KD without Westbrook: 20-62, miss the playoffs
Westbrook without KD: 47-35, MVP, make the playoffs
Doesn't this prove Westbrook is the better player?
KD without Westbrook: 20-62, miss the playoffs
Westbrook without KD: 47-35, MVP, make the playoffs
Doesn't this prove Westbrook is the better player?
>1 ring vs 0 rings
Yeah he's a lot better
Westbrook woulda won a ring too if he jumped ship to the Warriors. But he's not a BITCH
Look at the wins
If Westbrook was in GSW, he would've won a ring too
>he w-would've!
Would've what? If he would've, why didn't he?
No one will remember Westbrook for being a great loser, but history will always remember its champions.
Truly just a prideful pussy
history will also remember KD not being able to make the playoffs without Westbrook
And Westbrook could make the playoffs without KD
Yeah I'm sure you're gonna tell your kids about Westbrook "making the playoffs"
"But what happened to KD, dad?"
"Well he won a championship, BUT THAT'S NOT AS GOOD AS MAKING THE PLAYOFFS"
I'm laughing so hard at you
You think KD and Curry will be remembered fondly?
>stats from KD's rookie season with the sonics
What did he mean by this?
Did he or did he not have Westbrook? Yes or no?
Yes as the dynasty that followed the bulls and lakers
>only won 2 championships
>lost a 3-1 lead
Yeah the Bulls and Lakers lost championships. Uh huh.
Most kids would rather be Westbrook or LeBron than bitch ass traitor KD or soft ass Curry
>being a rookie holds the same amount of value as a proven star with 9 years in the league
yeah ok
take apehoop to /asp/ where it belongs
>ONLY won 2
>out of the 3 they've been to
>in the past 3 years
Yeah I'm sure Westbrook doesn't mind watching from home like a little beta cuck.
Maybe one day KD will show him his ring
Yeah, his one ring.
Are you saying that a 28 year old Westbrook can only be compared to a teenager Durant? Pretty low standard desu
This is dumb as balls. Compare their ages and the experience they had in those respective seasons, and the supporting casts. Westbrook didn't even deserve his MVP as the 10th overall seed in the league. He's not even close to KD in quality
This is a good point
I could win a ring with GSW's roster. The Cavs literally had to have everything go right (Drayboon suspension, Bogut going down, Steph playing like shit) to win.
>muh ring
Literally the most worthless championship win ever. Can't even brag to your friends or family about it because they all know how easy and cheap it was
KD without Westbrook
16-1 in the playoffs
Finals MVP
they look so similar
not even making a race joke
i can't believe a fucking leaf came up with this
it's almost like they're the same person
Why does KD look so miserable in his OKC picture?
is durant's face asymetrical as hell or does he just lean to the right naturally
LOL thats because KD went to GSW. KD w/o Westbrook alone he only win 20 games
KD without Westbrook: optimizes his basketball skills to register one of the most efficient seasons ever and wins finals MVP
Westbrook without KD: jacks up bad shots and piles up pointless stats while playing no D and gets swept 4-1 in the first round
He's gonna have at the very least 3 when everything is said and done.
is that why he hasn't signed his extension yet?
Russ will sign with Celtics. He almost did once already when they were a team
of literal whos. If he signs with them now they're guaranteed a trip to the finals for the next 5+ years.
Like dude, Danny Ainge aint stupid enough to follow the H-Town Rocks model of putting two short ball-hogging point guards on the floor.
>not mentioning Westbrook won regular season MVP...
>Westbrook woulda won a ring too if he jumped ship to the Warriors.
Like he'd be willing to play for a team that benches him.
He didn't feel carried enough
Well he's going to have to put up with Kyrie since they both play PG.
Why do people count KDs ring? The warriors would give the Cavs fits without him anyway. The Cavs needed a miracle to beat the warriors without KD. KD was just icing on the cake for them. KD is beta as fuck.
Westbrook > KD
Extra salt with all your tears please
ITT: losers hating on winners
I could've won a ring with the Warriors roster
Westbrook is a true alpha and kd is a little bitch who shys away from pressure so Yeah