Will there ever be a World Cup that obsessed over one player like France '98

Literally the entire competition was about this fucking guy. Even more so after the UEFA Cup Final where he shit all over Lazio in Paris just a month before it began.

It was Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo the entire time. Pretty much makes the Messi/TSUUU coverage look like childs play.

Remember in the Finals when initially they said Ronaldo was out of the line up? wew.

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>Remember in the Finals when initially they said Ronaldo was out of the line up? wew.
Didn't he have an epilepsy attack or something like that? He played a shit game, apparently.

Prime Ronaldo was the true GOAT forward, he would be a three-time WC winner if he didn't have a stroke before the final.

i dont cos i was 2 yo :p

Yeah he bottled it and had a mental breakdown. Nike forced him to play cause they are the devils.

Did people cared more about UEFA Cup back then?

Someone here in Brazil made a copypasta about how Brazil sold this world cup, it included a backstory about those supposed epilepsy fits by Ronaldo and it started with "IF PEOPLE KNEW WHAT HAPPENED ON THAT DAY, THEY'D BE DISGUSTED". To this day there are people who fall onto this /cc/, and it gets updated after every Brazil failure, it's probably the greatest legacy we got from France 98.

Pele didn't want his record to be broken so he arranged for Ronaldo to be eliminated.

Joga bonito m8

COPA 1998 - Divulgado o escândalo que todo mundo suspeitava!

Talvez, isso explique a razão do jogador Leonardo ter declarado a seguinte frase: "Se as pessoas soubessem o que aconteceu na Copa do Mundo, ficariam enojadas".
Todos os brasileiros ficaram chocados e tristes por terem perdido a Copa do Mundo de futebol, na França. Não deveriam. O que está exposto abaixo é a notícia em primeira mão que está sendo investigada por rádios e jornais de todo o Brasil e alguns estrangeiros, mais especificamente Wall Street Journal of Americas e o Gazzeta delo Sport e deve sair na mídia em breve, assim que as provas forem colhidas e confirmarem os fatos.

Fato comprovado: O Brasil VENDEU a copa do mundo para a Fifa. Os jogadores titulares brasileiros foram avisados, às 13:00 do dia 12 de Julho (dia do jogo final), em uma reunião envolvendo o Sr. Ricardo Teixeira (na única vez que o presidente da CBF compareceu a uma preleção da seleção), o técnico Mário Zagallo, o Sr. Américo Faria, supervisor da seleção, e o Sr. Ronald Rhovald, representante da patrocinadora Nike. Os jogadores reservas permaneceram em isolamento, em seus quartos ou no lobby do hotel. A princípio muito contrariados, os jogadores se recusaram a trocar o penta-campeonato mundial por sediar a Copa do Mundo.

A aceitação veio através do pagamento total dos prêmios, US$70.000,00 para cada jogador, mais um bônus de US$400.000,00 para todos os jogadores e integrantes da comissão, num total de US$ 23.000.000,00 vinte e três milhões de dólares) por meio da empresa Nike. Além disso, os jogadores que aceitarem o contrato com a empresa Nike nos próximos 4 anos terão as mesmas bases de prêmios que os jogadores de elite da empresa, como o próprio Ronaldo, Raul, da Espanha, Batistuta, da Argentina e Roberto Carlos, também do Brasil.

Mesmo assim, Ronaldo se recusou a jogar, o que obrigou o técnico Zagallo a escalar o jogador Edmundo, dizendo que Ronaldo estava com problemas no joelho esquerdo (em primeira notícia divulgada às 13:30 no centro de imprensa) e, logo depois, às 14:15, alterando o prognóstico para problemas estomacais). A sua situação só foi resolvida após o representante da Nike ameaçar retirar seu patrocínio vitalício ao jogador, avaliado em mais de US$90.000.000,00 (noventa milhões de dólares) ao longo da sua carreira.

