Fucking rude beaner



The man should be proud.

oh god, napoleon complexes all around with some of these guys. he's not even a gangbanger why would he pick a fight I don't know



Man I hope that fag gets shot for harassing people

>white man
something's wrong

>drives a nissan
>shops at walmart
>cashs check at walmart
>new mexico plate
Ya, we got a beaner here.

He looks so inbred mexican it aint even funny amigo.

Why he would talk so much shit against a big ass white biker dude i have no clue.
But the instant i saw his face i knew i wouldve punched him too. such a punchable tool face.

kek, this whole fight is hilarious. I highly recommend watching the whole thing.

I'm going to be hearing that wetback laugh in my nightmares tonight.

Both were annoying as fuck, but that beaner needs to be hung and dragged

i assume the taco has autism

"my car is worth five times more than your bike"

"that's because it's a different class of vehicle"


don't know what i dislike more, fatass speeding tacos or vigilante faggot bikers

why is this guy even filming this, let alone posting it on the internet?

>not stopping at a stop sign
>reckless driving
>not yielding to pedestrians
>illegal passing
>road rage
and thats what I just caught in less than 5 minutes

his car is probably only worth twice his if that

jesus fuck 12 minutes before the punch?

felt good though man

They're called dash cams.

Source of like 90% of liveleak videos.

Not sure who I hate more here
Bikers are shitheads

yes, but why turn it on when you are doing dumb shit.

He's the type of guy who will cut you off and then honk his horn at you.

100% with the biker. I'f you are not, then kill your self

Saw this yesterday
Guy was pretty good (filmer)

That beaner scum is obviously drunk and that's not the first time he's gotten his asskicked.


Honestly the biker is a fucking annoying faggot and should be gassed. All that talk was so god damned unnecessary. Just fucking beat his ass and leave, jesus christ.

>Not carrying a gun
>Cookie Monster shirt
>"Don't assault my property!"
>apologizing to the girl 3+ times throughout the video
>being this much of a cuck

So the biker's an autist for actually chasing someone who cut him off
Regardless, if that mexican came in my face I woulda beat him up

He was being generous and giving the guy plenty of chances to back off so that he didn't have to beat him up. I believe the guy filming is/was in the military

Hopefully he learned to stop giving chances. Lots of faggots and autists are in the military. Doesn't change my opinion.

is this one of those mexican intellectuals that i've been hearing so much about

No, he's a filthy ChicANO who has never set foot in Mexico.

>reckless driving on his way to fucking walmart
god damn I see too many kids doing this shit and as soon as you confront them they get that deer in the headlights look.

Gay White biker beats the shit out of Fat spic. Good stuff.

>Calls himself Mexican in the source material, uses "white boy" as a slur
Yes, beaner.

both parties are retarded

He's obviously a merman from Atlantis. Therefore the "In my country you wouldn't be breathing, bitch" and the whale he's dating.

look at this internet tough guy everyone

Biker was correct. Stupid beaner fuck should never ever have touched the bike.

This is why I hate other spanish people, most are dumb as shit and don't know when to shut their fat faces.

I'd have thrown my shoulder into the first punch and knocked his bitch ass out then left.

>t. cali chicano

Look at this internet cuck who's never been in a fight in his life everyone

If you have then you wouldnt be white knighting this total fag "le epic famous YouTuber" with a victim complex

biker was correct but he didnt have to be a complete puss in his video. thats just chicanos though, ignorant as fuck

Great image

Why didn't the beaner hit back?

Obviously tried to, just kept getting hit in the process.

Cuz he's a little BITCH you little BITCH AH-HAHHHHHHHHH

I wouldve shot him. Soon as he got in my face. And under the castle doctrine, it would be 100% legal.

What a disgusting accent.

so he could play the victim and try to sue later. they're always into those scams.


"What kind of person hits another person in America?"

Yeah, who does that?

Hi guys, Chad here. That was my lil bro filming the video. He's in jail now, and has a few pending charges for assault and sizeism. Beaner was let go.

You know I've been here way too long.

I've come to realize that some people are just vermin. I've begun to think that we shouldn't give old people the vote, nor young people.

It's really tearing me apart, on one hand I want to help my fellow human beings, but then I realize the majority are fucking garbage.

kek after the first two punches
>"Just gimme a second"

I think you're missing a few things from this video, since neither of you have ever been in fights before in your life

When you get riled up and the adrenaline starts pumping, you tend to start babbling dumb shit to lower your anxiety level.

This is especially true when you aren't an experienced fighter.

Add to that, the white guy here took more insults than I would have, and even then didn't lash out until his property was being touched.

That takes some discipline. He was also baiting the beaner, even after the employees arrived.

Not all chicanos are fat slob down babies like OP's vid. Boils down to experience. A vetted tough guy isn't going to say anything, and you will just find yourself on the floor getting your face punched in.

Glad that fucking taco got smacked around a few times, but he deserved more and didn't learn his lesson.

biker had better reach

The sad part is knowing your vote matters the same as people like him

you guys overuse the word degenerate but that guy is a true degenerate, deserved pain

is this what you americans have to up with on a daily basis?
then I undersand Trump now

I don't think that guy takes to learning much of anything

Did you notice how his shirt was encrusted with filth and dried sweat? If you don't understand basic hygiene you are hopeless.

