Why are whites chimping out

Why are whites chimping out

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virginia is subhuman is the real answer

white oppression is the meme answer

I hope Kim nukes the entire state

they know they boutta get genocided, enslaved, raped, then institutionally oppressed

is that a /cum/ meetup?

Because southshitters gonna south.

it's because when the playing fields between the races were a little bit leveled out during the obama admin, the whites started to feel left behind by their country.

you heard it here first

blacks no longer complain about being oppressed because obama leveled the playing field

>that sign about Jews
It's hilarious seeing this nonsense outside of Sup Forums. Extremist thinking like that is bad, but leftists are also partly to blame for demonizing white males. That only encourages more racists to crawl out of the woodwork.

basically this shitty country makes everyone mental

I said that he leveled the playing field a little bit.

you heard it here first folks. user can't read and is obnoxious!

So how did he level the playing field and how are blacks oppressed now?

still can't believe people elected trump

Fuck drumpf and fuck white """people"""


And yet POTUS will not specifically condemn white supremacists

Should he? Seems pointless.

which is what a president should do.

Obama saying "if I had a son he would look like Tayvon" was a huge fuck up. You don't side against americans as president because that only makes the issue worse.

>Seems pointless
To openly condemn people making Nazi salutes?

>You don't side against americans as president
Isn't this an internal issue? Is literally americans against americans

Yeah, it has nothing to do with him.

Yes which is why you don't side with a specific group otherwise you alienate another group of americans. Obama alienated so many groups during his presidency which is why so many people just said fuck it and elected a reality TV star as president.

I understand. Thanks for answering. Although hate speech should be condemned imo

Virginia has the worst history but is currently the best state of the south. People that fly nazi flags and confederate flags know nothing about the actual state and simply rely on stereotypes from 50+ years ago which shapes their opinions and is the reason they have the flags of losers from before they were born.

VA elected Wilder and Obama.

The child that was murdered for being black in a mostly white neighborhood was named Trayvon.

>but is currently the best state of the south
In what way?

There is hate speech on both sides, the nazis didn't show up until later in the afternoon. Before they showed up it was a very peaceful protest.

Putting all focus on a specific group of people involved in the protests would alienate even the non-hateful people on the right. It's a no-win situation to try and point fingers at any one group here and if he should focus on anything it should be specific individuals like the guy who drove the car into the group of people.

because funny


It gets the most gibs from federal jobs

It's called moral backbone, calling a spade a spade. This isn't people holding a view that anyone sane could posibly consider defensible. Ofc Trump does understand that's his fucking base.

White supremacists are not a constituency and Republicans indulging them is a big part of how you ended up with a clown as commander in chief.

The news is spinning this as the entire protest is white supremacist nazi's. If Trump came out and shunned them it would look like he was shunning the whole protest which would alienate a huge portion of the country and accomplish literally nothing at all.

By all means educate those of us who don't follow Breitbart and Infowars and rely on fact based journalism aka "fake news" what the fuck was the protest about?

Surely both sides are at fault here.

It was about white people feeling alienated in their own communities because of immigration laws among other issues.

Ah yes, a picture you have completed stumped me, great argument.

You should look up video of the protests before the nazis and the """counter protestors"""" showed up where they were all having a good time and singing with pastors.

As a Virginian, fuck you

I am going to bed now by the way, if the thread is still alive I'll reply tomorrow morning most likely if you actually care enough.

I take back nothing

You certaintly jump to conclusions quickly.
What's your beef?

But Trump is changing immigration laws isn't he? Were they protesting against the federal government? What were their specific demands? Because the BBC is calling them "white supremacists" not "alienated white people"

It's literally okay when white people do it. I mean, our race pretty much built the modern world so we make the rules. When niggers, spics, and mudslimes decide to contribute as much to humanity as we have instead of leaching off of our hard work then maybe they'll be allowed to chimp out without any consequences too.

>you don't side against white people as a President, it only makes issue worst

>But Trump is changing immigration laws isn't he?
He's not making it any harder for non-whites to get in.
If anything, america will have much more east asian immigration now.

My beef is I don't like people who can't talk straight, other than Trump's propaganda arm (Fox News) calling them "white nationalists" I can find no other reputable major media source that isn't outright calling those people racists.

Jews suppress freedom of speech and promote mixing with niggers and man butt sex, while using the banks to rob everyone and threatening Nuclear war.

Shoo shoo whiteroach

xocem wh*Te diyin white değil

>He's not making it any harder for non-whites to get in.
Isn't that against US law? They unironically expect openly racist policies?

It's the land of freedom and opportunity. Unless you're not hwhite feck off

Because of antifa, BLM and radical liberalism.

I generally avoid black people, they are the worst people.

Orange Gumpf is not my president

>major media source
That might be your issue. You like people who talk straight, yet most of them read like opinion pieces.
Not saying Breitbart is any better.
Based on the stream I saw, there appeared to be a good number of white nationalists, anti-coms, but nazis later on to.

I sincerely hope these White people kill off all the BLMs and feminists.

Read that over again. It's purely meritocratic, not racey.

I genuinely wonder the age range of most people bitching about BLM and feminism.

t. Rasheed

Isn't white nationalist code for racist or am I wrong? Would they be cool if I dated their women? How is it an "opinion piece" to describe these people as what they are?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not the letter of the law.

I wish I was black desu.

Got tired of mass shooting I guess.

You don't live here dumb fuck.

Doesn't matter, Doonald Blumpf is still not my president

hes not my president

Nazis and other white nationalists wanted to intimidate nonwhite people

You dumb shits. Don't live. Here.

