Is this kino?
Is this kino?
Could be. It depends on the RT rating.
>pork in a shell
Why did they remake this again?
Fuck off /fit/
Do you mean adapt?
>sjws are furious about (((whitewashing)))
>meanwhile japan seems to be looking forward to it
To be fair most people are just mad Scarjo got the part when there where better choices, in the original film the Major was white too.
Found the self-loathing pedo.
Sup Forums btfo
>ghost in the taco bell
26% calling it now
>better choices
For getting the film greenlit?
If shit related got a fresh rating, no matter how bad GITS is, it doesn't deserve bellow 80%
Nice projection, faggot. You're defending a titless kike fridge, one step above Lena Dunham.
Could be. It depends on the IMDB message boards.
HOLY SHIT...what's this angel's name?