Low energy fight.

>mfw had to watch hours of some faggot talking shit to see a few face shots
>worth it

They're usually always on.


the biggest red pill is that nothing you do matters


are those slaps called fighting nowadays?
>"Not proud of this."
Yeah I wouldn't be proud of that punch either

Yeah, he looks like he just got fired from a construction job, the fat pig.

and his oompa loompa girlfriend lol

jesus christ

I refuse to lump these people in with proper spanish people. That fat fucking manlet and his brown maid girlfriend are more indio shitskins than anything resembling european blood.

gas em both

I thought about it. How about somebody set up an automatic-turning machinegun with a webcam on top of it and people could connect via internet to make it shoot for 25 bucks, killing illegals crossing the border. This would be grand.

Its worse than you could ever imagine

we have the same kind of people here, they are unbearable

its not the way he acted in the fight, its the way he acted when editing his video telling everyone how sorry he was and misspelling everything. shouldve just put it online vanilla

I fucked your mother OP

she is a good sllllluuuuuuuuuut


Gonna need night vision heat sensor to really enjoy those late nights exploding vermin from your borders.


We can't afford to export those jobs to foreigners.

exactly, white people need to stop apologizing and stop the guilt shit, then we can become the white devil once more


Jesus christ, what a fat retard. This guy deserves a medal for not murdering him.

Agreed, people with no basic hygiene are literally subhuman.

Reminder that fatty Gonzalez and his pine-sol wife are the "families" that liberals are crying about being separated when the deportations come.

underrated post

>following someone then punching them in the face

they're both jackasses desu

Fucking hell.
That little brown turdburglar deserves to be hanged.

>30+ years old
poor little man

I hope he washed his hands afterwards.

Man, there's a reason the Hell's Angels didn't accept beaners and this is why.

This is why I need a goddamn WALL AND I NEED IT NOW
fuck everyone involved in this video aside from the based cameraman motorist obviously

ive never seen a more pathetic altercation in my life.

This video is like watching a really good porno, I'm just waiting for the money shot and I can't turn away until it happens, and from the thumbnail you can tell it's going to be good. It's mesmerizing.

and this

you can tell he's drunk as soon as he gets out of the car

biker guy probably should have just left at that point, but at least the bike never got tipped over

what are you talking about? three easy punches put that tubby little bitch on his ass.. and he is still talking shit

the motorist was based and iceland is for fags


>Everyone in the video overweight.

Stay fat Amerilards

>EU flag


the way the mexican falls on his ass is hilarious

this dude was drunk, right?

We live in a society of rules. When people flaunt the rules, especially when in doing so they endanger other people, thought ought to be taught the error of their ways.

The driver deserved to be beaten much more. He was endangering that mans life, and getting beaten to hopefully stop driving dangerously, in a way that may end up hurting him and others, is a small price.

I fucking hate people like that.

EU parliament WIFI or TSV train

>This is America, you can't go hitting people

>But in my country you'd be on the floor HUEHUEHUE

I probably would've gone into a black rage and murdered him right on the spot. Or at least given him a worse ass beating than he already got. Who still talks that much shit after get smacked around like that?

Nope, just a useless sack of fat and hair.

I live in Colorado. The beaner problem here has been getting worse daily.


>be me, 18, Scottish/Russian, 150lb 16%bf @ 5'10
>dating redpilled QT white blonde, 5'7, 110lb

In Denver there's the "16th street mall", it's an open air mall essentially. Lots of whites but a lot of beaners and niggers.

>go there for dinner on our 1 year anniversary.
>she's dressed fairly well
>eat dinner, she's on my arm as I'm smoking a post meal cigarette
>see a gang of 3 beaners approaching
>fat one asks me if I have any weed while looking at my girls ass (she's facing away from them towards me)
>I tell him no, skinny beaner says "yo quiero comer el coño de su novioso", I speak basic spanish, translates to "I want to eat your girlfriends pussy"

My eyes meet his and he knows I speak some spanish

>what did you just say?
>"ahahaha white boy speaky da Spanish!!! Yo quiero joder el culo de su novia" (I want to fuck your girlfriends ass)
>get gf behind me
>tell beaner if he says one more thing about my girlfriend I'm going to put him on the ground
>he pushes me, I feint a jab and follow up with a cross
>lands lower than expected, probably fucked up his cheekbone pretty good
>he starts going "Miguel! Miguel! Vamanos!¡" and telling fat beaner to fight me
>cops on segways pull up and take 2/3 Mexicans into custody, turns out they were on probation and had warrants, already ruled guilty of sexual assault, assault in the 2nd degree, battery, disturbing the peace, and a battery of other charges

>sentencing is on the 30th

Thank god I'm white lads


If anyone wants I have some bretty cool stories from the influx of nogs that have moved into my state and town

its like my videogames

Same in Sweden. Mouthy fucking sand niggers talk tough because the native men a placid and dont want to fight. They would just rather get on with life and not get fucked up by the court system that punishes self defense. Except Im British and fight back. I love the feel of my knuckles slamming sand nigger face.

Im with you icebro, this was a pathetic waste of 15 minutes just to see a fat beaner get knocked down with a weak roundhouse.