Powerful edition
/Joe Rogan General/
can you make him even smaller and put a magnifying glass over him so you can see him
I like how you think
>watch an episode with some paranomral dude
>Joe and the guy deep in discussion about ayyyliums
>Joe(ofcourse) says: "we dont know shit, they might be here and hiding, they might be discussed as fucking trees, we cant know that, etc"
>Brian on the side yells "Or they could be Asians..."
>this is hes first sentence during the whole podcast
Joe getting rid of this unironical retard was the best desicion ever
*inhales deeply*
>hey jamie pull up that video of the car hitting that moose
>there's no way he survived that shit man
>anyway I've felt so much more clear headed since I started using MCT oil
>I'm telling you man it's the shit
>fucking food for your brain bitch
> tune into new ep randomly
> Hunter Maats
> talking about how Dawkins and Harris are bad for atheism because "they're mean"
> Goes on for like 20 min with out making a real point
> Can tell Joe isn't buying any of it
How'd it end? I'll probably listing to the whole thing in the next few days.
>Ay pull up that moose video for me real quick.
>It's a "Joe fantasises about naked male werewolves" episode of Joe Rogan Questions Everything
>powerful Duncan Trussell
redban was a fucking mongoloid
I want an episode where they talk about deep shit like aliens, ancient civilizations, how drugs really make you think, tripping out experiences and similar stuff
Other than ancient aliens guy. That was great. I doubt he does that in each one.
Help me out guys
Posted this the other day on instagram - chimp's testicle in relationship to the size of its brain.
>Joe and Dan Fucking Carlin dropping g knowledge bombs on political corruption in US
>Carlin talking about how radical founding doubters would be thought of today
>Joe mentions how true they owned and some been were having a lot of sex with slaves
>Redban: "buttsex was also really popular back then"
>Annoying smug Redban laugh at his shitpost IRL
>Joe and Carlin just in silence like wtf man
Forgot how annoying he was
>Bigger your balls and dick are the dumber you are
What did nature mean by this?
But Gorillas have smaller dicks than us. Does that mean they're actually smarter?
This straight Italian dude I used to mess around with used to make me listen to his awful podcast before he let me blow him.
Hold up, chimps have way bigger testicles, but smaller dicks. That's so weird.
I watch Family Guy to be made to laugh
I watch Joe Rogan to be made to think.
No fucking way
Better post a source
No one can beat him at philosophy, that's for sure.
damn... woah...
This could work
for drugs and tripping out experiences watch the joey diaz episode maybe
for ancient civs check the Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson one
for aliens idk
i started watching JRE a lot more once he ditched that Redban guy, couldn't stand him
guests are hit and miss though, sometimes it's really interesting and sometimes it's a complete dud, but with 800+ episodes and guests that's what you get
dude, imagine an entire army made of DMT!
im glad redbane is gone from JRE, but i will always be thankful to him for even creating Ice House Chronicles
that shit is almos better than even JRE podcast, depending on guests
>But Gorillas have smaller dicks than us
thats cuz u havent seen my dick, my dude
Joe was in a dream of mine the other night. We were talking and he was telling me about MMA and animals attacking people
>Then I woke up ;_;
what is Duncan trussel up to?
Joe Rogain: Deep Thoughts for Dumb Guys
Taking psychedelics and beta testing VR sex machines.
Shacub bless, bros
i uniroically wish i had the money to allow myself buying such tank, it actually looks and sounds fucking amazing
Apparently there's some drama with the most recent episode? Wha happened?
well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds
>clears throat aggressively
after everything he says
These sorts of pictures always make me laugh
He is a hippie who dives a new Mercedes, you tell me.
Hgh causes that. Also the very deep breathing
How about coffee with fucking butter in it?
joe rogans entire being summed up in 19 seconds
huh?havent listened to it yet, tl;dr me
merhaba, reddit
he did two today one was a CES show with jaimie that fucked up half way through and hasn't been reuploaded.
the other one from today was some tool being a douche.
>CES show with jaimie that fucked up half way through and hasn't been reuploaded
just finished listening to the jordan peterson ep. i only listen to JRE when a guest i'm interested in appears. glad he didn't sperg out too hard when perterson brought up his religious beliefs.
gotten pretty sick of how much he shit talked religion and religious people to gavin mcinnes and milo yiannopoulos (even did so behind gavin's back). even as an atheist, i keep thinking "fucking hell man, let them speak their piece and have a discussion before you bring up the kids getting killed by a bear story again"
also tired of having to skip through TWELVE FUCKING MINUTES of ads before the actual podcast starts. his reads are infuriating, especially when he makes those lip smacking sounds on purpose real close to the mic. does he do those reads before the live broadcasts?
truly bizarre
that was the drama guess they fixed it.
>the other one from today was some tool being a douche.
das it. Who's Hunter Maats?
nice, gonna listen to it tomorrow, hope its entertaining
Really wanna cop this but don't wanna pay that much for some gildan bullshit.
just buy it lad, iirc our guy /young jamie/ gets the dosh from the merchandise
*blocks your path*
*sucks your dick, but not like a fag*
damn he does have fag face pretty bad here.
damn, he looked good young
i remember him from fear factor and the men's show when he was still younger and better looking than now, but he was a qt fuccboi when even younger apparently
Jaime, pull up the most non-gay way to suck dick.
Mcinnes and Yiannopoulos were talking sense until religion was brought up, though. They will spew facts, go off of actual data, and be completely sensible, then say "god exists, it's the way the world is". They should be called for their bullshit. Their religious beliefs don't jive with their points or arguments at all. It's the same as if I renounced all oil products and usage, yet refused to stop driving my car. It's nonsense.
I cant tell, do we actually like Joe or not?
Yeah, but only in spite of himself.
Alt-right retards are pretty hypocritical and retarded about religion, if religion rules are true Mcinnes and Yiannopoulos will surely burn in hell 4ever.
Believing that god exists has nothing whatsoever to do with believing in human-written fantasy books.
best post itt
Duncan Trussell is worse than Brian Redban. I have no clue why you faggots pretend to like him. He's like a 1st year weed smoker.
>the other one from today was some tool being a douche.
What are you talking about? Why so vague?
If I see you walking around with that I will throw trash at you from my car. I always have a quarter full can of stale soda.
Milo is a Catholic you dipshit
Did he flip out about Meryl Streep saying MMA isn't an art yet.
why though it looks good brah?
I don't think anyone listened to the end. Maats looks like a CTR staffer