NFL Players Association Names Colin Kaepernick Community MVP

Racist Trump supporters BTFO YET AGAIN.

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That's funny, usually NFLPA only gives a shit about you if they're getting a cut of your paycheck.

Lol why?

>woke QB
the fuck does that even mean?

Read the article, dummy.
>Kaepernick got the nod for the honor after announcing his latest round of $100,000 donations last week. Those donations came in the form of $25,000 each to four charities, including DREAM, which provides after-school programs and youth sports to New York City's youth, the Coalition for the Homeless, the Gathering for Justice’s War on Children, which combats child incarceration, and United We Dream, which aides immigrant youth, all according to the NFLPA.

I ain't giving bet views my man

you still know he won't get a contract, right?

After Colin Kaepernick's 2016 season-long kneeling during the national anthem as a protest against racism and police brutality of unarmed Black men, the woke free-agent quarterback hasn't received a single opportunity to play in the NFL again.

But he's excelling off the field, and that's why the NFL Players Association is honoring Kaep with its Week 1 Community MVP award.

NFLPA on Twitter

Congrats to Week 1 #CommunityMVP @Kaepernick7 for his latest $100K donation and hosting a back-to-school giveaway.
10:31 AM - Sep 15, 2017

Kaepernick got the nod for the honor after announcing his latest round of $100,000 donations last week. Those donations came in the form of $25,000 each to four charities, including DREAM, which provides after-school programs and youth sports to New York City's youth, the Coalition for the Homeless, the Gathering for Justice’s War on Children, which combats child incarceration, and United We Dream, which aides immigrant youth, all according to the NFLPA.

Last week, the NFLPA gave the same Community MVP honors to Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt for helping to raise over $33 million in relief funds for those affected by Hurricane Harvey in H-Town.

The NFLPA is basically a black interest organization at this point. Anti-white shit has been the norm for years now.

I'll eat goat shit if Kaper gets signed this year.

>Anti-white shit
What did he mean by this?

ESPN forcing Kaep makes me understand how much I triggered people with my Tebow mania bs. At least deep down I knew he wasnt that great.

If he's so woke, why hasn't he donated me some moniez?, checkmate.

Read the article illiterate. I even posted the transcript right here


Because white people never do anything wrong and should be commended for their constant perfection in the face of evil minorities?

Fuck off.

Tebow is at least likeable and he works hard, meanwhile Kap acts like a self-entitled cunt, both are shit but at least I would prefer the dude who takes a knee to say thank you instead of "muh oppression"

Tebow never took a team to a Superb Owl.

>rich white dude who had everything handed to him "worked hard" and "is likeable" (translation: je white)
>Kap is a self-entiteld cunt who worked his ass of to get where he was, despite anons on this very board bitching about how all black QBs are shit, dude gets to the elite level anyway.

What you meant to type was, "I just hate Kaep cuz I'm a racist piece of shit," it really would be on-message for Sup Forums.

I don't care for the consent agenda pushing, on both sides.


..but to sign a 9 million dollar mediocre at best QB that brings constant distractions to the team?

In all honesty, it sounds like youre the one coming off as a racist piece of shit.

Kap was also handed everything to him, he was raised by a rich white family, which makes his bitching quite hypocritical if you ask me
>if you hate Kap you're a racist piece of shit
I'm latino if you haven't noticed, people's race is irrelevant to me most of the time, but if you want to use it to get free shit, some personal gain or blame your own failures to it despite being "proud" then we have a problem

the Jets did it with Tebow, didn't they?

Why can't they hire him just to kneel the ball at the end of games?

Tebow required a far smaller contract & bitch about being run out the league for being a devout christian. Plus he was willing to play Fullback.


what does 'woke' mean

The opposite of what you'd think.

common sense

socially conscious and extremely loud, i.e. black

>run out the league for being a devout christian. Plus he was willing to play Fullback
Absolute lies. In his own words he had offers to switch positions but he rejected them because he only wanted to play QB.

awake with no regard for proper tense or the difference between adjective and verb

Would the NFLPA try some bullshit like nominating Kaepernick for MOTY over someone like J.J. Watt or Greg Olsen, or does he have to be on a roster for that to happen?


Why NFL players are puropsefully biting the hand that feed them? Main customers of NFL, so the guys who indirectly pay them, are the old angry conservative white dudes, who hated the BLM protests and disrespect of the flag.

>donating money on 0 income
Lol, what a stupid lightskin

>elite level

Perhaps they care about these issues so strongly, that they don't care about what white people think.
There's also pressure to not look like an Uncle Tom from within the black community.

Checked and NFL players are hood rich so they don't have a long term conception of the ramifications of their actions, virtue signaling is worth more than money to them at this point, much to the chagrin of NFL owners who are very soon going to fall from their TV throne or at least see their status heavily reduces from their previous untouchable heights

Right but they care about their money don't they? If the NFL stops being worth as much money, they'll get fucked in the long run. Most of them don't care though because they will be out of the league by the time this shit fully destroys the value of it and it will be some other kids mess to inherit

I don't think it matters as much to them as you think it does. They still get paid a fuckton of money

He's getting money from Soros & Co.

Which Kaep got paid millions for. When people figured out he can't make reads to save his life he turned to shit then turned activist. Tebow was cut for Manning and that was that

like girls

Hahaha. Don't play me for a sucker, dog

>tebow is white and kaepernick is black: the post

>raised by white parents