B-but America doesn't have any castles!

>b-but America doesn't have any castles!
Europe BTFO.

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I unironically believed castles didn't exist in the US some time ago

>yes but you americans don't have unique places like rome, florence, venic-


they do not
we do have several star forts on the other hand

I unironically still don't think there are, pictured is from your list

I was watching Hotel Hell a few weeks back and some lad in Ohio had built a £12 million castle, had to be one of the most ridiculous, tackiest things I've ever seen.

>Americans have no gothic architecture and therefor no culture!
How about you guys do some actual research before opening your fool mouths?

It always wierded me out how small it actually wss

Another angle

There's only a single bona fide castle in North America that I know of, tho Canada may have some around as having a queen they could legit build some even today if they cared to.

Pictured is not it, even if it was technically built to serve as a title seat for European nobility, calling any fort/residence and manor a castle really only cheapens the term

what is this

Ah yes. Fort Bed 'N Breakfast.

That's cringe and sad, fucking wannabes

I never said I considered that a castle Venancio, learn to fucking read

>doesn't have a canal and draw bridge

De qué cojones estás hablando puto grillado de los cojones

Que te te estoy diciendo que aprendas a leer coño, si seras gil

Leer el que anormal? He hecho replies a más fotos que las tuya, por qué te crees especial? He comentado lo que pienso sobre las fotos, el que debería aprender a leer eres tú

I think this is the only ""castle"" on America


That's a manor on a hill.

el indio envidioso, señores....

Its a royal castle since the viceroy used to live there. Most european royalties live in royal castles as well but they are more like palaces or manors.
Its not my fault the defininition is like that.

Thats right

Real castles have towers.

And moats.

this one doesnt have neither towers nor moats but is still a castle

It was the residence of a Habsburg emperor, it did actually function as castle enduring siege during the Mexican-American war and it does posess the architectural elements (battlements, towers, etc) that define a castle. You may not like Austrian style castles but it is a text book one.

>America doesn't have castles
ummm try again sweetums

The viceroys lived in palacio nacional, not Chapultepec.

Still looks like a burger joint.

Not all castles have moats

That's not a castle tho

Yeah, well, whether you like it or not that's a different matter altogether, it's far more livable than most medieval castle which I think was the point. Pictured is the inner courtyard.


That's a shiro, real castles used for war, not like el castillo de chapultec what the only thing have of a castle it's the name



No Venancio, that's the Fushimi Inari-taisha, that's a Shinto shrine in Tokyo, pictured is a Shiro

No real castles here but Québec City is the only remaining city with a defensive wall around it in USA or Canada. Built by the French 400 years ago and strengthened by the Brits in the mid 18th century. The citadel also still remains as part of the ramparts.

We still have a few royal governor's mansions around. The best looking one, the one at Williamsburg is a complete reproduction and doesn't count though

Here's New Jersey's at Perth Amboy. It looks like a municipal prison

No retard, that's a reconstructed castle in Kyoto, Fuchimi castle, you must have used the google search engine and you have failed, and stop saying Venancio you sounds even more retarded


That's pretty cool, I love the puertas in European cities

>Can I take your order?

perspective tricks

Man, it just looks like a generic pagoda in that fucking thumbnail the other Mexican guy posted, without a look at the lower walls there's no way you can tell the difference, and yes I did use google search which doesn't take away from my point about Chapultepec

Oh yeah and fuck you Venancio gallego de mierda

Those must be some fucking luxurious burger joints you have in Finland

Qué sí, que eres subnormal y te has equivocado y no lo reconoces. Y no se parece en nada a una pagoda, pero lo sabrías si tuvieras un mínimo de entendimiento en arquitectura, por cierto el castillo de chapultepec no tiene nada de castillo estructuralmente, es todo una gilipollez de chovinismo mexicano para decir "hurr durr el único castillo de América"

>America doesn't have real Samu- woahhh

Uhm try again baka sensei


Fue construido por Austriacos pedazo de pendejo, y en que no se parece el otro a una pagoda pinche weeb clavado?

Estructuralmente el castillo tiene muros, torres y cresteria, en que pinche mundo fantasioso en el que vives esos no son los elementos estructurales de un castillo? Sirvió como residencia de un noble? Si Sirvio como fortificación capaz de resistir un sitio? Si

Que pinche estandar mierdero inventado estas utilizando? Vete a lamer mas polla de guiri perdedor

that's my house, how did you get that picture?

Why is Canadian colonial and early architecture so superior to the American?

En nada se parece a una pagoda, ignorante de mierda y el castillo de chapultepec fue construido por españoles anormal de los cojones y remodelado más tarde, precisamente remodelado para que de castillo tenga 0

Asian architecture is the worst. They just found a type of roof they liked and kept stacking them on top of eachother for centuries.

Si te quieres poner tecnico fue construido por Mexicanos, comenzado como la mansión de un Español y convertido en castillo bajo la dirrección de Austriacos en la epoca del segundo imperio Mexicano. Tu solo estas evitando el punto pendejo mamila, arquitectonicamente tiene los elementosque hacen un castillo? Vete a chingar a tu madre que a mi ya me tienes harto, haz un punto real, basado en elementos objetivos y no en tu actuación de gran conocedor maldito moro.

Oh you are right, it was just his summer house.
Most medieval castles during the early medieval ages where just some towers of stone connected by stone walls, they werent even good looking most of the time.

