone else's opinoon in this thread.

it's dishonest. it doesn't have authenticity. it was created to appear a certain way rather than for a real purpose. it has nothing to do with popularity, other than the fact that these films take no risks because they need to be popular to be profitable.

you're the one calling him contrarian for having an opinion. legitimate film criticism can't be contrarian.

La La Land
The Lord of the Rings
Star Wars The Force Awakens

OP here, that ain't me

Most vague opinion ever.

Maybe if you're retarded and blind I understand completely


Come back when you have some actual criticism.


All of that and david o russell and star wars tfa

And definitely La La Land

Making an original movie musical is a huge risk, faggot. One of this caliber hasn't been made in decades.

i like tfa tho
never tried to be something it's not

Its the most bland thing ever. Terribly written terrible numbers terrible singing. Its a reddit choice film

yes you're right. The Force Awakens is true cinema. Cgi princess layer is just what the fore fathers of this medium hoped for.

>using reddit as an argument
Opinion discarded

Kung fury, are you talking about that youtube video?
What was wrong with that, it was just a parody. had cool fight scenes though

That's because it was basically a parody of star wars. So La La Land is a parody of cliche filmmaking, the ebin musical or hollywood as a whole having no purpose

it's not that vague. these films are entirely indistinguishable, which is a bad thing for an artist. they all try to fit in but do subtle things to appear valuable. so there will be limited effort in characterization, or visual expression, but really the creators don't have an interest in creating art. the point is to make 90-120 minutes of content that appears professional and is inoffensive enough to avoid criticism.

Why is this board so contrarian

Hey faggot Sup Forums had the same thread posted as reddit had on the front page that day because more than half you plebs are redditors.

Boyhood and Bridge of Spies are honest

La la land is more honest than that she list though

Only one I'd stand my ground on being dishonest is the revenant

>best actress
there wasn't really any acting in this film, i'm surprised. it was a very vanilla character. this is what is wrong with this film, it's mundane but the director wants it to feel emotionally charged; essentially melodramatic.

>same fag

Stone cold proof that frogfags and La La Land shills are reddit.

You have no integrity. You eat up what they want you to.

Nice, I don't see the Master as dishonest though.

Because Sup Forums is full of pseudo-intellectuals who criticise popular works of art to appear smarter than they really are.

When it gets popular, it's trash.

emma stone is trash m8 and she was trash in this oscarbait.

Kung Fury's probably the worst offender and has very little redeeming qualities. It's a cynically made, insincere attempt at "parody" that fails even on that basic level. It doesn't understand anything about the films its attempting to make fun of.
Basically "DUDE THE 80s LMAO"

Watch Danger 5 for genuine satire of the 80s B Movie

plus had a good ost

reminder that anything popular is bad

The fact that you think La La Land was built by a false sense of passion shows what a jaded fuck you are.

pseudo-intellectuality at its finest tb h

Nope I love popular things that are good not every shit shoved down my throat by the critics

Why does this movie look so insufferable and bland?

Movies such as?

It was uninspired pity you know nothing about its development...

Neither do you.

nope you are a contrarian, and you wont post any example of anything you consider good and popular because it will open you up to criticism

"In the end, however, Chazelle’s irresolution about exactly what kind of film he wants La La Land to be is dissatisfying. Stone has a winning persona and there are lovely moments that capture the blackly comic ordeal that Hollywood forces on its jobbing actors. But Mia’s story is fantastical and cliché-ridden, her aspirations never rising above the stereotypical. We don’t feel her obsession for acting nor for writing, and that lack of urgency diminishes her role. La La Land begins with an accomplished song-and-dance sequence on an LA freeway, but once Mia’s story begins it feels limp, as if there will be nothing on offer apart from the self-conscious cinephile referencing. Gosling’s appearance is a necessary jolt for the audience: he gives the film urgency. That in part is due to his staying true to the unrelenting fixation of Sebastian’s dreams. It is also because it is clear that for Chazelle, as was evident in his previous film, Whiplash, jazz is his true musical love. Hurwitz’s music is lulling but instantly forgettable and there is none of the heat and dizzying anarchic inspiration that makes jazz so threatening and initially so unwelcoming for many of us. Chazelle is clearly aware of this and has Sebastian educate Mia on the form. But we are never privy to a moment where it is clear that Mia gets it, whether through the score or through her dancing or singing. She remains an outsider to jazz throughout the film, and unfortunately that is true for the audience as well."

No, Sup Forums is full of redditors who talk about politics and capeshit 24/7 and make posts exactly like the one you made

Tbh this board should be filled with unbridled contrarianism. You don't need a place on the internet to tell you that something popular and well recieved is worth checking out

hence why we need a /film/

Sup Forums's effectively become Sup Forums-lite

Sup Forums talks about music that's not necessarily conventionally well-recieved or popular, can't see why we can't be the same

I just want to have an actual discussion.

>Compares a high budget series with a 30 minute youtube video

nice b8 m8

there's no real characters. the main problem with most pta films.

>We don't feel her obsession with acting
Did this guy not see the movie? Her audition scenes were immaculate
>Opening musical number is accomplished, it goes limp when the story starts
The literal opposite of good taste
The opening song number was fucking terrible and far and away the worst part of the movie. Talk about cliche' ridden, Jesus Christ

He's right about the disconnect on jazz though. It's very clearly the director just speaking for himself (thus being the most dishonest part of the film) but it's made clear in both the pop concert scene and the arguing scene that it's used a tool for building the relationship between Seb and Mia, and Mia's affection for Jazz matters not at all when it's just a facet of her affection for Seb, which is what the movie is fucking about

okay great, an objective opinion about the quality of La La Land. The only criticism I see there is that Mia's role took a backseat to Goslings.

If that's the only shot you have at the movie and that's your proof that La La Land was shameless pandering than I don't think you have anything.

Of course I do

Me too absolutely based the character was one dimension though.