Britt McHenry

She's become a full blown fox news and trumptard after ESPN fired her. Her tweets read like facebook memes

Other urls found in this thread:

>fuck it, mask off

Why are hot white women usually such dumb conservatives? This chick is all about the flag and the military.

She is /ourgirl/

>Masters from Northwestern
The absolute state of beta nu-males.

cause it's flashy and superficial and makes you feel like a part of something greater

masters in sports journalism means as much as a degree in humanities

You'll understand when you grow up, junior.

most of these racist republican women probably fantasize about black men

>projecting this hard

Nice link faggot

>Jamal actually believes this

She complained that saying something about Obama would have gotten her fired. Trump is a racist asshole while obama was a good president

>Trump is a racist asshole while obama was a good president
DRUMPF BTFO by the based plebbitor. He will be impeached any day now after this.

Why every Fox News bitch dye their hair blond? It looks tacky.

>Obama was a good president

I always knew she had it in her after that video of her chewing out the towing company employee.


nt but you need to use not so obvious words 0/10

>muh Aryanness

I could never fuck a conservative tbqh

This, even Black Irish women wouldn't count as white to those freaks.

It's just as much a sign the girl has problems as dyeing hair purple and blue and shit.

different kinds of problems, but yes.
I think it really would depend on the individual

Oh yeah this cunt I remember

didn't she get fired for berating a parking attendant?


Mexican spotted.

No she kept her job but got let go in the big layoff wave earlier this year. Fox will hire up all of those right leaning white sports analysts though. They already got Danny kanell too.

meanwhile current ESPN employees are running around calling people hitler

You don't have to be Hitler to be a white supremacist.

That's socially acceptable you fucking racist white cracker.

Interesting. She probably feels like she was let off because she was too conservative and not just a jackass liability

How is she a white supremacist?

She already said she believes her conservative views cost her the job. Lmfao it's cause she's an easily replaceable blonde

I'm not saying she is. I'm saying you don't have to be Hitler to fight for white supremacy. The 2 shouldn't be equated.

>more leftist projection
No, that's what you faggots do. There's nothing trendy about being a conservative in public you deluded cunt. Its not very fucking fun.

She berated a predatory tow truck company. People from northern VA all supported her outburst

Why not? Conservatives are the majority. They are in control of all branches of the federal government and most state governments.

i just wish the left didn't align with feminism

she has meh feet

Nice tits tho

Yeah former Trump supporter here, it's been fun watching him crash and burn. But seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
Also only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump


assblasted uglier female detected

retarded hillshils are STILL THIS MAD that their yassqueenslay got schlonged by the donald that they have to go on anonymous internet sports boards to complain about prettier women who are more successful than they'll ever be

>Conservatives are the majority.
In the government, yes. In real life, no. And it's not even remotely close.

I'm pretty liberal in most areas but I hate how fucking White knighted most liberals are

Maybe if you live in NYC or LA. Conservatives are mainstream, they keep football the most popular sport, they keep Fox News the most popular news channel, and they run damn near every huge business in the US. Conservatives playing the REBEL UNDERDOG card when they control nearly everything outside of 8 or 9 huge cities is so amazingly out of touch.

Oh wow how will conservative women ever recover??? Anonymous leaf won't give them his tiny limp pecker lmao

The Lord hath spoken.

>you now remember that Al Sharpton exists

Its a real turn off that killed my interest in blondes when I was younger. I always end up questioning if its their real hair color

Hope that fucking kankerkanaal crashes and burns

user, Liberals aren't the majority either and the difference in numbers is small. Liberals just happen to pack themselves up in either California or New York whereas conservatives are more spread out. Bear in mind that no candidate got the majority of the vote, I know libshits like to gloat about having a larger number of the vote but that's a plurality, not the majority, half the nation just didn't vote.

Can ESPN really afford to lose their last 50 viewers?

you talkin bout lou "hitler was a good leader" holtz?

if you vote democrat you are probably poor

what is al sharpton other than a professionally offended black guy?

