Are we sure this is also Kylo Ren, or is it a predecessor, wouldn't he have been to young at this point?

Are we sure this is also Kylo Ren, or is it a predecessor, wouldn't he have been to young at this point?

JJ said that this isn't the Jedi the knights of Ren are killing. Also did the movie at all mention Ben massacring Luke's temple? It's such a fast paced forgettable loreless flick that I genuinely can't remember.

Ben Solo is 30, so no.

>Is 30
Officialy The Force Awakens happens almost 30 years after A New Hope, Leia didn't have a child on TESP and TRoJ, at best she had it just after they burn Vader, that's 4 years after ANH, that's 26 years old at best.

That pick happens 15 years before TFA, that means Kylo is 11 years old in that picture, doubtful that's actually Kylo.

>the third guy from the left has a skateboard

I guess he really was to radical to be a jedi.

>can slaughter a whole academy of trained jedi with a couple of good friends
>can't beat an untrained woman

TFA would instantly go up 2 points out of 10 if it wasn't for this retarded bullshit

>Knights or Ren
It was a mistranslation, the actual name is Knights of Rad

>Remmants of the Empire witch almost no resources according to literally everybody even the FO
>Can build a battlestation 10 times bigger than the previous death starts and after it blows up in their test day they treat it like pocket change
Yeah, only what you mention is silly, rest is tight as a drum writing

>at best she had it just after they burn Vader, that's 4 years after ANH, that's 26 years old at best.

Can you actually read your post?

The Jedi happens 4 years after Hope, if Awakens happens 30 after Hope that's 26 years between Jedi and Awakens, so at best Kylo is 26. What's wrong in my post?

It's Revan's clone Reeevan

You said what he said.

>There were a million fucking ways of keeping the plot but removing retarded shit
>Writers chose to go bigger is better anyways and act like 12-year old retards

I hate Hollywood and the fucking writers that come up with shitty ideas that fuck with any continuity that was left. Fuck that star-blah-blah-base and all other irredeemable bullshit like chrome-armor trooper and knights-of-who-the-fuck-cares.

What are their names?

Maybe it's Benico Del Toro character

disney wars is fucking shit.

they're probably making this up as they go along.

probably future vision

In Episode 1 Yoda says that siths ALWAYS come in groups of two. Ren is one. And wouldn't Snoke the other? If not, then there is definitely some one else.

Snoke has had a few apprentices so the helmet is probably a hand-me-down.

From left to right

Luuke Ren
Luuuke Ren
Snoke Ren
Kylo Ren
Rey Ren
Jyn Ren
Jar Jar Ren

JJ abrams thinks you can see planets in different solar systems from each other and they're bigger than the moon, or that you could teleport from earth to planet klingon. Find me a director who gives less of a shit about details, continuity and basic logic.

Kylo and Snoke aren't sith though, at least for now

>literally solving death and space travel in Star Trek into the darkness
Why do even care from now on? we know they can't die and don't even need the Enterprise, Star Trek Beyond was retarded, they could have teleported from Earth to that weird planet and revive anyone who died in the movie

JJ is clearly a TV thriller opportunist and merely painted by the hollyjew elite as some sci fi guy.

All JJ does is think up TOTALLY RADICAL set pieces and then string them together as haphazardly as humanly possible. It's like he makes films out of their own trailers.

actually this is Kyloo Ren

>we see laser moving through sky slow as fuck
>it somehow travels across the galaxy and blows up several planets in just a few seconds.

Are you fucking retarded user?

> It's like he makes films out of their own trailers.

You aren't far off. (((They))) know that almost all of the success of a film relies on its marketing, and almost none is based on quality. People like JJ will literally brainstorm and storyboard the trailer before the film. They finalize what the trailer should look like first, then build the film around it.