Did you see Norm on twitter?

Did you see Norm on twitter?
He is obviously really high or drunk, going on a tirade against atheists while he watched the college football game.

Was very aggressive and said he lost a bunch of money on the football game. So he is back to gambling again it sounds like.

Doesn't he always go on tirades against atheists? What's new here?

He usually defends his religion in a pretty calm and cool manner.
He is clearly drunk as fuck while losing big money on gambling

>There's nobody in the world as fucking stupid as a fucking stupid atheist. Fuck them. Let's get back to the game. Clemson gets ball first.
>They just read things and repeat them like stupid fucking robots incapable of a single original thought.
>Yes it does, you fucking idiot. Check your OED like a good little bitch and stop talking until you have a vague understanding of words.
>I don't need to hear your hacky fucking atheist bullshit.Think for yourself instead of using stupid fucking cliches we've all hear, fuckhead
>That isn't what belief in Man means, you fucking idiot.
>What the fuck is wrong with you? Kirk Cameron. can you make some more stupid fucking comments, you goddam moron.
>I told you to fuck off, loser. Go lose something else. It's your strength. That and crying.
>I don't give a fuck although it makes an award show even more unwatchable.
>Who picked the fight you stupid fucking loser. Go cry with the other losers. I got a football game to watch.
>That is true. I was just reminded that you are bitter because you're a fucking loser.
>Yes, I do, you fucking idiot.
>Ver classy. Jesus Christ. What's wrong with people?
>Fuck yourself, loser.

do you think he posts here?

Norm will purge the reddit cucks

Shit how can someone post on twitter so much?

nine eleven

how much money do you guys think he lost? Ill say 100,000


Norm doesn't drink

If anything hes high on valium or oxys

Hes high from paint fumes from sitting alone in his unfurnished apartment staring at the wall all day.

>Think for yourself

The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

why do atheists get so upset when anyone criticises atheism?

In context it wasn't so bad.. the guy he was responding to used the "pink unicorn" line as proof of the non-existence of god

>Norm doesn't drink

He supposedly stopped gambling too
>ignore the fact that he was drinking jagermeister on tom greens show

He's just being "ironic" Norm for his twitter "gang". He's always been an atheist.

he's doing a bit where he imitates Trump supporters and how inane they are

intelligent but not wise

If you want an honest answer, its because when you stop following the belief system you held your whole life its a really big change.

For the people where religion was a gigantic part of their life, cutting it out makes you feel like your new found lack of belief should be just as big of a deal.
Young, new atheists who are vocal minority to most nonreligious people.
Sure some never stop acting like boneheads and want to wear it like a badge, but most will calm down when they realize its not a big deal.

You grow up being an annoying christian spreading the word of god, the immediate reaction after dropping out is to spread the idea there is no god.

why do religious people get so upset when anyone criticises their religion?

Fear of eternal damnation

yea whats with that

remember atheists murdered those journalists for talking smack about hitchens


lol what christians get upset?

If you're talking about so-called "militant atheists" I guess so. Most people realize religion is bullshit in their preteens and pretty much pay it no mind from that point on.


>If you're talking about so-called "militant atheists" I guess so.

Sadly there is no distinction between a regular nonreligious person and a "militant atheist" to a lot of people.

Is that you?

>thread about Christian getting mad
>"Christians don't get mad"

The thread is about a degenerate gambler and drug abuser who fell off the boat, going on a binge

Not a lot of people. It's a small minority of people caring enough to get emotionally invested in a bunch of strangers' beliefs, but these people are fucked to begin with.

>a degenerate gambler and drug abuser who fell off the boat
who happens to be christian

>Norm doesn't drink

you newfag, the only thing people know for sure Norm doesn't do is tell the truth.

>the only thing people know for sure Norm doesn't do is tell the truth.

We know for sure that he cant fulfill pretty much any of his commitments. Its why he cant keep a show.

>Most people realize religion is bullshit in their preteens

Ah yes, just the age group I look to for profound insight into the human condition and/or the eternal universe.

>Ah yes, just the age group I look to for profound insight into the human condition and/or the eternal universe.

So when your critical thinking skills start to develop?

Great logic, go dump a 10 year old into a triathlon, since obviously him being able to run means he can win, right?????

So the universal word of god is too profound for any teenager to read, understand, and come to conclusions from?

Well he's right, atheists are scum.


>going on reddit
>literally posting a cap from reddit

Let the childish degenerate have his fit. No one believe in whatever boogeyman he believes in anymore anyways.

>norm critcized streep
Based, anyone got a cap?

the ones that started all those wars?

>Le comedy can only be funny when it adheres to my partisan politics

Redditor genocide WHEN

the guy literally says in the next post that he's still a fan because Norm is funny

>Le comedy can only be funny when it adheres to my partisan politics

sounds more like Sup Forums


>he's right wing so he is trash!
im not even right wing but if you hate someone an actor or comedian anyone who solely because their beliefs do not align with yours you are a fucking tool.

this goes for all sides of the political spectrum. it would be like hating your dentist because he didn't vote for the same candidate as you. grow the fuck up.

God bless Norm. Based.