Easy to be the "majority" when you register a bunch of dead people and illegal immigrants and stuff the ballots in big city precincts where you have Democratic dictatorship and no accountability whatsoever.

See: those 9 Californian cities having more votes than eligible population

Detroit precincts having 2 to 3 times as many votes as registered voters

Most true liberals like me voted for trump so there are probably more liberals in this country, liberals that voted for Hilary are not open to new opinions or knowledge

People with real principle and pragmatic values have always been a fraction of the voting population while everyone else picks a team and slings shit at each other

Or just mildly sits back and picks the most milque toast candidate

i think he's a preacher too

shut up nigger

He is to black people what Bannon is to whites. Just leech off of controversy and never really help anyone. No one ever really wants his help or him around but accept it because he controls the press like puppets.

did larry dick this chick down?

that parking lot attendant abuse video makes it seem like shed be fun in bed


is she the antinigger?

if it seems like Dems hate whites its because they do

Dems only receive 35% of the white vote

the less whites the better for them


her feet are awkward desu, i think she has and still wears flip flips too much. kind weird for a girl from new jersey, her feet look more like a "literally has never worn a pair of socks" barefoot socal/miami girl


Aren't conservatives already jackass liabilities by default?

Coming from the group that needs government cock 24/7, this is hilarious

For a party with a huge bootstrap fetish, a lot of its voters seem to be poor white druggies living off welfare.

I guess they have the capability to be, but the ones in the media are usually worse than most.

They aren't. Hiring hot white women is the only way conservative shows can get viewers. Conservatives are far more likely to be fat.

>Obama was a good president
How can you say something like this and expect to get taken seriously?

White girls that look like this love dirty, violent sex 100% of the time.

Source: I've been with 2 skinny titlet blondes and they both were closet freaks that loved biting, scratching and getting slapped.

>Sup Forums - Sports and YouTube comment tier political shitposting

You know this guy is still in high school when he thinks biting, scratching, and slapping a girl is dirty violent sex.

Shouldn't you be doing your trigonometry homework bud?

More often then not stacies are usually dead fish in bed because they've been pampered their entire life and never had to work for anything.

Fox hates Trump though

>You know this guy is still in high school when he thinks biting, scratching, and slapping a girl is dirty violent sex.

Yeah I mean obviously there was a lot more involved but I'm not going to go into extreme detail about my sex life no matter how much a creepy Sup Forums poster would like me to. It never fails to amuse me how offended some strangers on a Thai porn website get when anyone posts about actually having sex with women in real life.

Except she was making bank while employed until she was fired for political reasons.

So you're kinda objectively wrong.

>she was fired for political reasons.
She was too toxic to be a major, on air presence after that video came out. If they're doing company wide layoffs anyway, why not cut her and hire some younger perky blonde who can do the exact same shit without all the baggage? Politics aside, it was an objectively reasonable firing which she has no one to blame for but herself.

What kind of narcissistic logic got you to the conclusion he wants to hear about your sex life?

So you admit that sports journalism is better than humanities?

Addition by subtraction at its finest

>Bill O'Reilly, the #1 show in cable news by a lot for 18 years
>hot white woman


Good point, user. I always figured he was a ftm tranny.

There's no way you thought that


Why not? It would explain his show's popularity.

Interesting hypothesis. Maybe they actually just hate niggers for the societal cancer that they are.

Why would a beautiful women that has a high percentage of finding a good man to have children with cares about the well being of the society she lives in and doesn't want to live in a nation in wich half the kids are mexicans that will cut the heads of her future kids?
Mmm I wonder why

For the same reason liberal chicks are ugly, they are not having kids so they don't care about the future of their nation so they vote democrat

She's unhirable for normal media, gotta find your audience.

if you have a vagine then probably

i did too 2bh


poetic really

>The absolute state of these posters

Honestly, I fully expect people who only read Huff Post, Buzzfeed, Deadspin, trending on Reddit etc to be liberal puppets, but if you're here and you still think this way then you're just an idiot. Do yourself a favor and just quit denying yourself the redpills - it'll feel rough at first, but you'll feel smarter for it in the long run.

>People discuss here feet but nobody posts them