What ever happened to the only sane politician in america?

What ever happened to the only sane politician in america?

Is he still in the Senate or what?

The people chose madness

>tfw same height as Randlet
>Sup Forums would think I'm a child

He is a decent, normal person.

Your clown is going to lose and you all deserve it.

He gave up after Iowa like a little bitch.

>tfw Rand would've been the nominee if we channeled all of our meme magic to him instead of Trump

He wouldn't have gotten sidelined so early if he were the right person at the right time.

Maybe someday. Maybe someday.

I remember Rand started out very popular, I was a supporter too. Then some bullshit happened where his popularity rating tanked overnight for some lame unclear reason and he dissapeared.

The political mood isn't right for him. He's a Jeffersonian in Jacksonian times.

Dude needs better campaign staff. How is he going to be CEO of the country if he can't be CEO of his campaign staff?


he did not stick to his own values.
he started pandering to what he thought was the popular opinion.

rand paul cucked too hard and the libertarian party got subverted by open borders globalist liberals it's the "muh gays guns and weed party"

he started to pander and got stopped short

so short

motherfucker was short

lol... says pakistan

Gary Johnson is our only hope

He fell short

we might have crazy politicians but not even remotely close to sanders or trump crazy.

But we do have a few that are more corrupt the hilary.

based Poland understands American politics. I am ethnically polish. Rock on, Poland!

I weep for my country.

Personally, I think he always had little chance for success.

His campaign was shitty and disorganized and one of his staffers got indicted.

All the fringe Republicans that would've voted for him went for Trump.

His isolationism foreign policy platform fell flat among Republican voters due to the expansion of terrorism ie ISIS.

Probably because he doesn't measure up as a politician.

I would of remembered him if he were taller.

>tfw my name is randy and rand paul reminds me of myself

mr pro-amnesty for 30-45 MILLION illigals who wil vote democrap, thus insuring that the reps NEVER win again?


You have much worse politicians because they're all Muslims. Crazy country why should you get to talk about another countries politicians?

>much worse politicians
name one.

Dem libertarian smirks

aipac rand more sane than his dad?

he is fucking moron and a cuck by nature.
he is not a true libertarian.

proxy paki is right

>dude my ears feel like cauliflower lmao
>dude what it would it be like if I were the president lmao

every fucking time I post here. every fucking time.

Post a timestamped photo of a view from your window. With a pooinloo-oid hand.

I'm right here Rand. I like your moxy. Stay true to America like me and I will make sure you can help out.

>would of