Fuck Japan!

Say sorry for what you did in Nanjing. and uneducated american think that the Nazis were the worst.

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dude who cares theres always plenty more chinamen where they came from


its worst than you think

they literally cut open babies so they can rape them.

Maybe Nan King shouldn't have dressed like that if she didn't want to get raped.

The chinks got what they deserved 2bh


Srs though, the bitch was asking for it.

raping infants
get fucked

playing as japan in hearts of iron has made me understand why the japs did that shit.

waging that fucking shitty war against the chinks, with their piece of shit infrastructure, fucking jungles and mountains everywhere, and shitloads of shitty troops zerging you.
By the time i occupied nanjing, i was wishing i could be there in person

Asians are sub-humans. This is nothing new.

If Australia posted this everyone on Sup Forums would be sucking this poster's e-peen.

This. Chinks and soviets deserve all the shit they get in that game.
[spoiler]Build roads Stalin, you stingy jew

Hitler did nothing wrong uezs.

wtf, i hate anime now

That's phony Chinese propaganda. The Japanese were there to develop China.

why any korean would want to live in backwards australia


>Say sorry for what you did in Nanjing
Didn't the Emperor apologized a few years ago?

The chinese are a terrible and cruel people, just look at their poverty levels and the dog meat festival.

Thankyou Japan for your efforts, NANKING WAS NOT ENOUGH.

They make up for it by their performance.

You spend ten minutes among the Chinese you'll realize that the Nips did nothing fucking wrong. I got fucking hammered in Okinawa and told a Jap that his people should've shot Nanking after they raped it. He looked at me straight faced and said "We did. Not enough bullets."

Hardest I'd ever laughed.

Fucking nips, when will they learn

Most of those people who did those atrocities are all dead now. China and the Chinese people should move on and stop beating a dead horse.

As I get further and further into college, there's less emphasis on atrocities (even the Holohoax is glazed over) and more emphasis on strategies and tactics. The Rape of Nanking was just part of the strategy.

>Most of those people who did those atrocities are all dead now. Israel and the Jewish """""""people""""""" should move on and stop beating a dead horse.


agreed. we're giving free passes to them and Germany is being guilt driven into oblivion.

That's why you should get your revenge from living ones

While I understand how it can be considered somewhat questionable when done on the territory of another state by some foreign force, I'm afraid that a scenario like this is the only way for us white Europeans to reclaim our homeland should the race war ever happen (or plain civil war, which would occur along roughly the same demographic fault lines). No mercy can be given, and the blame should lie with those who pushed us into such a situation.

imperial japan's actions were made during wartime under struggle for sovereignty and existence. they are fully excusable in the circumstance especially when compared against mankind's other atrocities such as soviet and chinese starvations, armenian death marches and allied bombing campaigns which directly caused the 'holocaust'.

i won't touch on offensive usage of nuclear weapons but even that is forgivable in the scope of the literal million americans that would have died trying to take the japanese home islands in a conventional invasion at the time.

war is supposed to be fucking dirty you pussy cunt. the notion of a crime in its duration is oxymoronic.

Didn't know you aussies were such pussy ass bleeding hearts.
Fuck off, they would of had terrible lives anyway in the communist state that followed the war.

they are so fucked up nation that 2 fucking nukes weren't enough

You better be behind 7 proxies lad.

so did every single jap soldier rape babies or what

surely this was more than one single extreme instance that wasn't repeated over and over like a certain other atrocity that occurred in europe

Japs were losing the war anyway. Only reason they bombed those cities were to scare other nations, and it is not forgettable or forgivible at all when you see sick born babies in Japan


it would have been better if they didn't kill those women, some of them would be preggers and there would still be JapaneseChinks in China. Would be fun to watch.

I honestly can't think of an event more atrocious than Nanking. It's worse than even the kike stories of the holocaust ten fold.

Literally multiple accounts of raping pregnant women, just to cut open their stomachs and pull out the babies for instagram pics.

It's well accepted that thousands of women were raped in Nanking, fits into account with the other accounts of Japanese captured territories both civilian and military.

edge, the board. One of the worst act in human history. Japs were fucking retarded at that time, attacking China, I can understand it's WW2, but fucking the relation between them for ever and attacking the US is just fucking retarded.

There are worst pics, not as gore but just insane


I wonder if they knew how demographics would evolve a century later.

Kill Kebab, remove Merkel, everyone around the world supports you Germany, except Muzzies and Jews of course.

I talked to a stranger about the refugee situation and everyone agreed muzzies are evil and germany is just getting fucked without any fault.

Did they also make them into lampshades after?

to speak nothing of the hundreds of thousands of children across eastern europe born to this day with thyroid cancers and disorders caused directly by exposure to Chernobyl's emissions during the nuclear incident?

the cancers of little boy and fat man will pale in comparison for all time.

total nuclear accident, too. no one wanted the results.

we've gotten over that and consigned all the rural villages there to the dustbin of history. thousands upon thousands of people live in the immediate vicinity of the exclusion zone to this day and the topsoil for kilometers around is irreparably stained with radioactive contamination. some of the elements released into the environment will not begin to decay for hundreds of thousands of years.

Good job, Japan. Truly we both share the American spirit when it comes to war.

Brit on holiday here. I can't believe a Westerner fucking cares about what Japan did in Asia during WWII when U.S. told them it started at Pearl Harbor and ended in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Seriously, are you not watching the shit sand niggers are doing today? What a dumb thread lol.

Prepare for an entirely new century of humiliation, chinklet. Even the Poo-in-loos have a brighter future than your shit homeland.

It's a butthurt immigrant chinkling.

There is no excuse ever for beheading anyone, or raping infants. That is straight barbarism and a sign of a subhuman race. Japs should have been nuked off the face of the earth.

Hahahaaaa... Chipponese!

Get out of my country Chang. There's already a fuckton of you here. Japan needs to rev up those genocide engines again.

china is a plastic nation.

they cant threaten the US.

Middle and Top Left photos are obvious un-historical hoaxes. Those pictures were taken with a modern camera and models.


Are you the next Dalai Llama? That is some wise shit right there Pajeet. Nanking is the "muh 66 tortillion" of the Chinese.

Don't act like your ancestors didn't do that. I'm 100% scandi blood and I'm willing to admit my viking heritage likely involved mass murders of helpless villages.

It's a matter of evolving and civilising a nation is what removes a society from sub-human status. Japan has clearly gotten out of that post-WWII.

Their neighbours in the other hand, China, is still stuck in that stage.


By culling down the Chinese population, yes. Remind me how well the overpopulation of China is doing?


t. Zhang
Wont say it didnt happen but hey how long will you believe in and rely on CCP propaganda and everything they release.

I blame Japan

for keeping all that sweet n sour pussy to themselves

滚 回国吧 傻逼

fucking chinks fuck off we're full

Hey i raped an murdered your entire family, sorry about that bro, was my bad

>mfw the chinese are worse to their own people these days than the japanese were in fucking ww2