What are some things that you really believe in?
What are some things that you really believe in?
NFL is rigged or scripted like pro wrestling
eurpoeans are jealous of american sports culture
Titties and Santa Claus.
I'd be pretty damn hard to rig it desu.
reffball is real
Trolling ESPN and CNN into bankruptcy.
The funny part is he got to make his points. Nobody got to counter them. And now everyone is seeing the segment hearing his points with no counter, and checking out his radio show. The mosg negative responce he could get is an eyeroll. He could singlehandedly save sports media.
Are mods deleting Clay Travis threads? Dude is singlehandedly saving the sports media
this. I want to celebrate /ourguy/
The Constitution
Big Honkin' Anime Titties
They literally can't, because they were too triggered by the word boobs.
That's the joke, of course, and it's on them. They're so easy to troll.
You guys are joking right?
He's a fucking retarded opportunist without a single novel perspective on anything sports related
He's pretty obsessed with ESPN yeah, but his opinions of them are on point. I don't see anyone else prominent in the media going after them.
Id rather ESPN talk about boobs then Kaepernick, the national anthem or whatever the fuck. Maybe if Kaep was good enough for the Lingerie Football League they could intertwine the two
its basically how trump won.
>make weak arguement
>add some mildly offence remark
>everyone is too triggered by the remark to counter your argument.
>You now have the best arguments in the room
Y'all need more barstool sports in your lives
I'm not the biggest fan, but def better than that dumbass Travis
No thanks
isnt that where Kat Timpf does a show?
It is the only way to win
logic doesn't work anymore. You cannot make a logical appeal to a group of people who just call everyone a racist or supremacist or sexist or whatever.
Look, I'm all for "toilet humor" of that's your thing, but what happened today was a embarrassing day for America. Some sports talk show guy goes on CNN, a respected institution in Americana and worldly news, and just pops off with childish humor. Disgraceful. I'm glad the host was brave enough to stand up to him.
lol, whatever you say buddy
keep latching onto shameless sycophants
Barstool is fucking gay. Their shtick got old in 2014
nah its not like that. That group is so small and unliked that it doesnt matter what they think. But cable news wants anything that gets views, and its easier to trigger them for views to advertise your platform then try and debate your points. Why do you think Milo types go out of their way to find SJWs, while running away from Ben Shapiro types with their tail between their legs?
Here's your (you)
barstool is trash
You took the time to type this all out and I'm sure you thought it was ironically funny so here's a reply so you can keep the lights on
>without a single novel perspective on anything sports related
When he talks politics, he does it from a perspective that is usually critical of the cultural left.
That's quite rare for someone in today's sports media.
1. Lots of humor is childish, by design. Juvenile things things like body parts and farts can be quite funny.
2. The real humor in the situation is the scolds overreacting to a silly, throwaway comment like he just denied the Holocaust or something. Travis is a jester who satirizes and mocks the absurd manners and tastes of the aristocracy, that's a trope that is as old as humor itself.
3. The media in general and CNN in particular is no longer that well respected by Americans.
Unironically fake news
wtf i love Mexico now
>when he talks about politics.
found the problem with him.
We are animals that tamed ourselves and we're better off for it
Earth is flat and there are huge underground bases where humans are working with extraterrestrial beings and advanced technology is being made.
Also sports are rigged
t. soybrain
The NBA and NFL are rigged
Banking elite (da joos) run everything
fiat currency is just jewish lies
Hamilton is a car babby
Steve Jobs was killed by Sony
Ithough t the funny man said the funny word lol they lady is mad just like mommy I hate mommy he is MY hero
Andrew Luck is the best quarterback in the National Football League
>he doesn't think the word "boobs" is funny
Lads, this guy is a cuck!
>Australia dropping truth bombs
Name literally 1 (ONE) sport that isn't rigged. Nothing's real anymore. We're just watching the script play out. I don't even fucking KNOW how there are still "fans" of any given sport.
Calling them "bazookas" would be funny.
Making the fog horn sound after saying tits would be funny.
I just need the action
Why would they need to rig it when 90% of their fanbase watch it for the unscripted competition, and the unscripted results are just as exciting?
Takes no effort or risk to let world class athletes compete against each other.
Takes tremendous effort and risk to script outcomes.
You're weak, my dude
I know man but I ain't got shit going on for me