
Elgar edition


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turns out i don't like very much techno
it's too soft
needs to be hardcore and/or industrial

biggle rig

the dutch lesbian has approved of my idea to go to a flea market and buy some filthy pinups on Monday



not happy with this situation

*drives out of my condo in zone 1 in my lambo*
*drives past you*
*tells you you can have all this if you just worked harder*

not had much for diner


Last night I flew to Seoul and paddled a dinghy round the Korean coastline in the dead of night. It was pitch black, and the broiling waves threatened to pull me under many times but, after dodging the sweeping searchlights of North Korean warships, I managed to make landfall on the coast of North Korea. I stripped off my wetsuit and commandocrawled into the cover of some shrubland, which I hiked through for the next 4 hours until I came to the north eastern missile base of Hong Kurwai. I cut open a panel of the chainlink fence with my bolt cutters and slipped through.

It was coming up to dawn and I was trembling with excitement as I slit the throat of a North Korean guard and stole his uniform. I couldnt help but skip as I made my way to the main entrance of the missile base.

My stolen keycard got me through and after Google Translating the signage I made my way to Mission Control. The lights were off and the room was empty, and I smiled with glee. I crept in to the room, and walked up to the large map covering the eastern wall of the room. I Tip-Exed out the small island of Guam, and, penis fully erect, blutacked a picture of my bollocks onto the map and with a Sharpie drew an arrow pointing to it and the label "Guam". In 4 days North Korea will utterly pulverise my ballbag using its domestically made medium-to-long-range Hwasong-12 ICBM missiles and I simply couldnt be more esctatic

*walks towards you*

Driver was white

*builds anew*


Cool jacket.

unite the right

*strokes cat*

German editions are objectively better

love military videos like that

sanders was america's last hope

recognise the image from that /fit/ post from 6 years ago about the guy who weighttrained his cat

god this is such a good meme

applying the "don't care" clause to this thread

They call me young Abu Dhabi

Here's the attacker



is this just off the numberplate?
cause it could have been a stolen car


i was actually pissed off when it turned out the dragonbronn had only wounded the dragon and not killed the cunt

Who /drinking/? Name thy poison.

There was a study once where they hung weights from birds wings and they got bigger muscles haha

normies were sending his actor hate mail


>Greater Detroit Area
the rally was in Virginia lad. Just someone with the same name probably

red wine at the moment and unironically sake inabit

Special Reserve

>i was actually pissed off when it turned out the dragonbronn had only wounded the dragon and not killed the cunt

vodka and energy drink

deano as fuck

The Chad Bird

morrisons double chocolate cookies 5 in a bag 84p fucking avant x

'berg 'ixed 'uits

When Maia was charging towards the dragon twat woman about to give her the old good night I paused and said that if they go through and kill her right now I'll never complain about the programme ever again



going to cruise about at night on GTA now lads wbu?

Since my parents moved into a new house and my room has an en suite, I never have to speak to them or see them

I am still drinking white wine. Still. I should go buy some vodka tomorrow.


Want me to drive you to hospital later?

Just drove from London to Grimsby on eurotruck sim

what happened in charlottesville?

theyre too stupid to realise that daenaerys is actually the baddy
i genuinely support the lannisters now; lannisters rule south and jon north would be the ideal
hate this dragon cunt with her paki army; fuck her, westeros belongs to the nords

jim beam because it was only 13 quid

Shipment for the arcade?

8 bottles of this and some brandy for afters


car of peace vs violent leftists

you wot

cum town is the only thing that's still funny to me

>Tequila flavoured beer

To what end?

driving back home in a sec lad, gonna play rimworld

eurocuck more like haha amirite lads

never drinking tea with milk or any sweetener again

tantalises my appetite and makes me overeat

stop watching game of thrones and (re)read lord of the rings

need to get the french expansion for it at some point

Lefties decided political violence isn't so great, after attacking a driver, who panicked and drove through them.

hope this is a meme
>drives for 200 miles of anonymous British countryside

the full game with all dlc is on pirate bay. Only a 3gb download

lotr is garbage

don't care

>drives for 200 miles of anonymous British countryside
sounds like something I'd enjoy tbqhwy


Eurotruck is unironically premium comfy shit

what what are we up to tonight lads?

a quite good friend of mine is going out for his bestmates birthday (who I know but not really mates) so I was expecting a call or text to join them. looks like that probably isn't happening so I'm just drinking bourbon, listening to music until I pass out

>Attacking a driver

Umm no sweaty x

fantasy is shite just like the rest of genre fiction

*gives you one final shot*

easy on the carrots, Bugs


Playing Sunless Sea and posting on /brit/

Damien Maia

One arm, shags his twin, good at jiu jitsu, lost lost a UFC title fight etc.


This. Is there a comfier game?

How long did it take? How realistic is the roadmap? I got it in the Steam summer sale but from YouTube vids it looks like a very condensed map with generic made up cities.

I'm playing videogames alone like I do every Saturday and night in general while drinking cider

chillaxing in my Amsterdam hostel dorm chatting to this Israeli guy

dont want to go out partying on my own and besides i dont know the party scene here like i do back in London

no meme
I tried to screenshot the Grimbsy signs on the M1 but it was only capturing my desktop
also its not really 200 km, its a miniature version of the UK. Took about 30 or 40 minutes


A female friend of mine invited me to her birthday party a week ago and I changed my mind today, the day of the party, to spend some time on Sup Forums instead

>this is actually something you can do now


you creatures need putting down

don't care you literal manchild



mafia 2 free roam

>jerry loves autism simulator
imagine my shock

what was aragorn's tax policy?

*revs engine*

say goodnight lefties

bit pathetic mate ngl