Assim, combinou-se que o Brasil seria derrotado durante o 'Golden Goal' (prorrogação com morte súbita), porém a apatia que se abateu sobre os jogadores titulares fez com que a França, que absolutamente não participou desta negociação, marcasse, em duas falhas simples do time brasileiro, os primeiros gols. O Sr. Joseph Blatter, novo presidente da Fifa, cidadão franco-suíço, aplaudiu a colaboração da equipe brasileira, uma vez que o campeonato mundial trouxe equilíbrio à França num momento das mais altas taxas de desemprego jamais registradas naquele país, que serão agravadas pela recente introdução do euro (moeda única européia) e o mercado comum europeu (ECC).

Garantiu, também, ao Sr. Ricardo Teixeira, através de seu tio, João Havelange, que o Brasil teria seu caminho facilitado para o pentacampeonato de 2002. Por gentileza passem esta mensagem para o maior número possível de pessoas, para que todos possam conhecer a sujeira que ronda o futebol!

I don't speak sopa, is there a translation?

some traductione por favor

The funniest part about this is that Pelé has zero influence on brazilian football, in fact, people really dislike him here and try their best to not be associated with him

I'll translate, hold on a sec

Did you found garrincha's corpse?

1998 WC - The scandal everyone suspected finally disclosed!

Maybe that'll explain the reason for player Leonardo to have said the following phrase: "if people found out what happened in the WC, they'd be disgusted". Every brazilian got shocked and sad for losing the WC in France. They shouldn't. What is exposed below is the firsthand news that is being investigated by radios and newspapers from all over Brazil and some foreigners, more specifically the Wall Street Journal of Americas and Gazzeta delo Sport and should be out in the media soon, as soon as the evidence is gathered and the facts confirmed.

Proven fact: Brazil SOLD the World Cup for FIFA. Brazilian players were notified at 13:00 on July 12 (day of the final match) in a meeting involving Mr. Ricardo Teixeira (the only time the CBF president attended a NT pre-game), coach Mario Zagallo, Mr. Américo Faria, supervisor of the national team, and Mr. Ronald Rhovald, representative of Nike . The reserve players remained in isolation, in their rooms or in the hotel lobby. At first very upset, the players refused to change the world championship in exchange for hosting the World Cup.

Acceptance came through full payment of prizes, $ 70,000 for each player, plus a bonus of $ 400,000 for all players and members of the commission, for a total of $ 23,000,000.00 twenty-three million dollars) through the company Nike. In addition, players who accept the Nike contract in the next 4 years will have the same prize bases as the company's elite players, such as Ronaldo, Raul, Spain, Batistuta, Argentina and Roberto Carlos


It's a fanfic about Brazil selling the 98 WC to France then FIFA selling back 2002 WC to Brazil.

Even so, Ronaldo refused to play, which forced coach Zagallo to start player Edmundo, saying that Ronaldo had problems with his left knee (in first news release at 13:30 in the press center) and soon afterwards at 14:15, changing the prognosis for stomach problems). His situation was only resolved after the Nike representative threatened to withdraw his lifetime sponsorship from the player, valued at more than $ 90,000,000 (ninety million dollars) over the course of his career.
Thus, it was agreed that Brazil would be defeated during the 'Golden Goal' (extension with sudden death), but the apathy that hit the titular players meant that France, which absolutely did not participate in this negotiation, scored in two simple failures of the Brazilian team, the first goals. Mr. Joseph Blatter, the new president of Fifa, a Franco-Swiss citizen, applauded the collaboration of the Brazilian team, as the world championship brought balance to France at a time of the highest unemployment rates ever recorded in that country, which will be exacerbated by the recent introduction of the euro (European single currency) and the European common market (ECC).
He also assured Mr. Ricardo Teixeira, through his uncle, João Havelange, that Brazil would have made its way easier for the 2002 championship. Please kindly pass this message to as many people as possible, so that everyone can know the dirt round the football!
Signed by Gunther Schweitzer,


Apparently it's still at the same place, some members of his family said that the daughter who stated that his body was missing was a recently-found daughter (apparently the man had the mission of sticking his dick in the highest number of women possible, so we're constantly finding new Garrincha's sons), and she just wanted attention from the media.

