What's wrong with you Europe?

What's wrong with you Europe?

You keep making up these maps.

Based Sweden
Why is Slovakia so bigoted?

>an artificial nation state
>being bigoted

More like whats wrong with uk france and sweden

Love knows no ideology, you bigot!

greatest ally > greatest arry >>>> negroes >>>>> mudhshits

The last two would depend upon the sex of my child and of the jew/muslim in question. The asian acceptance makes me glad though.


>The asian acceptance makes me glad though.

Pekka my cousin

>What's wrong with you Europe?

Based Czechia.

This is a good point. I bet more people would be more uncomfortable with their daughters marrying blacks or muslims.

Your map is lying.

As a Danish Jew I can confirm that most Swedes and Germans hate Jews.

Danes and Norwegians are the only good people in Northern Europe.

This is garbage. Luxembourg is way to conservative to give responds like that. They don't feel comfortable with the French, let alone muslims and niggers.

t. Luxembourgish diaspora

I don't see anything wrong with your picture. The question is theoretical anyway, as lots of people don't have children to begin with.

Lol eastern Europe and Greece

feels good man

Didn't realise Czechs were that conservative
Judging by all the porn they make you'd think they'd be up for anything

You jerk!

i am ashamed of Greece

They need to cope somehow,you know?

Is Slovakia /ourguy/?

since when was croatia that tolerant