He's our president. What the fuck did he do wrong? oh yeah you fuckers just blame him for everything don't you?

Not violence from Anitfa. Not violence from BLM. Not violence from muslims. Lets blame trump!


Thanks for a straight answer man, I figured out as much

It's the result of people spending too much time on the internet. It's also the consequence of idiots feeding off of each other, a chain reaction of sorts.

>black idiot gets shot for trying to rob a store
>blm gains traction for chimping out
>white nationalist idiots get pissed b/c blm idiots are crazy in the opposite direction
>Trump wins
>Antifa starts chimping out
>White nationalists get angy
>none of these people get off the fucking internet
>VA decides to remove the statue of a confederate general a completely inconsequential decision.
>White nationalist piglets start to throw a fucking tantrum

If these people went outside and actually did something with their time we wouldn't have this problem. They have nothing better to do but get mad over petty dumb shit.

The protest was because the city was gonna take down a Confederate statue. You know how southshitters chimp out about that.

The right-wing protestors were illegally (literally in violation of a court order) denied their right to public assembly. They had been organising the event with local police for weeks beforehand, yet on the day the event was declared unlawful and said police not only dispersed them, but failed to protect them from the counter-demonstrators as had been agreed.

The ACLU is currently involved in a lawsuit against the state of Virginia over this.

Nonetheless Donut Gump is not my president

Just turned 21, I was pretty PC and liberal in my high school days. Somehow after getting in college I became more and more conservative and non-PC.

Ok Shlomo. Its all the Nazis fault. Including the Jewish "Nazi" that ran over some whore.

>this stumps the Sup Forumsack

>Isn't white nationalist code for racist or am I wrong?
You are. White nationalists seek to preserve white demographics in america and draw attention to its decline.
White supremacists and neo nazis are racist.
Members of the tibetan indipendence movement are tibetan nationalists, yet they don't believe those of other etnicities are inferior.

This, Lonald Clumfp is not my president.

Not all niggers are black.

Were you getting laid often through college?

I see


This. Niggers suck.

That other guy was being disingenuous as hell. It's not about "alienated white communities", these members of white supremacist organisations from around the US (many of them criminal gangs) gathering to protest the democratic removal of Confederate statues in Charlottesville, VA and mourn the legacy of slavery.

Small fights broke this morning and a few people were arrested, then some piece of shit ran his car into a line of peaceful socialist counterprotesters.

You seem to listen to that which does not disrupt your narrative more than what does.

>in their own communities
Maybe if the nation wasn't so divided and tribal, people wouldn't be seen in groups purely based on their ethnicity. That's a legitimate ghetto culture mindset.

>peaceful socialist counterprotesters.

LOL, bro antifa and blm showed up in force and started the fights. Fuck off with your lies.

He was a member of a white nationalist organization you garbage sexpat

>black bloc
>peaceful socialist counterprotesters

And what criminal gangs?

How did those two cops die?

seems awfully suspicious for a helicopter to just randomly crash, on today of all days....

Which one?

>mourn the legacy of slavery.
Weird way of doing it. That's history, so it would be better to remember it with the statue still there.

It's on video dumbasses


Where do you see aggressive antifa?

That only makes sense on paper

>muh heritage
>muh history

Why are you defending some of the absolute dumbest people in America. We spend years going over the Civil War and everyone learns about the confederacy and the union. We don't need to keep these stupid fucking statues and flags around so these uneducated filthy white people can keep patting themselves on the back about losing a war that happened 152 years ago. I will defend history when it needs to be defended but this isn't even history. The statue wasn't even built until 59 years after the war had ended, it's not a piece of history whatsoever.

It's wrong that they were fucked over by the police, but everyone knew their protest would create chaos and that's exactly what it did. Also you're from South Africa, don't you have bigger things to worry about?

Vanguard America


>seek to preserve white demographics in america
But America isn't an ethnic homeland like Tibet, and is not being occupied by a foreign power, white demographics are dropping because of white women refusing white men pure and simple, that's memes aside, a birth rate below 2.1 is a shrinking population.

Do they expect black Americans to return to Africa or stop reproducing? Can they achieve any of their ends without effectively discriminatory policies? How is the symbol of a short lived state which protected slavery related to their cause?

What I see bottom line is racism man, let's cut the bs, "white" Americans are not an ethnicity and any homeland they could claim on that basis is in Europe, it's not even like Mexicans being half native. You can't have a modern liberal democracy with racial rules, it's what's eventually bringing Israel down if they don't settle for two state.


>the civil war was about slavery meme


The mourners were the white nationalists, many of whom want slavery back

It not about getting laid, it just that I have the nostalgic for the days that niggas didn't have a excuse to go out and riot for free. Also where women don't call for the genocide of the straight men. Degenerates that call themselves female because they cut their dick off as well as we had to respect their degenerated disillusion. Basically, I missed my old comfy America. If BLMs, feminists, PCocks and Muslims were to be gone this instant from America, America will truly be great again.

There were multiple clashes you fucking biased fuck. Stop blaming one side and condone Antifa and BLM as well.

He was a Jew. And Antifa were throwing bricks at him.


Because they have a right to assemble and be idiots as long as they're not hurting anyone. I don't want to live in the kind of totalitarian shithole that can't handle cringy white people memeing IRL

t. blackanon

It absolutely was. But don't take my word for it, ask Alexander Stevens: vice president of the fucking Confederacy.

>The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution -- African slavery as it exists amongst us -- the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split."