Try telling that to the Spaniard autist weeb who claims to be an expert on the subtle nunaces from watching the full run of Inuyasha


Because you're dealing with a different century. Show me anything impressive in Canada that dates from the 17th or 18th century
>reminder that almost all of the Quebec City fortifications are restoration jobs from the mid-19th and this is obvious from the style

Faneuil Hall

Don't you dare insult based Quebec architecture!

We have the best medieval castles, none of the renaissance palace meme stuff.
t. wales




>Québec's restoration jobs

Fanueuil Hall
>1762 – Hall rebuilt
>1806 – Building remodelled and expanded
>1992 – Building restored
>2012 – Lower Level and First Level completely renovated

nah m8 the french have the best medieval castles

Ese edificio no tiene nada de defensivo salvo por estar situado en una zona elevada, punto, castillo mis cojones. Siento ser un experto en arquitectura y haberte dejado en ridículo muerto de hambre de mierda.

ayyy wwyyy no se nada pero digo cosas nomas para pareser pinche listo a mi eso me parese una pagodaaa cabrooon todo parese iguaaaal

If you are unaware of the obvious Victorian reconstruction of those walls, ramparts, and especially gates then you're oblivious to the architecture of both the period it originates and the period it was restored. If we consider the colonial period up until 1776 then there's nothing impressive I'm Canada at the time. Even until the end of the Georgian era there isn't anything

The poster is also posting Italianiate which never really caught on for public buildings in the US and is completely shat on by earlier brick Georgian architecture

Hum it really depends frankly. I'd say we have better mid to late medieval castles, but Wales has some awesome castles. Being the castle capital of the world really helps.

No hay nada más patético que hablar de algo de lo que no tienes ni puta idea y cuando te dejan en evidencia ponerte a la defensiva y creer que tienes la razón

kek. lo unico que sientes es mi verga, que bueno que pareces disfrutarlo. See ¿No son esos muros? ¿No son esas como ventanas ovaladas crestería? ¿No hay tres torres claramente visibles en la imagen? Experto eres pero en hacerte pajas.

What about cute walled towns?


ventanadas ovaladas cretería, ok, ni puta idea

Never watched any anime not like you for sure

Un castillo auténtico de uso militar en América

That's a fort, same as pictured in Mexico, do you understand the difference between a fort and a castle? That was built to protect against pirate attacks, not as the residence iof a feudal lord.

1992 and 2012 interior restorations were historically accurate and had more to do with keeping the place safe and clean. 1806's expansion was owing to its continued use and city demands. You didn't even mention the 1899 complete restoration which would've btfo out of my argument
>Porte St. Jean
>The present gate was built in 1939.
>Porte St. Louis
>before being replaced by the gate we see now in 1880 by Lord Dufferin.
>Porte Prescott
>The current gate was built in 1983.
>Porte Kent: erected in 1879
>the Citadel (from 1820 to 1850)
Not to mention most of the wall being restoration work if you have an eye for stone

>Cathedral Basilica De Notre Dame
>completed 1843
>*founded* 1647

You're trying to deceive me

I just prefer Canada's early architecture to America's. You guys used a lot of Georgian and Greek Revival, I like our Victorian, Edwardian, Gothic, and Chateau style.

Left is our Parliament Hill, right us your Capitol [sic] Hill.

That's not how it works, you are a fucking ignorant using definitions proper to ignorants like you, a castle it's a military building with defensive structures, no "where cinderella lives hihihi hurr durr". But reasoning with a chauvinist ignorant like you it's beyond wasting time, good bye stupid gardener.

4/6 of those are amusement parks of the equivalent (Las Vegas strip and Disney), one of them is a chain restaurant that nobody is trying to pass off as a real castle. Dunno about the last one.

Starforts aren't castles because castles are more than just forts. They're cool as fuck though

I want this castle in NY.

Thats a castle

Starforts are cute

No, I'm not quite being fair, I'm pulling an age of things argument like a Eurocuck. I prefer Canadian public architecture, I can't stand Neo-Classical and I hate most of our state houses. Ours in New Jersey is one of the most hideous structures I've seen. They've been adding wings to it haphazardly since the 1790s.

Your Parliament, while having that overly tall tower, is much better looking than our Senate building

>a castle it's a military building with defensive structures

We have a cool earlier one in Florida that the Spaniard posted. The rest in the US are either delapidated or mostly reconstructions

Outside of the foundation and some of the walls Fort Ticonderoga is mostly a reproduction. It was supposed to be really neat when the French used it though

Talvez por que los asedios japoneses no usaban armamento de asedio europeo. Los castillos nippones tenían varias murallas y eran hechos como laberintos. Puede que seas un """experto en arquitectura""" pero no en historia bb ;)
Eso es un fuerte español pendejo
Los castillos estaban hechos para defender al noble que vivía en el, los fuertes eran estructuras militares. Hay una gran diferencia entre ambos pero basicamente el fuerte es el sucesor del castillo.

Went recently to that place and let me tell you that it actually was sometime the residence of Benito Juarez but of course a lot of years after it remained as a fort against pirates.
Pic related is the palace house that nowadays is like peach coloured and looks way better.

>Is not shaped properly as a star
This annoys me so much.

That's pretty neat

>Mi verga
La cagaste usando esas palabras quedando como retrasado,benito

it's just bantz

>Implicando que solo hay un mexichango en el thread
No, yo no soy el mismo que estaba discutiendo si era una pagoda o no. Ademas, es 4chin y es bant. No debería haber ningun problema.

Vauban is sex

Mexichango negro indio

El berber diciendonos changos JAJAJAJA