*nutmegs you*
*nutmegs you*
I don't think so, I raised my foot
Hmm, not really, I reached the ball right after they passed under my leg so it doesn't count.
Nice try tho.
*Yell at ref for not giving you a yellow*
Im a manlet so its almost impossible
*cheeky back heel to my m8 who bloots it over the sweeper keeper*
*nuts on your back*
*ball rolls out of bounds as you sprint after it*
*tackles illegally and makes sure you get your foot/ankle broken and takes a red card and 5 game suspension*
An eye for an eye.
*avoids eye contact with teammates*
*attempts a needlessly complicated move when next in possession*
>A broken leg for a temporary humiliation
Ah yes, the Pearl Harbour/Hiroshima response
*laugh it off cause i don't even care about this shitty match anyway lmao dude you tought i was playing for real? nah im just screwing around*
play with the bull, get the horns
The very concept of the nutmeg and it's status as ultimately humiliating comes off as particularly infantile to me, as a soccer outsider. Could anyone explain to me why this maneuver, of all things, is so revered?
for me, its the hat
if you're trying to stop a guy from getting the ball past you, keeping it from going between your legs should be the easiest part. if someone's done that to you, you're either dozy af or he's completely fooled you with some kind of fake. it's humiliating because the defender looks completely incompetent.
Like the 5hole in hockey
Ball rolls out of play or to my teammate.
Bonus: your teammate was wide open in good position.
t. Never played footy
I reached national league when I played football, and was a defender.
Every time someone did that I would just spin around and get the ball, after opening my arms and occupying the space.
I was pretty fast, so I could recover from that situation
>lol he played the sport and told how he dealt with the situation
>what a fucking cringe am I right guys? Ahaha
Kys amerifat
> tfw promising defender in the youth squad of a second league club
> known for dirty play
> one day I jump on someones ankle, miss and break my foot in three places
> no more footy for me
Deserved it desu
play with the autist, get inappropriate reactions
Infinity is a cool game.
Had my fingers crossed so it doesn't count.
*sucks your dick in the changing room*
I know that feel mate
When I was in my best moment ever, my thigh muscle decided to give up and get absolutely destroyed. Never managed to play again.
4 years later and all I can do is jogging
I could probably be living out of football, now im stuck in university taking a major I hate
Life is unfair
*cums inside your mouth*
*stand in place and smack my belly as the nigrito crashes into me and falls down.*
there's some dude that is fucking your girlfriend, you come up to him but he denies it, then he goes an stick his tongue in her (male) mouth, that's the level of humiliation everyone around percives out of a nutmeg
The gf is male?
>attacking a world power unprovoked
>ends poorly
holy shit we did this shit here in brazil too
*grabs your tshirt*
>threaten war and apply embargos
>play with the bull, get the horns
what your wife said last night
>thousands of lives lost in a sneak attack, almost the entire navy sunk
>temporary humiliation
Ahmed, friend, you should know better than this.
>attack a military base
>drop a nuclear bomb on a civilian population, killing 6 figures of japs, just to see what happens
It's a metaphor m8. Obviously Hiroshima was more than a broken leg too
*everybody starts to kick the one who got nutmegged until he touches THE tree*
>*everybody starts to kick the one who got nutmegged until he touches THE tree*
>implying we ever were