> U.S.E
> U.S.E
> U.S.E
> U.S.E

Voted remain, what's wrong with a United States of Europe anyway?
Daily reminder Sup Forums is a satire board, only virgin neets actually believe all this right wing stuff.

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I support the idea in principle. The EU just sucks right now. Needs reform.


Fuck off potato nigger.

>Needs reform.
Weird way to spell 'needs to be destroyed'.

Everything Sup Forums supports fails in the end.

>2008 elections
>2012 elections
>Brexit (it WILL fail)
>2016 electinos (Hillary win)

>turkey joins EU
>All Middle East flocks to European Union
>open borders
>economic collapse
That's just one possibility on top of Orwellian technology laws.

The EU is nothing like the USA.

>People voting for an undemocratic system
I don't know if I should cry or laugh.

Despite i agree that A european union would be a good thing our union is broken beyond the point one could fix it.
Its corrupted, it undemocratic and it exceeds its powers

Pol supported Obama during bush era.

Zim zam won.


Going back to making my AKs that I play with.

Well what is wrong with it? Every european country is meant to make trade deals with each other independently? Some sort of union makes sense. Especially these days with China and India becoming bigger world players. European countries need to stick together a bit to not get bulldozed.

It's democratic though. We vote for representatives to vote on shit on our behalf.

I'd prefer to see a more direct democracy though. Have pan european parties that we vote for. Everything that happens at the EU seems disconnected from the people of each state.

Good! I'm coming, Europe! Get ready to be enriched!

>what's wrong with a United States of Europe anyway?

I don't want to be in a state together with Italians, Spaniards, Greeks and Bulgarians. These set of peoples don't comprise a common unity that could make a demos. That's why a democracy as in an U.S.E. is not possible and bound to fail.
The sooner we rid ourselves of this leviathan the better. We did cooperate and trade with each other before the EU and we will continue to do so when this moloch is dead and buried.

Unionam europea esse delendam

A United States of Europe would be the single greatest country since America and the British empire.

Cheap labour from the east, military from France and England and Scotland, sluts from Sweden. Free drug use from Denmark. Money from Germany. Religion from Italy.
Truly romes vision made manifest, get it up ya China!

When was the last time you voted for some president for one of the many EU councils dumb potato nigger?

The system is literately bureaucrats appointing bureaucrats. A council of elitists who rule all of Europe and no one can say shit.

The problem with Sup Forums is not the weirdness or the neo Imperialist dogma that most people pretend to be in favor of (and secretly sympathize with it's core beliefs.)

The problem is that fuck holes go around writing (((money printer))) posts and spill the beans on the sweet gravy train the modern Master Class has going.

They won't become 1930's Nazi's anymore than they will become Marxian Communists.

They will take elements of both ideologies and a few from Anarchy and Small government as well and become rivals to the (((money printing scheme.)))

When enough of them realize that "Hey, wait a minute!? Why can't we change the law to allow for competing currency? Why do the Old Masters get that privilege and no one else? Why do they get to decide who gets the new money that they have printed?"

That's when it gets dangerous for the (((money printers.)))

That is the real reason that free speech must be banned. Along with 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment (ban on unreasonable search and seizure,) then all the other rights will be taken.

That does sound pretty nice. I'd seriously be up for a *good* version of the EU some day...

>united states of europe

lol keep paying for those poor shitholes, cuckerino

> What is Mississippi?
The post

And everything in the name of Allah and his Prophet Muhammed (pbup). Gullible morons.

EU would be great, if they build a wall around it, threw everyone who doesn't belong here out and never let them in again. But that's obviously never going to happen. So to hell with it.

>lol keep paying for those poor shitholes
yeah, because america doesn't have any of those

I'm hoping the current migration crisis redpills all of europe and makes us create a glorious european state with no shitskins.

We can have the choice to not pay

Why should I be in favour of being in a political and fiscal union with you? We already paid for all your highways and infrastructure and what good does it give me?
I don't want to be in a common country with any of you (except Austria and Netherlands maybe).

> Islam as a problem.
Women second class citizens, no gays, no degenerate hobbies like smoking and drinking. They hate Jews and Israel. Men rule their government and families with firm and strike but loving hands, children respect fathers because of this.

Sounds like pols wet dream

Not as poor as you think.


Shared resources. Expanding the market you can sell to. easily. Proving development funds to developing countries wasn't our idea. Was probably yours.

>Shared resources.

But I don't want to share my resources with you.

>Expanding the market you can sell to.

Free trade existed before the EU.

>Proving development funds to developing countries wasn't our idea. Was probably yours.

Our politician's idea, you mean.

>But I don't want to share my resources with you.
because you a shortsighted.
>Free trade existed before the EU.
Yes, in the form of the EEC. An economic union.
>Our politician's idea, you mean.

>because you a shortsighted.

Why would I have other people use my resources without paying for them?

>Yes, in the form of the EEC. An economic union.

Exactly. Worked quite well. Let's do that.

Here is some non-native OP...






>Why would I have other people use my resources without paying for them?
because they are sharing theirs and the end result is everyone is better off.

>Let's do that.

I want to live in an actually independent country for once, not someone's backwater colony.

Lel germaney better off for giving you monies

Sounds fair

I'm not talking about giving money

>what's wrong with a United States of Europe anyway?

1. Decision making capability is controlled by outsiders. (USA & reptilians)

2. Economy and politics exist only to pad US economic interests without regard for europeans.

3. The said outsiders have financial incentive to make sure europe will NEVER be independent of US.

Because, unlike USA, we are NOT one nation. Each nation has somewhat homogenous opinions, therefore national democracies will much better reflect citizens' wishes. Shared parliament means half of the countries will be unhappy and it will revert to the natural situation - national states again. There is an actual reason, why national states always existed throughout history. It's not artificial, it's natural and everything else will create massive social friction.

Of course, that's why EU intentionally pushes massive immigration and multiculturalism. They even openly claim that they want to remove national identities thru immigration.

>oh shit I can't justify flooding europe with sandniggers
>lol I know I'll call him a virgin neet

Nu male liberal faggots in a nutshell.

>Voted remain, what's wrong with a United States of Europe anyway?

If you need to ask the question, you're not intelligent enough to understand the answer.

>Sup Forums is a satire board
>except all those who aren't being satirical

OP confirmed a moron
>using Mr. Burns as a symbol for the EU leadership

How fitting.

Exactly this. The nation state is the natural union of people with similar values, history and political ideas. That's why it is so successful and will be in the future. It's the only guarantor for democracy and an harmonic coexistence of its people.
Any enlargement of this structure can only be stable if it let's each substructure retain it's souvereignity in all the elementary fields of governance.
Long live the nation state!

Yeah fuck democracy and shit. As long as the dole cheques keeps coming!
