ITT: Scary childhood things
ITT: Scary childhood things
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I used to watch Locomotion channel when I was a kid.
It was full of experimental animation and stop motion shit before it got ruined by anime.
good times, i miss that channel tremendously.
things that creeped me out the most were
>moon faced guy episode
>talking tree episode
>windmill vandals episode
>zombie directors episode
>final form hexxus
>the slime zombie from return of the living dead
>the cat/wolf thing from neverending story
Second form hexxus was sexy af
return the dubs
>the entire episode
Sleepy hollow traumatized me. Especially the deal with the devil scene, i dropped it after that
Before it was a meme, it frightened me.
"what did I tell you, shortman?"
>spider+crab+bat+preying mantis
not from my childhood but these immediately came to mind as creepy fucking things in a kids movie
hello, my spic friend.
what is this supposed to be
the episode with mole was scariest
That thing was genuinely creepy
>friendless American teenagers trying to be edgy by saying things on a safe anonymous message board that they're too cowardly to say in real life
but i'm not american and i watched locomotion when i was a kid
Might get called a pussy for this but I was four years old. I think what freaked me out the most was the fact it could deceive Bert like that and keep its creepy composure.
grow a spine faggot
>>friendless American teenagers trying to be edgy by saying things on a safe anonymous message board that they're too cowardly to say in real life
>The one where Arthur cuts his knee on that fucked up can at the dump
Nightmares. Still afraid of cutting myself on serrated can edges.
One of my favorite childhood shoes was simultaneously one of the scariest. So many bizarre dream sequences.
the original was bwrrwe
I understand
The witches in The Witches.
When they pin him onto the table
Courage was probably the scariest kids show around I've seen so far
Ramesses takes the cake, but it had so many other unnerving or outright scary shit in it
>The literal serial killers brought back from the dead
>The fetus thing
>The moon
>Fusili and his fucking puppets, that ending made it worse
>Happy Frank, or what his name was
A few other moments that I find still unnerving are the episode with the Hunchback, mostly because it's a real sad episode
That "you are perfect the way you are" moment
And the episode with time altering tornadoes, I dont know why, but that episode just clicks in a very weird way for me
For you
I remember the one with that puppet show. In the end Muriel and Eustace became puppets and Courage had to "play and pretend" that they were still alive. I was scared multiple times, but God, I loved this show.
I always found this sequence uniquely moving.
that scene in Mrs Doubtfire where his mask fell off and got flattened by a truck, that flat face on the road was fucking horrifying
>that music
patrician show t b h desu
i was hard for rooney
Hexadecimal was my nightmare fuel as a kid.
When the fuck did I get so old?
Celebrity death match petrified me as a kid when my older siblings watched it.
This scared me so much.
haven't seen it since i was a kid tho, I wonder if i'll still be scared by it
i get a rush of anxiety even when i see this fucker now
Oh fuck. Kids nowadays won't believe you when you say Teletubbies had a terrifying scene.
This shit was so fucking hilarious to me thou. Fucking monster-ass tweety drinking on that roid juice.
That Tweetie transformation freaked me the fuck out.
>Mark Twain let some kids hang out with Satan
I used to run outside my grandmas house when this cunt was on tv
>Remember me eddy?
I always thought this was just a bad dream, but this scene fucked me up badly.
Remember. Never be a naughty little boy.
>Reddit the post
They never come BOYS
I was only 10 and i remember thinking to myself while watching this movie in the movie theater:
What the FUCK have i gotten myself into?
The movie isnt realistic, i know that, but the ayy's laying siege on their house, them retreating to the basement is what many of my nightmares was made of.
It fucked me up pretty bad, years to come.
>scared of the dark
>scared of being alone and wondering whats behind the corner
>scared of watching the room in the dark and seeing clothes, thinking about if its moving or what
>scared of sounds at night coming behind me
>scared in bed of turning my back to the rest of the room, since by bed is next to a wall
It ended, but still i remember the fears
This movie was practically a horror film for kids
Not scary, but rugrats was way fucking weirder than it had any right to be.
Pic related.
I never watched much Courage as a kid, but during college someone showed me this and it legitimately creeped me out more than anything. Effective use of bad CGI and uncanny valley. Made me interested in watching the whole series.
A bugle with a human head, possibly with some elements of a fetus. It's from a nightmare sequence.
its the eyebrows
I wanted to fuck the spider.
Basically a furries wet dream.
Still find this unsettling
any1 recognize this?
>scared of drains forever
I miss when things felt large, like pools used to.
Who thought that was a good idea for an animation style?
this for me
More disturbing then scary but yeah
This episode freaked the fuck out of me
This episode freaked me about because I used to have dreams about being in a foreign place and everything starts closing/turning off the lights while I'm still trying to find my way home.
there used to be a kids show on nickelodeon about a kid who swung so hard on a swing he turned himself inside out
I only remember it from a short ad on a rugrats tape
This episode fucked me up.
Me too. It struck a chord of paranoia.
How long it went for just made me feel even worse and the scene with the bus made me feel genuinely upset because I wondered why they wouldn't just wait for him.
Fuck sometimes kids shows deal with some obscure but painful stuff.
>Remember me, Eddie? When I killed your brother I talked -- JUST -- LIKE -- THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSS
shit I had nightmares for weeks becasue this fagola