FIBA Eurobasket 2017, Luka "number one draft pick" Dončić edition
Day 2 of 1/4. Today:
Greece - Russia 17:45 CET
Italy- Serbia 20:30 CET
Spain - Germany (84-72)
Slovenia - Latvia (103-97)
FIBA Eurobasket 2017, Luka "number one draft pick" Dončić edition
Day 2 of 1/4. Today:
Greece - Russia 17:45 CET
Italy- Serbia 20:30 CET
Spain - Germany (84-72)
Slovenia - Latvia (103-97)
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put the wrong pic in the OP ffs
Highlights from the last nights game which was one of the best ones in the last 30 years
more like
>every fucking baskets
Doncic shitting on Porzinger
If i get free time from job in friday, saturday and monday i go to istanbul
2hrs to go boys
>those Doncic threes in the 4th quarter
poor Latvia, that is just unfair
especially the one on the 24 sec buzz off the glass
Your predictions?
Mine are:
For today
>Greece wins
>Serbia wins
for the 3rd place:
>Slovenia vs Greece
Spain vs Serbia ->Serbia wins
>>Greece wins
See you in the game for the 3rd place my friend.
i fell the same way except that serbia will lose to spain
I have a feeling that Greece and Russia will be decided in OT
And by the way, how does your local press see the game against S-pain? Do you think you have any solid chances?
The real question now is coffee or beer ?
serbia slovenia finals. serbia gold
spain bronze vs russia
coffee is disgusting
Spain is slow. They rely too much on Gasol brothers. They had all sorts of problems when Schroder started playing fast. So if Dragić and Donćić press them high and if they push Gasols outside the paint we have a chance. Also Spain only had one real game in this Eurobasket vs Croatia and they almost lost.
>coffee is disgusting
yeah sorry not coffee FRAPE
you need to memechuck them to death
coffee manmu
basically this, before the gasol bros start memechucking themselves
Ella re elladara
But Slovenia has no bench (I mean... Zagorac and Dimec?) and they'll need all their starting 5 to perform well to have a chance. If Spain manages to stop only one of them, and they can certainly do that, Slovenia will struggle.
And Shröder may have produced some stats, but they managed to completely cut him from his teammates, hence why Theis, Voigtmann or Thiemann were non-existent.
oh boy here we go
russians don't even care about basketball, just let us win
Russian music can be great sometimes
>mozgov literally has no opponent in the paint
goddamn it
rate German müsik
Dumb russian posters.
Was this Khvostov in a goulac ?
give him something to eat
official fiba stream
reminds me of this one
any streams?
for greece russia
Calathes is so good. Too bad all his effort will go to waste due to Mozgov.
Looking good lads
best greece I've seen in this tournament thus far
please don't fuck up
easy points for greek
>russian timeout
thanks man
Zalgiris playing today?
Who are the favourites in Euroleague this season besides the team that Obradović has?
wtf is this thing?
Seems like Slovenia - Spain will be the real finals of this Eurobasket.
cska and pao
Look at that, it's just like the European Championship football
We didn't qualify.
Last time I watched some euroleague game it had like 300 viewers in the arena in France.
cska, oly, pao if they get their shot together and real
>and pao
Just youtube it with "livestream" filter. If no hits use language of country that's playing. Always some autists streaming there with better quality and no device load like these shit sports stream sites that can't wait to give you trojans or shove 1k ads.
lmao. With what? It's gonna be another blowout in the play offs
Holly shit Calathes, playing great on both sides of court.
too bad
There's this dude Calathes, he's playing right now, check him out. I think you'll like him.
greeks feeling it
Latvia would stomp both greece and russia by 30pts
Lietuvas still SEETHING
How could that russkie not call a time-out until now? Russians were having their ball stolen for like 3 attacks consecutively... should've called it a lot earlier.
did the greeks fool everyone with their shit performance in group stage?
it's a fluke
we'll choke as this match goes on
Wow there are like 20 times more greek fans in the arena than in the lithuania game.
>Wow we defeated Lithuania !! Let's all go to istanbul, gold is ours !
Respect your fathers
customers absolutely seething and the season hasn't even started
there are many greeks at only a few hours drive from constantinopolis
reee show the replay you fucking shits
that 3-points shot
Is Papadopoulos playing today?
How russians can be depressed with cunts like these living among them is beyond me
This !!!!! Russian girls are so hot...I would be so happy in russia.
>implying greek girls are not pretty
the game like benny hill show
>implying italian girls are not pretty
greek and italians girl look alike you .
Lol no...Russian girls are the best. And they're also mostly virgins unlike our greek slags who start riding the cock carousel at age 14.
can we all agree that English grils are not pretty?
bad climate
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj el lituANO senores..
OMG!! Is that your girlfriend?
Yes, british girls are freaks of nature. The only saving grace for british cities like London is that they're full of girls from other ethnicities.
How the fuck are we in this? Nobody in the UK gives a fuck about basketball. I don't mean like 'hurr ye we don't care but hey there's that group of people that really love it'. No, literally nobody gives a flying fuck. I even played a lot of basketball when I was a kid, but nobody knows fuck all about it. How do we have a team in this thing? I'm sure we're gonna get btfo'd by Iceland again, not the point, how are we even there at all?
Putin is shit
you are late mate
OP fucked up, we are in the quarters now, UK lost every game
Because Great Britain is such a great country !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did you think you have "Great" in your country's name? Cause you are so great your people are good at every sports!!! Even those nobody cares about !!! Wow !!!!! BRITAIN ! BRITAIN ! BRITAIN !
for me it's Nick Calathes
>How the fuck are we in this? Nobody in the UK gives a fuck about basketball. I don't mean like 'hurr ye we don't care but hey there's that group of people that really love it'. No, literally nobody gives a flying fuck. I even played a lot of basketball when I was a kid, but nobody knows fuck all about it. How do we have a team in this thing? I'm sure we're gonna get btfo'd by Iceland again, not the point, how are we even there at all?
This is the top 8 now bruh ...
U are out since the group stage...
you're already out m8
finished dead last, no wins, embarased even by Belgium
and you qualified by finishing second in a group consisting of Hungry, Luxemburg and Macedonia
no, i just trolling you
I work in a tourist shop in Greece.
Everytime some russians enter the shop, I say Hello and they barely look at me, keeping their heads low.
What is wrong with you people?
wrong pic
i went to urbino and met italian girl.