B-but the nfl is more popular t-than ever guys!

b-but the nfl is more popular t-than ever guys!

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>Strawman arguement


its a dying sport, lets move on

No one is saying it is, there have been threads all week about the low ratings vs last years openers

how long before the game was that taken? they're obviously not playing down there.

I'm not a niners fan but that stadium looked full at the beginning of the game. 2/10 made me reply.

>what is halftime
The great thing about the internet is having easy access to facts and numbers to btfo bullshit narratives

I took this photo in Charlotte 30 minutes before the game

turn off the proxy austrailia

I can't post my follow up pic that shows the stadium full at kickoff because the image size is too big.

So I'm abandoning the thread in embarrassment.

that's actually second half kickoff

>this desperation damage control

nice pic

lots of no shows and the team probably bought a large block of tickets as well. the picture ain't lying, nerd

ah, so you've never been to an NFL game in your life. i should have known.

do the players normally loiter on the field during halftime? Also, look at all those non-sellout season openers lol.

stay on topic pls, user

i am, i was implying that you have no idea how the crowd behaves at an NFL game.

i've been to more than you, I'm sure of it. that said, you cannot deny there's no way that stadium is completely full at any point during the game

I'm quite sure fans are flocking in to see a 2-14 team and give Jed York more money

At halftime a good 75% of the stadium leaves to use the bathroom, get beer or go to the gift shop. Fuck you talking about?

I watched the game live and it looked close to full. Watch around the 1:40 mark and you can clearly see the bottom stands are full unlike your picture.


Check out 4, 5, and 6 minutes. empty seats all over the place.
I don't see how this is surprising. The shitstain 49ers vs a non-divisional team. Plus they were down by 20 at the half.

oy m8

Never said fans didn't leave before the end. It did look full towards the start of the game.

it really never was


49ers sold 70,000 tickets for this game. A sell out.

Like movie stars who buy tickets to their own shitty movies, the organisations buy up this shit and brag about fake numbers.

this was Stanford at USC on Saturday

Why is college football more appealing for americans ? Is it because it's local and not franchises ?

It's more of a bonding experience

>the city of san fagsisco
>the ABSOLUTE state of handegg
Burgers BTFO by themselves, as usual.

my wife is an alumnus and gets tickets a couple times a year. we go to fuck around the museum for a while then get drunk and eat bacon wrapped hotdogs and watch dem Trojans. it's normie shit and I never go to my own schools games but it's a good time and less greedy than NFL games.

yeah everyone knows CFB >>>>>>> NFL and it's not even close

>I never go to my own school's games
Fuck off then, stop taking seats away from alumni

Local teams that cannot relocate and have deeper traditions and many of the fans have personal connections for the teams that root for (attended there).

suck my dick faggot I'll go where I please. Never reply to me again

this image was taken at an inner-squad scrimmage

>you will see the NFL fold in your life time.

>city with literally nothing else to do attends the one thing happening that night

well duh

this one is from kickoff

>Game Stats: Passing 0, Rushing 0, Total Yards 0

college football is older. college towns are in the middle of nowhere so there is nothing to do. football games at colleges are huge all day parties filled with young people that binge drink alcohol and old people re-living their glory days.

If I can downplay it a bit

Nosebleeds alone at Levi's are like $90, so people probably don't want to pay that much for such a shitty product

>implying teams don't have ushers ask people to move closer to the field later in games (especially games like this where the home team is getting stomped) to look more full on tv

That's barely half of the stadium. Still plenty of seats empty. Why the hell your stadiums don't have roof again?

I took photos of the Sam Mills statue outside of BofA Stadium and visited the team store when I was in Charlotte for a volunteer gig, but I've never been there for a game. Is the stadium comfy?

Bait. NFL is more popular than ever in the World

I'm amazed at how many people are going with the cherry-picked screenshots narrative over actual facts. The Rams were second in total attendance last year and you've got morons everywhere claiming they have no fans.

If Rasm buy all their tickets to have full attendance, yes they have full attendance. That doesn't mean now that all the seats are taken