What does kino even mean???
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is this turbopleb still around?
god, i hope not
how was he a pleb
he hates Lion King which plebs loved
he was Sup Forums incarnate
кинo is movie in russian
Except for how all his opinions are the exact opposite of Sup Forums's. You fucking retard.
>he was autism incarnate
>confused matthew
Holy shit this takes me back
I can explain what kino means to you but I'll only do it if you post boobs that please me. hint: you have stronger chances to satisfy my aesthetical senses if you post asian boobs.
He hates it because Simba was selfish as a child. He's a fucking retard and so are you.
no boobs?
then you shall never know what kino means.
geez so pushy
I am hungry.
Hungry for quality boobs.
His all time favourite movie is Frozen.
kek I completely forgot about this dude
Remember when someone pretending to be him trolled Sup Forums
you jest, surely
I thought it was Moulin Rouge
Films like There will be Blood, Batman vs. Superman, Godfather, 2001: A Space Oddysey, Rogue One, Apocalypse Now, Gone With The Wind, No Country For Old Men, and Deadpool
you just outed yourself as a turbopleb who has no idea what kino means.
dude in OP reviewed No Country for Old Men and 2001 and I won't say anything to spoil but watch them if you want some nice pleb opinions
since you didn't give me boobs I won't go through the trouble of explaining what kino means but since I'm a nice guy I'll give you one example of kinography:
Dog Star Man by Brakhage