Sopa de Garrincha
Uma delicia nova

thanks for translation. Now, is there any chance that this might be true or is it just some RL copy pasta?

He was even a meme in the US along with that rotating head team celebration

I mean Adidas got Messi the Best Player Award, I could see someone drugging Ronaldo but no

Well, a lot of the things predicted turned out to be true, including the 2002 title, Brazil hosting the WC and the Nike sponsorships, but most likely it was just a RL copypasta. Actually, the Gunther Schweitzer dude who supposedly wrote the copypasta was just a random dude who received the email at the beggining of the thing and forgot to delete his automatic signature from the email, and on every update of this CC (WC 2006 and 2014, Corinthians winning the Copa Libertadores in 2012)they put his name on it, kek.

It felt like Messi was obsessed over a lot in 2014, I really don't remember Cristiano Ronaldo getting the same attention that year in Brazil.

>It was Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo the entire time.
Feels nostalgic because thats what I remember of WC98 too. He was like the first ever world class player I knew of.

It would be the same now if there was only one of Ronaldo or Messi

Lad, I don't speak macaco either but I understand most of what's written here

I remember hating Ronaldo that cup. He was literally promoting his movie and played for the cameras instead of playing in the fucking world cup.

So disgusting

What about the 94 WC where they killed Andres Escobar? Shot him right in the fucking head

Fat ronaldo is the most complete striker of all time.

fuck off macaco
this is bullshit

hello newfriend, welcome to the jungle :D

Yeah, he was playing some video game with Roberto Carlos when it happened. Then nike forced him to play because they had invested to much on him it was unthinkable he wouldn't participate, like says.


2006, 2010 and 2014 were all about Rooney.

2002. Ilhan Mansiz

>players who accept the Nike contract in the next 4 years will have the same prize bases as the company's elite players, such as Ronaldo, Raul, Spain, Batistuta, Argentina and Roberto Carlos
but Raul, Spain and, I believe, Argentina never even signed a contract with Nike? whoever wrote this didn't even bother getting the simplest of facts right

2018 will all be about messi getting a world cup win so the debate about him being the GOAT will be over.


that's bullshit. any player wants to play if they can play.

It was supposed to be Raul (Spain), Batistuta (Argentina), I just accidentaly the parenthesis.

He couldn't play tho.

This, Infantino will grant him his World Cup no matter what. It's the only way to save football.

What I heard is that Ronaldo got told he was cucked by Pedro Bial the day before the game. He had a bad case of oneitis and didn't even wanted to leave his bed even more play the final

The only way to save football is for it come back home.

2014 was about Missi

Yeah apparently he saw that Pokemon episode, you know the one.

>It's the only way to save football

Protip: Football can't be saved. If you can't see the massive crash coming then you must be from one of those loser countries like Mexico.

but he did, he just had a shit match because that defence was neat.

French FA poisoned him

Back when Football was REAL
Exciting times

>"superb performance by Kahn"
>"another fantastic save by Kahn"
>"Kahn carries otherwise dull Germany through"
>"Paraguay cannot beat Kahn, no matter what"
>"Kahn good enough to overcome South Korean match-fixing"
>"Kahn, The Fuhrer of Fourth Reich"
>"open your fridge, Kahn might be there"
>"Kahn blocks everyone's path"

2002, never forgetti

How old is this pasta? Can't be from 1998 can it?
I assumed it was after WC 2002

94 WC was all about Roby Baggio

Can't wait to see him crying again



>massive crash
What crash do you predict? Legitimately curious.

daily reminder that FIFA gave the Copa back to brazil 4 years later

It actually was from 98, I remember getting it around 99.

Argentina won't even qualify, to be honest.