Why do lefties get so butt-mad when people shit on the Clintons? They're horrible fucking people, stop defending them. There's other politicians on the left that may have differences of opinion and philosophy than a Conservative but Conservatives at least respect for being genuine in their political beliefs. The Clintons are the scummiest, transparent power hungry sacks of living shit.

Yes, and the only people on the planet that think otherwise are actual children.

Those are the people who dove into the puddle-deep propaganda of DEMOCRATS = GOOD REPUBLICANS = BAD, and have no real idea what the fuck they're talking about at any time ever for the duration of their entire lives up until the moment they realize the garbage they were fed as a teenager isn't actually representative of real life.

How can he call atheists out for being sheeple when atheism is unequivocally the biggest red pill of all time? Atheism is the acceptance that there's nothing for you beyond being a big bag of meat with a very big brain for 80 years and then an eternal void.

That doesnt sound very universal to me, especially when you take into account when the original scriptures were writeen

because he's heavily right wing. when you are raised to believe something all your life this becomes fact to you and is almost impossible to break out of.

how come nobody on Sup Forums ever come out and call norm for what he truly is?

atheism might be a meme
but in the end of the day there just aint any proof for god
let alone any god from any established religion

Don't worry, you'll be there in a few years.

What the fuck happened to your podcast Norm

stop saying meme you fucking child. just STOP.

isn't he an honorary american?

>mention meme
>not believe in the one true god that is KEK


Leafs make the best comedians

The bigger redpill is to realize that man and society needs religion or else it all degenerates into people worshipping their own buttholes and furries.

bull shit, try and name 10 of them who belong to the list of GOAT

I mean comedic actors. I personally don't care for stand-up comedy in general

>Atheists actually think their meme is a red pill
Red pills need to be based in some sort of semi-verifiable fact, not just a refutation of established theories with no way to prove nor disprove them since such a thing will almost definitely be impossible for as long as time exists.

>Norm doesn't drink

There's an interview with Howard Stern where he drinks.

>I’m interested in politics insofar as if Donald Trump were to become president. Then I’d become political. But Jesus, this guy I would never want as president. This is like Huey Long territory. You could really see him being a fascist — the inability to apologize and the way everybody is a "loser" or a "winner."

At least he's not a Trump supporter.

Religion is one of the strongest bindings of societal fabric, yes. Remove religion and you essentially remove one of the fundamental building blocks of every society man has ever known.

Atheism is based on science

If he's a degenerate gambler, then he probably drinks his face off. Guy sounds like a giant piece of shit. He's getting old, getting ready to die, he doesn't care.

It is based on literally nothing.

allah hu akbar, you fucking mess.

It's based on the idea that there's nothing after death.

>plebs think gambling is immoral

I'll give anyone 10 minutes to prove gambling is immoral when it involves cleansing yourself of riches.

Go on, 10 minutes.

Protip; You can't.

>Remove religion and you essentially remove one of the fundamental building blocks of every society man has ever known.

Societies as a whole dont have a very good track record. They historically implode and destroy themselves.

Science is not literally nothing to atheists.

It's based on not pretending with other adults. Can we have an AMEN SANTA CLAUS!

>Go on, 10 minutes.

The bible says so you greedy fuck

Have you ever experienced the destructiveness of gambling addicts around other people?

Modern society doesn't require a 2,000 year old book to function anymore.

But it's based on pretending like any of the 75 IQ nobodies who YAAAAAS FOR SCIENCE actually understand anything about the scientific process, and aren't just parroting the SCIENCE YES memes they see on the internet.

stop playing your fucking kid games here. just fucking stop it. you sound like an asshole.

Why are you all mad? Still haven't proven me wrong!

It's the cleanest high there is.

the minute you stop typing 'meme' your life will improve.

There's been plenty of dead societies that believed exactly this, most recently the USSR, which replaced religion with Marxist-Lenninist atheism.

Its a pretty good thing to delude murderers and other degenerates that they can somehow redeem themselves. Blame the devil and all that

No it won't because I'll still be on Sup Forums.

Atheism is a lack in a belief of a god
Thats it, it ends there. What anyone believes beyond that is up to them. There is no dogma attached.

The marxist state religion is not "atheism"

And yet a KGB Operative just elected the next President of the United States

>Modern society doesn't require a 2,000 year old book to function anymore
>Every society that's moving away from religion is also importing millions of religious fundamentalists that think you should die for not believing their religion

Can't wait for all these enlightened atheists to have their heads chopped off and houses bombed, only to unironically refuse to criticize their religion for being the cause of it.

America has been getting along fine without an established religion.

I thought those militant atheists love to criticize religion

Just because the state didn't establish a religion doesn't mean civic society didn't.

>Christfag promoting violence against people of other beliefs

I'm shocked.

Only Christianity. Islam is exempt despite being everything atheists hate about religion.

So stop importing Muslims so they can't be around to kill you.

In what fucking bubble do you live in?

The one where christians are oppressed by a war on our favorite pagan holiday Christmas


But atheism isn't a religion.

Anyways, there'll always be Christfags around so you guys can just Deus Vult for us top kek thanks for your sacrifice.