Pesäpallo live stream

Nice butts in action

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Great thread

What's with the retard helmets?

ball hurts

I prefer to watch sauna championship





Is the dip-dyed pink hair a tactical advantage?

stop forcing this meme


it tells the other players that you are poisonous, and they are less likely to eat you

Whats this sport ? Never seen it before.

Also too much clothing. And not enough ass close ups.

Why are they raising their arms before the batter swings at the ball?

> ball goes under the fence into the parking lot

what a great sport

Finland is a beautiful light in this dark and depressing world.

link vid doesn't seem to work and I don't speak potato, can you just upload the best ass webms or something?

not sure what the sport is about but the pants are winner for sure

I do watch this occasionally when it's on telly because of butt's

>link vid doesn't seem to work and I don't speak potato,

Game is over I think. You can scroll down and click on one of the pictures under "Palloilua" and "JAKSOT" to watch an old game.

keep posting finn butts m8

Aren't these semi-fatties supposed to be able to sprint/run really fast?

Pesäpallo is a bit gay since it is not rewarded to hit the ball far. :(

Some butt's

>Ohjelma on tulossa katsottavaksi tänään klo 12.50

the game is over

;( thanks for sharing anyway

fugg, I bet they're all really sof't

how do i get a finn ass

thick leg's

sexy butt's


Now link works ass on-demand streaming for 30 days.