Spain, YES!

Top fucking KeK Spain

During a cyber-fight a guy said "fuck you" to his girlfriend on a Whatsapp chat, she typed back "fuck you too" and he got arrested for 5 days. She will face no consequences because she is the "protected gender" (dafuq?).

Also apparently in Spain there are "women's court" probably they have two separate sets of laws for male and female, top lel.

Any spanishbro around to explain this madness?

thats messed up man.. just imagine if she claimed rape

this can't be real


Anyone who thinks spain is a first class world is simply out of their fkn mind. Bunch of pussies who also are about to elect a commie hippy President.

Top tier cuckery.

Our country might be cucked by the EU but at least shit like this doesn't exist


You guys are making Sharia law (or hudud - level 2 Sharia law) attractive...


(I'd ask you how many defcon levels there are but I know you'd just lie to me anyway.)

>look who's talking
>look I'm talking too


If you get 5 days of prison because "fuck you" at your girlfriend probably if you get an accusation of rape you will end up hanged in public plaza without even a trial.

Si questo è un livello di cuck oltre 9000. Inarrivabile.

Our gender laws were shit before it was mainstream. Seriously, they need a reform.

Every party knows our laws are absolute trash. Women can perfectly take the advantage and destroy her boyfriend/husband's life. Talk about inecuality.


That is bullshit. I'm like all the day insulting women I know, and nothing really happens to me. Buh buh

Glad I have a qt sissy bf

How to explain the madness?
Spain hasn't been a legit democracy since 1985.
You are reading it well, the democratic period in Spain lasted less than 10 years.
The vicepresident of that goberment, Alfonso Guerra claimed that year this: "Montesquieu is dead".
And why is this the end of the democracy? No longer separation of powers.
The main controllers of the judicial power are selected by the parties.
The Constitutional Court is elected by the Government and the General Council of the Judiciary, which is elected again by the Congress and the Senate...
Then, when a Party has a huge advantage can choose what they want without opposition.
Judges are controled polliticaly and they don't even have to hide it.
So the legal system is completely corrupted.

Now to make happy the lobbies, the goverment make unlawful laws and the judges shut up like the whores they are.
So that's the reason why there are laws like that. That and the stupid Rajoy who had the power to derogate that abomination and he did nothing among a lot of similar laws.

A nadie le importa eso aquí, monguer

OP was asking for an explanation, I gave him one.
Now go lick clean some toilet or the fucking shit you do for a living.

I see, you seems kinda fucked but I've read you have election soon. Try to vote for someone with at least two braincells so he and his party can make less retarded laws.