How come they never made a action movie or something where some guy (or woman) was inside the towers and tried to...

How come they never made a action movie or something where some guy (or woman) was inside the towers and tried to escape before the collapse ?

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Not enough time has passed. We waited almost a century for Titanic.

It was "too soon" for a while and now nobody cares. But I think the story of 8 people who managed to escape from South Tower while being over the crash area would be pretty cool. The last guy escape like 20 seconds before the collapse.

wasnt there a movie with robert pattinson and miley cyrus that did this?

>We waited almost a century for Titanic
is this bait?

there's World Trade Center, in which Nic Cage gets stuck under the rubble for like three days and survives

What i wanna know is why didnt the Australians warn us about the attacks, they are nearly a day ahead in time

What would the movie be? Their shitty boring lives followed by 10 minutes of action?


>but vertical


Australians want to watch the world burn

Fucking meanies

Because it's offensive towards muslims

Fucking meanies

you are dumb as fuck. it's insane how stupid you are.


How is he wrong?

Americans are still triggered.

Titanic's based on a true story?

A movie was made about the Titanic, starring an actual survivor, only a few years after the actual sinking.

If some group of people flew two planes into two iconic landmarks and destroyed them, killing 3000 people in the process, in your country your people would be fucking triggered too you dumb cunt

what about one where they say usa is behind it?

i mean it's fiction genre amirite?

Correction to this: It was actually made only 29 days after it sinking.

Well there's a tiny bit difference between 1910's moive making and 2000's movie making.

Because Americans are still butthurt over getting their shit pushed in by a few ragheads living in mountains

>Grey giant rectangles
>iconic landmarks

The United States of America ladies and gentlemen

Alright, so I didn't know about those other movies, sue me. I think the public consensus would still be that not enough time has passed for something as shameless as an action flick to be made about it.

Literally who ladies and gentlemen.

Not cool shitcunts. Not cool.

Did you ever read about the Aussies who got pulled over laughing and dancing on that day?

Mohammed Atta lived and studied at a top university in Hamburg, Germany. Bin Laden was the son of a millionaire.

Because the whole thing was already staged.

You should maybe see a proctologist